Jiro slowly read over the letter that he received from Tsunade. After reading it once through, he read it again.

"Hey captain, what"s the news you got?"

A group of shin.o.bi under Jiro"s division not on watching duty walked over eager to hear new information. Besides Jiro, most shin.o.bi were not allowed to leave their post so they were ready to hear any information.

"First, we are going to be implementing a new policy. We are going to have a select few with stronger Chakra control begin training to learn new Medical Ninjutsu. We-"

When Jiro was in the middle of talking, cheers exploded around him as everyone was glad to have more members knowing Ninjutsu. After the cheering died down, Jiro continued.

"We are also going to gain a new member, the little sister of Dan Kato. Make sure to treat her well."

"Captain! Are we going to become a squad that just watches over shin.o.bi who are not ready for war? No offense to Nawaki cause he is growing fast, but I heard that because this is basically the safest place to be, we are going to be receiving shin.o.bi that have ability but are traumatized by war."

Jiro simply shrugged as he wasn"t sure what would happen either.

"It was nice that this place was for us Uchiha, but it seems that things might change. Now come on start training."

A thud was heard as Nawaki was pushed out of the circle this time. Shinji reached over and pulled him up as cheers sounded around them.

In an area of his own, Jiro was staring at the katana given to him by Homura. It"s black exterior and ma.s.sive blade were already cracked. Despite polishing and trying to keep it steady, it was extremely worn out by the battle with the Raikage. It was simply unable to keep up with Jiro"s strength and the damage done to it was enough to cause concern for Jiro.

Jiro took in a breathe and pulled out a kunai that looked unremarkable, but when he poured wind Chakra into the blade, a green form outlined the kunai. While staring at the blade with his Mangekyo Sharingan out, the green glow began to fade until the kunai looked normal, but when Jiro moved a wood block about an inch away from the kunai, the wind Chakra surrounding the blade of the kunai cut the block.

Jiro pulled out the giant katana and handed it along with a scroll that was full supplies to a shadow clone he formed. He whispered some instructions into the ear of the shadow clone that took off. Another three shadow clones were formed and the trio took off in the direction of Uzushiogakure.


The medic nin wiped away the sweat on her brow as she continued to work on the patient. The mult.i.tude of stares concentrated on her made her anxious. She was used to working while having others observe her, but not this level of scrutiny. The feeling of having multiple pairs of Sharingans staring into her as she operated her Chakra was like having multiple needles lightly pressing onto her skin.

Especially the stare of Jiro-sama. The feeling of being stared at by the Mangekyo Sharingan was painful. It felt like all of her secrets were being leaked out and entering the eyes of the wielder. After finishing, she answered the questions that were asked before moving onto the next patient while the entourage of learners followed her.

When she was finally finished, the medic nin fell to the floor exhausted physically and mentally. The crowd of Uchiha around her finally left and she dragged herself to sleep.

"I feel kind of bad for her."

"I know, being on the receiving end of the stare of judgement is pretty painful."

"What do you mean?"

"Weren"t you talking about how it feels bad to be on the end of a stare of judgement?"

"The heck is a stare of judgement?"

"You know..."


"That stare girls look at you with when they figure out you"re a pervert."

"That"s unique to you only man."


The other Uchiha who was not ready to deal with a pervert quickly left leaving behind the speechless Uchiha who was apparently a pervert.

Spotting a girl with white hair who looked like she would make sound judgement, he quickly approached her.

"Do you think I look like a pervert?"

Shiori quietly nodded. The man"s face was looming over her and his strangely curved eyes and smile made him seem very perverted. He was also way to close to her. Looking desperately for her brother, Shiori found him a distance away. She began to run towards him while the Uchiha still had questions for her.

"Wait! What makes me look like a per-"

"Get away from my sister you pervert!"

A miserable wail rang out as the man was launched into the ground with Dan protectively shielding Shiori behind his body. The Uchiha got up and dusted himself off before turning to the duo. He miserably asked the one question he wanted an answer to.

"What made you think I looked like a pervert?"

Jiro had been talking to Dan before he went and kicked the poor Uchiha in the face and Jiro got a clear look at the man"s face. Clapping his hands together, Jiro explained to the poor man the fate he was a.s.signed.

"You have RPF or resting pervert face. You will forever look like a pervert as long as you exist."

The poor man collapsed to the floor as the truth was revealed.

"So I just always look like a pervert?"



"Hey who"s the new guy wearing a mask?"

"Oh that"s RPF. And he isn"t a new guy."

"Seriously? By the way, what"s his name?"

"It"s RPF."

"Come on man, you can"t expect me to believe that can you?"

Jiro was walking by when he heard that conversation and interjected himself into it.

"His name was Shin, we just call him RPF now. RPF, make sure to take care of Shiori. She"s under your care for a week as you caused her extra trauma on her first time here. I"ll be watching you."

With that ominous message, Jiro walked off. The other Uchiha who had been talking c.r.a.p about RPF, all patted his back in sympathy. Gaining the ire of Jiro in any way or form meant petty punishments which were all guaranteed to make one"s life miserable. Of course he wasn"t a tyrant, but the tasks were all for sure going to be c.r.a.ppy.

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