Jiro ignored the sound of Kushina groaning as she continued to read a book that Jiro found from the academy in Konoha and Uzushiogakure. He was concentrating on watching a shadow clone that he had created earlier. He wanted to create a Ninjutsu that was a miniature recreation of a supernova and the knowledge he had gotten from Fuinjutsu was very helpful. Suddenly, a giant ball of fire appeared in the distance.

Jiro deactivated his Mangekyo Sharingan and he could see that the ball was still expanding. It finally contracted for a moment before exploding. The explosion lit up the area in front with a light that seemed to rival the sun.

"Kushina, cover your ears."

"Again? Sensei, I already covered my ears multiple times and it"s still early in the morning!"

Despite her complaints, Kushina put down the book and covered her ears. She suddenly noticed that all the plants and trees in the distance were facing towards her. Kushina covered her ears harder and started concentrating on circulating Chakra where her ears and eardrums were to reinforce them.

The shock wave was extremely loud and Kushina heard it as if she wasn"t covering her ears. However, the aftermath was even more shocking. Plants and even some small trees were blown her way and the dirt was flown everywhere. Then came the heat which rolled in waves. Kushina closed her eyes and concentrated harder on having her Chakra flow through her whole body, but she was pleasantly surprised with a cool sensation.

Homura had covered the both of them in water which wasn"t evaporating rapidly, but starting to heat up. It had started off cool, but the water turned hotter and hotter. Jiro noticed the discomfort of his students and he flipped through some hand seals while opening a scroll. The scroll released a large amount of water that was used in conjunction with the Jutsu to create rainclouds above in the sky.

As the rain started to fall, Kushina and Homura welcomed the cool sensation of water in comparison to the searing heat and hot water.

"Sensei, did you finally succeed?"


Kushina span around cheering as the week of just covering her ears and reading the book was a total bore. She started running to check out the site of Jiro"s destruction while Homura hanged back.

"Jiro, you look kind of pale. Do you need some rest?"

Jiro grinned slightly in response to the question and made a shooing gesture wanting Homura to watch over Kushina. As Homura took off after Kushina, Jiro let out a breathe of air and pain he had been holding in.

The sensation of being burned alive was extremely painful and the clone ended up being much st.u.r.dier than Jiro had antic.i.p.ated when covered in fire attributed Chakra as a way to protect itself. It also didn"t help that his reserve of Chakra was near depletion after that one attack and using the Jutsu to create rain clouds was also draining.

Jiro shook himself off before disappearing leaving behind a cloud of dust from his sprint. Kushina didn"t flinch when Jiro appeared, but she took out a hankerchef she had already prepared and wrapped it around herself as the dust brought by Jiro began to settle. She also caught hold of some of the falling ash away from the main zone of the blast.

"Sensei, what does it look like much further near the center of the blast?"

"It looks like magma and melted rock much ahead."

"I don"t know how that looks like."

"Imagine honey, except color it bright red and add some brown color to it as well. Also, it looks really dark."

"Thanks Homura senpai."

Kushina looked at Jiro before squinting and trying to notice how the ground looked near the center. Homura also tried to notice more details, but there was nothing left.

"Where are all the trees and plants?"

Homura answered Kushina"s question this time. Kushina"s eyes widened as it was revealed that all the organic matter had been instantly vaporized. Kushina suddenly gained a crafty look in her eyes and then she commenced with her own plan.

"Sensei, aren"t you like super duper strong then?"

"Stop trying to flatter me. You still have to read the book"

"Ughhhh. Whyyyyyyy?!?"

Homura giggled at Kushina"s crisis, but she stepped in to help Kushina slowly read through the boring knowledge that was common sense. As the trio continued to walk back to the village, Jiro glanced at a certain direction. His intuition and experience from Ezekiel was telling him that someone was spying on them, but he was unwilling to risk bringing Kushina and Homura into danger.

Jiro wasn"t sure, but he thought that there was another presence that was also present. While still walking, he was sure that both presences were facing his back. He tried to hide that he was made aware of them, but his slight movement to place himself behind both Kushina and Homura gave away his inner thoughts.


Black Zetsu was taken aback that Jiro had noticed him even when he wasn"t trying to influence his mind with the powers he had. As he slowly began to sink into the ground, he was pondering on how to defend against such a ma.s.sive attack that Jiro had launched. He suddenly looked up and started shrinking in order to protect himself.

The clearing he was hiding in was torn in two and as sliced pieces of trees fell, Kana arrived at the spot Black Zetsu had been occupying. She picked up the torn straw hat and purple kimono in a claw before lifting herself into the air with a flap of her wings and then disappearing with another flap that shook the whole clearing.

As leaves fell and the dust settled, a black humanoid form slowly came out of the ground. It wiped itself clean and stared at the distant blob that was Kana.

"How scary."

Further from that clearing, a very muscular man with dark green long pants and black sandals observed as Kana flew off. His torso was covered in scars and a headband showing two lines that zigzagged to form a downward arrow like shape was crossed through the middle. He had green irises, red sclera, and no pupils.

As he was carefully taking down notes while observing Kana, Kana turned her head back and made eye contact with the man. The water clone instantly dissipated and Kana looked forward once more, intent on delivering the clothes of the shin.o.bi she had caught.

When he was sure that Kana had disappeared, the clone formed back together and it picked up the notebook with notes on Jiro and his companions as well as little diagrams showing the explosion of his Jutsu with scaling comparing it to trees. As the man got ready to leave, he took one look at his notes before writing down the price on Jiro"s head.

He looked briefly conflicted while looking back at the notes and then the bounty before he ultimately decided to leave for now.


Jiro was waiting by the entrance to Uzushiogakure with Homura when Kana arrived sending dust everywhere. Homura held down her hair as the wind whipped it around and Jiro"s hair was also sent flying around. Kana dropped the torn purple kimono and the torn straw hat before Jiro"s feet. She squawked a message to Jiro before she went off to enter the eagle summon realm.

"So this is the clothing of who was spying on us. Should we try to get an Inuzuka to help us out Jiro?"

"I"m not sure yet. There was someone else who was also there. We don"t want to deal with multiple enemies at once. I"m sure that you would be able to put the other person into submission, but I think that the person was probably a scout or spy. I want to find the main person we have to deal with."

"I"m not sure about the other person though. We should probably set a trap for them."

"Let"s go back then Jiro."

As the duo were walking back to Uzushiogakure, Homura linked her arm through Jiro"s. She pulled him in close and leaned slightly on him even though she was taller than he was. A couple people glanced at them, but ignored them as they went about their own business.

"What are you doing?"

"Don"t mind me."

Jiro did exactly that, but Homura was grinning as she walked back with Jiro.

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