Jiro stood by a council of Uzumaki clan members who were seated in a semi circle with Kushina"s parents near the center of the semi circle. As the traitors who colluded with enemy shin.o.bi to leak secrets of Fuinjutsu were being dragged away, one member caught Jiro"s eye. He bent down and whispered into the ear of Kushina"s father.

"That seal-master dressed in brown robes with the black hair and dull green eyes, he was the one who created the seal that was able to open a barrier. I robbed him of his knowledge a couple of weeks ago."

"That last part was unnecessary."

"I felt like justifying how I knew about him."

After Jiro walked away, Kushina"s father shook his head. Although Jiro was a competent teacher, everyone he interacted with seemed to pick up on his bad habit of messing with others for fun. The other day, he had to scan the house thoroughly as Kushina was leaving seals that released bursts of air at random.


As a duo left a building that was filled with prost.i.tutes, they disappeared into the night. As leaves fell, the midnight wind blew them away. The duo was speeding on top of trees and it as the moonlight shined down, it revelaed the pale faces of both Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Both faces were significantly more haggard and an unhealthily pale. Dark eyebags and oily messed up hair were also part of the duo and most importantly, they both looked like they hadn"t washed in weeks.

"How many more places do we need to establish now?"

Jiraiya pulled out a map with red crosses marked over and quickly scanned the paper before replying.

"We still need to hit about thirty more places in the Land of Fire and perhaps try to expand further, but that part is only if we can meet the goal."

Orochimaru grumbled under his breathe, "The toads gave us barely any time to do this."

"Whatever they have in store for you and me is very important. I wasn"t told anything else from my side. Did the snakes say anything?"

"They didn"t say anything except for agreeing with the toads. Oh yeah, here is a letter from Tsunade for both of us. I"ll read it out loud."

"The snails told me that you two need to hurry up. They said time is running out. Good luck you two."

Jiraiya waited for more words before realizing that was it.

"That"s it?"


The two shin.o.bi continued to run in silence once more as they blazed across the Land of Fire to accomplish the task set for them.


As the torn pieces of paper fell, Kushina let out a moan of frustration which seemed to sum up her entire mood in a single instant. Jiro appeared beside her and patted her head.

"No problems. I know wind Ninjutsu as well."

Kushina instantly perked upwards at this unexpected development.

"And so does Kana."

She then became despondent. As Jiro chuckled at her disappointment, Kana appeared in an instant. As she ruffled her feathers and groomed herself with pride over being superior to Kushina, Jiro doused Kana with lots of cold water.

A moment pa.s.sed with Kana in shock as tons of fluid which had once been clean, fell from her body with a murky color. Kushina instantly backed up and pulled out a seal which she activated, instantly forming a shield around herself to prevent smelling the smell which started to rise up.

Jiro pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it around his nose before forming ten clones which went to work on cleaning Kana who was still in shock. Soon enough, Kana was looking much cleaner with a healthy oily glow emanating from her feathers while unknown chunks of meat and other miscellaneous items stuck in her feathers had been tossed away.

Once done, the clones became smoke and Jiro disappeared as well. A plume of fire struck where he had once been standing and Kana let out an indignant "hmph" as smoke poured out of her nostrils. Another burst of water was launched towards her and Kana evaporated it as she narrowed her eyes.

Two greenish blurs danced around as waves of fire and water were launched everywhere. Despite Kana"s advantage of being able to fly, Jiro was able to capitalize on his understanding of combat to a better extent as Kana started to get more and more often by streams of water.

Thoroughly drenched and looking miserable, Kana started to mix in her fire Chakra with wind Chakra to create a flaming body that instantly evaporated the water that was launched towards her. Jiro stopped and pointed to Kushina who was watching the demonstration with admiration and longing.

"Kana, show Kushina the potential of wind Chakra."

Kana spread her wings as gusts of wind were immediately launched from her body sending dust as well as mud everywhere. Jiro chuckled as a mud wall formed in front of him blocking the winds. Kushina wasn"t given any protection so she could experience the power of wind Chakra. A sonic boom was formed and buffeted Kushina who was not ready.

As tiny streaks of blood leaked from her face, Kushina was grinning. Despite the ringing in her ears, the tiny green figure high in the sky showed Kushina the power that could be achieved with wind Chakra. Jiro walked up to Kushina and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You know Kushina, just because you have the highest affinity for wind doesn"t mean that you can"t learn all the other types of elemental Chakra. I have the highest affinity for fire Chakra and I"m already advanced in wind and proficient in water as well as earth. I haven"t even started with lightning yet."

However, Jiro put a stopper on Kushina"s excitement.

"You still need to become advanced in wind before thinking of moving onto other types of elemental Chakra."

"Darn. Sensei, why are you not advanced or higher if something above advanced exists in all the other elemental types of Chakra?"

"It"s not practical enough for me."

Kushina turned to face Jiro completely confused as to why knowing more types of elemental Chakra would not be practical enough. Homura popped into the middle of the conversation to deliver her opinion on the matter as well as tell Jiro some news.

"Shin.o.bi from the Hidden Leaf Village generally try to learn some fundamentals which everyone has, but everyone usually has something that they specialize in order to be more efficient as teams. Your sensei is specialized in ma.s.s destruction and close combat. Instead of being advanced in a wide variety of Jutsu, he only needs to know a couple which work such as Supernova which you were able to witness."

"Also Jiro, your friends and twin came over with their sensei to visit you. I currently made some tea to give them."

The shadow clone disappeared in a cloud of smoke as did Jiro and Kushina. However, Kushina was being carried by Jiro as he zoomed through the training ground to arrive at his house. Inside were Fugaku, Duy, Teuchi and their old man sensei who was sleeping on the floor. His clothes looked ragged as usual and the trio were talking with Homura.

"So...did you get together with Jiro yet?"

Fugaku groaned as Teuchi grinned while asking the question. Homura simply smiled and didn"t reply at all. Duy sipped on his tea and Teuchi began to recall the funny stories of Fugaku having to meet with potential candidates for marriage.

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