As citizens were walking around and perusing through the markets, a particular trio of a boy and two teens stood out. The boy was dressed in very dark attire, but no trace of sweat could be seen on him. He was holding onto a stick while the other one in his hand had several dango skewered through it. Many citizens went out of their way to avoid the boy especially after noticing the upside down fan symbol on his clothes.

A pale teen with yellow eyes was holding onto a very large amount of everything. He had supplies for weapons, many clothes, and even shopping bags full of edibles. He seemed to be having trouble carrying the goods and was precariously balancing the goods. Many citizens also steered clear of this teen in fear that the horrendous mountain of goods would fall onto them.

Jiro also stared at the ma.s.sive pile of goods in amazement. He had never witnessed such an enormous shopping spree that involved buying all the needed goods for a month"s time in one sitting. He noticed that Jiraiya also was not aware of this as the teen was also looking at Orochimaru for some sort of explanation. No explanation was given.

Deciding to focus on a slightly different topic, Jiro asked the question on his mind.

"Why don"t you put the things you bought inside a storage scroll?"

When Jiro saw that Orochimaru was somewhat stumped on why he didn"t, he had at first just a.s.sumed it was another part of the snake personality from Orochimaru"s contract with the summons. However, Jiro then noticed that Orochimaru glaring at Jiraiya. It must have been to keep him from revealing some secret. If Jiro was kind, he wouldn"t have inquired further, but seeing the look of embarra.s.sment as well as anger on Orochimaru"s face piqued Jiro"s interest.

Jiro being the great person he was threw a Genjutsu over only Jiraiya to allow them to communicate while Orochimaru remained oblivious. If Jiraiya had been his old self, he would have slightly hesitated before selling out Orochimaru, but he had been infected with Jiro"s mean spirited nature in pranks.

Jiraiya had progressed far in the way of being an a.s.shole, but he didn"t manage to completely hide his sneer that emerged from his face. Orochimaru quickly noticed Jiraiya"s face that was full of schadenfreude and tried to threaten him to stop.

"If you speak one word. I will string you up and burn your your house down to burn all your p.o.r.n."

He was too late.

"Orochimaru once forgot to put away his grocery before going on a mission. He used a sealing scroll, but it must have gotten damaged on the way. We were gone for about a week and when we came back, Orochimaru"s neighbor"s had been complaining about the smell of rotting meat so he was taken away to T & I."

"None of the ninja had been happy about having their time wasted including sensei who was notified about the incident. Orochimaru had to spend a month with a hat on that was labeled "village idiot". He was not allowed to use Genjutsu or any other means to conceal or get rid of the hat from his head while in the village or outside."

"I don"t know if this is true, but I heard rumors while inside the heavenly palace that if you looked inside a bingo book for upcoming ninja, the photo with Orochimaru is him wearing the hat."

Orochimaru rushed over to Jiro frantically shouting that Jiraiya was lying. All he received to his face was a smug grin. The snake summoner proceeded to try and tie up Jiraiya with his ninja wire completely bent on completing his threat. Jiraiya was resisting and the two teens were rolling over the floor with some wire entwined around Jiraiya. The only problem was that they were in public. Like all reasonable people, the villagers immediately decided that their teacher the Hokage must have been the reason for them practicing their slave and master roleplay.

The situation wasn"t helped by Jiro casting a Genjutsu over the two teens. Jiraiya looked like his clothes had been rippled off while there were scratch marks on his back. Orochimaru looked to be covered in love kisses all over his neck. Jiro then slowly slinked off to the side with a Genjutsu making him look more like a shadow. The best way to enjoy a show was to be the observer.

Watching the two teens frantically try to explain themselves was very amusing to Jiro. To his shock, he noticed that Tsunade was rushing over like a raging bull. The crowd of citizens immediately parted to let the Senju through. She pulled back her fist before two devastating sounds echoed. The sound of fist against face immediately also let the citizens know their fun was over.

In the empty area, a lone figure was berating three figures kneeling on the floor. Tsunade had noticed that Jiro escalated the incident so he wasn"t free from punishment either. Jiro had a small grin on his face while Tsunade"s speech went from one ear and out the other. Jiraiya was nursing a bruise mark on his head. The same went for Orochimaru except his mark was much larger speaking volumes about who Tsunade preferred. Even though the duo was in pain, they stared in shock at Jiro from the corner of their eyes.

Jiro was covered in the most bruises. What had once been a slightly handsome mostly emotionless Uchiha boy was now a piece of flesh smothered in various colors of red and purple as well as blue. The swelling covered the boy"s eyes making him look completely different. When Tsunade rushed over, she looked absolutely exhausted making him feel a twinge of sympathy for her. He figured that since Tsunade couldn"t actually hurt him badly with her fists, he would let her hit him.

Tsunade finally stopped her tirade because she was feeling sorry for Jiro. He looked absolutely pathetic being covered in bruises. When she looked over again, she was incredibly puzzled and her speech on not ruining the reputation of their teacher was paused. She stared in intense concentration and her eyes had not deceived her. The swelling and bruising was already starting to go down. Within minutes, the worst bruises were merely small welts.

Jiro slowly ended the Genjutsu leaving just his slightly bruised face. None of the three teens had noticed that Jiro put them under a Genjutsu.

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