The shadow clone of Jiro entrusted with the Katana finally made its way over to the Land of Iron. As he approached, he was surrounded immediately by several samurai. They were dressed in armor and their drawn swords were all leveled at Jiro"s vital points. Chakra blades formed out of their swords were barely an inch away from Jiro. Other samurai still had their blades sheathed, but they were in position to lunge at Jiro while drawing their sword for an incredibly speedy strike.

The shadow clone briefly considered going along with them, but it figured that showing how strong he was would make the blade be worked on by a very well qualified blade smith. As the clone"s eye color changed from black to red with a flash, the samurai instantly lunged while others drew their blades with a swing that homed in on the clone"s neck.

Dust exploded outward with rock and the clone"s Mangekyo began to record the actions of the samurai. Knowing that they were the best swordsman, the shadow clone was planning on sending the information to the original.

Blue glows cut through the rock and the samurai instantly lunged to continue their attack against the clone. Stepping backwards, the clone observed how the samurai moved with their armor, how they held their swords while running and finally waited for them to observe how samurai swung their blades in battle.

The clone pulled out one kunai and a Chakra blade formed over the kunai. The group of samurai attacked, but their attacks were futile. The clone stepped aside as a blade fell and kicked the samurai away. The instant its leg connected with the chestplate, cracks formed over it as the samurai collapsed to the ground.

He briefly observed the chestplate as it was surprisingly st.u.r.dy, but he was forced to continue the battle as the samurai continued attacking with the same force. Blocking the Chakra blades with the kunai was easy, but dealing with multiple while trying to get them to use their best moves was slightly more difficult.

A samurai with long gray hair emerged from the top of a building and watched as the unknown continued to toy with the samurai. Their well timed swings were supposed to be nigh impossible to dodge or get between, but any gap was exploited and the fight continued. At this point, more forces were surrounding the group from a safe distance and ready to join.

Mifune watched with a heavy gaze as samurai after samurai were defeated. None of them were killed, but if too many samurai were disabled, the might get ideas. He jumped from the building and headed straight towards the who turned towards him while grinning. Mifune"s heart fell as he noticed the red eyes. The red eyes that matched Madara Uchiha"s yet were different.

The clone jumped on the shoulder of two samurai before jumping upward to meet Mifune in battle. A surge of blue erupted as a Chakra blade formed at the last instant before colliding with the kunai. Pieces of Chakra dissolved into the air as the intense collision damaged the Chakra blade.

The other samurai instantly backed away after noticing their leader engage with the unknown Uchiha. A number of samurai with a different color armor formed a very loose circle around Mifune and the shadow clone of Jiro. They were the elite, but even they had trouble keeping up with the fight.

As the fight continued, Mifune discovered a startling truth, the Uchiha was getting faster. What once took basic techniques to block, took more advanced ones. Blocking became harder and when the first streak appeared on Mifune"s armor, a silent gasp erupted from the samurai. Their leader who was the ultimate swordsman was marred by some unknown Uchiha.

One samurai who was desperately searching through the new Bingo books released by other ninja villages suddenly found the information on Uchiha. He dropped the book and lunged forward trying to get past the guards who were trying to keep him back.

"It"s Dragon! The Uchiha at the front is Dragon! An S-rank threat!"

In an instant, the distance between the dueling duo and the crowd of samurai increased tremendously. Chakra blades were formed on all the blades of the samurai as they got ready to launch the Chakra blades at the shadow clone. The shadow clone who had been suppressing his Killing Intent, finally let it fly for further mental impact to leave the samurai in shock and awe.

Despair instantly formed on the faces of the weaker samurai. Their faces were pale and bodies were trembling while facing the storm that was his killing intent. The better samurai were able to stand at their feet, but the others who were not mentally prepared were thrown back. Their body instinctively threw themselves back to try and back away from the threat.

The elite samurai had sweat dripping down their faces, but the they marched closer to what seemed like certain death. A slight tremble of the blade and the sweat dripping as the reaction from the samurai, but the thought that the they were facing was S-rank was still in the back of their head and constantly whispering at them to give up.

Mifune took the brunt of the killing intent, but he didn"t stop. He could see from the eyes of the that he wasn"t intending to kill. Thus, he continued to fight albeit futilely. Scar after scar continued to form on his armor. The battle continued until Mifune finally dropped his sword. His armor which had once been pristine was now full of marks that should have declared him to be dead.

The samurai were all present and staring with a mix of despair and relief. After a long time with no dead, they realized that the killing intent didn"t actually mean he was going to kill. The clone checked its reserves and realized it was about to disperse. It had too much fun while fighting Mifune and keeping the Mangekyo open the whole time also contributed to it. The clone tossed Mifune the scroll that contained the katana and the instructions for it.

Before Mifune could say a word, the clone dispersed and disappeared. The samurai who were beginning to talk all stopped. They all saw the clone disappear. Mifune muttered something under his breathe as he picked up the scroll

"What a monster."


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