Chapter 1036 - 1036 Side Story 1

1036 Side Story 1

Five years later.

At the kindergarten affiliated with Metropolis University.

Mr. Zhang pushed open the’s office and said anxiously, “Sir, Lu Yuxuan and Lu Lingyao are missing again.”

“Did they go to Metropolis University? Keep looking for them. I will give the university dean a call and get him to look for them as well.”


This happened every day, so the kindergarten was very calm about it.

The called the university dean. After the dean answered the phone, he said promptly, “Lu Yuxuan and Lu Lingyao have gone to the university again. Keep an eye on them. Just make sure they come back before school is over.”

After hanging up the phone, the continued working.

He was naturally not worried. The kids were very smart for their age and their parents were even more impressive. Even if they got lost in school, their parents could find them in a split second.

If not for their grandmother’s insistence about placing them in kindergarten, they could have started straight from high school.

Sure enough, only geniuses could bear child prodigies.

Meanwhile, at Metropolis University.

Tangtang and Guoguo held hands as they walked on a small path at Metropolis University.

It was springtime and cherry blossoms fluttered in the air. Two adorable and exquisite-looking children walked around the campus looking like angels from the heavens above.

Guoguo swung Tangtang’s hand as he held it. She whined and said, “Brother, I don’t want to go to the library today. I have read every book there. I miss Mom and Dad. Why don’t we go to the aviation research base to see them?”

Tangtang looked at her solemnly. “No. Mom said we can’t go to the aviation research base.”

Guoguo pouted. She knew exactly what her mother was trying to do. “Mom wants to hog Dad for herself. She’s terrible. Every time I want to sleep with them, she drives me out of the room.”

“You’re already five years old and a big kid, so you can’t sleep with them anymore.” Tangtang educated her.

“I was driven out of their room when I was two years old. Back then, I was just a kid,” said Guoguo grudgingly.

Tangtang glanced at her speechlessly and did not continue with the subject. Instead, he held her hand and went to the Futuristic School of Technology.

“Where are we going?”

“To the Futuristic School of Technology for a look.”

Guoguo pondered intently and asked Tangtang, “Brother, is there one of Mom’s s.p.a.ce shuttles at the Futuristic School of Technology?”

Tangtang clearly read her mind and said, “Even if it’s there, you can’t go find them.”

“Why not?”

“If Mom finds out, and makes you copy the Tao Te Ching, don’t cry.”

Guoguo shut her mouth the moment she heard what he said.

Their mother was terrible. Each time her mother punished her, she was made to copy Tao Te Ching. Also, her mother would keep staring at her until she was done. She was clearly just a kid, but she was made to go through such torture at such a tender age.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt annoyed. When they got to the Futuristic School of Technology, she snuck into the room containing the s.p.a.ce shuttle before anyone noticed.

She even locked the door so that no one could find her.

After coming towards the s.p.a.ce shuttle, she quickly pressed on the control pad, set a location, and activated it. With that, she had herself sent away.

Before long, Tangtang realized Guoguo was missing. When they got to the room, they realized it was locked from the inside.

“These are special doors. Unless we use severe force, it can only be opened from the inside.”

“We can’t use force either. The moment we do, the campus will go into level one alert. When the time comes, the people outside might wonder if we are researching something scary and get worried.”

“Then what should we do? The robots can’t get into the room either.”

Unfortunately, all the materials used for the room were very special.

“Well, there’s still one way. Since there are active robots in the room, we can use them to make another robot go open the door.”

“Who’s going to do it?”

Everyone glanced at each other as they spoke.

This was very high-end technology. Anyone capable of pulling this off had already graduated from the faculty. The remaining students were clearly unable to do it.

The students automatically looked at Tangtang as he stood by the door.

Tangtang looked at the lock that was slightly higher than him with a serious look on his face.

The door was made using high technology by Zi Yi. They had studied them for a couple of years, but no one could fully grasp the knowledge.

Tangtang pressed the watch on his wrist. A virtual screen popped up in front of him. He proceeded to swipe around on the screen.

The students in their twenties opened their eyes wide looking at the information on the virtual screen. After some time, they looked at the linked robot parts.

Tangtang finally said, “Help me a.s.semble it.”

Tangtang blew up the virtual screen and the students standing behind him quickly got to work.

The students of the Futuristic School of Technology were naturally the crème de la crème. Each of them had their own strengths. Using combined effort, they quickly created a simple robot inside the locked room. Tangtang proceeded to operate the robot. The robot walked to the door and quickly opened the door.

The students looked at Tangtang with complicated emotions in their hearts.

Sure enough, he was Zi Yi’s kid. Despite his tender age, he was very capable. They willingly admitted defeat.

Someone said jokingly, “I think Tangtang can go straight to the aviation research base to make s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps. He can probably go to the third s.p.a.ce to trade as well. Considering his IQ, I’m sure he has no problems.”

The other people also agreed.

Tangtang walked right in when the door opened.

He did not get from hearing the praise. His mother often taught him and since he had a high IQ, he never felt it was a big deal to know these things.

After walking up to the s.p.a.ce shuttle, Tangtang quickly glanced at the GPS location on it. When he realized it was the GPS location for the aviation research base, he was completely unsurprised. He pressed another b.u.t.ton on his wrist.w.a.tch.

A virtual image of Zi Yi could promptly be seen.

“Baby Tangtang, why are you video-calling me at this hour? Is your little sister in trouble again?”

Zi Yi was still working to modify the mecha with some engineers. The moment she received the call, she raised her head and looked at Tangtang.

Zi Yi noticed that other than the students, Guoguo was nowhere to be seen. She promptly had an inkling of Guoguo’s actions.

“Tell me. Where did your sister go this time?”

“Guoguo went to the aviation research base.”

Zi Yi rubbed her temple in annoyance and said, “There’s a lot of stuff here that she can’t touch. Why did she secretly come over again?”

She quickly located Guoguo’s GPS.

When she saw Guoguo’s exact location, she placed her hand on her head and said to him, “I have to go. Your little sister is inside a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p that is about to launch. I have to go get her back.”

Zi Yi promptly cut off the connection and quickly ran toward the launch area at the aviation research base.

After Zi Yi ended the call, Tangtang entered the s.p.a.ce shuttle and quickly set a new location.

The students kept trying to talk him out of this. “Tangtang, don’t go. Didn’t the dean say you are not to touch the things there? Why don’t you stay here and wait for your sister?”

Tangtang simply glanced at them and shut the s.p.a.ce shuttle hatch in a split second. The s.p.a.ce shuttle sent him straight to the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p preparing for launch at the aviation research base.

The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was vast and had everything it needed. It was no different from a city. This time, Runge was the leader.

Runge had been traveling in s.p.a.ce for the past few years. This time, he only got to come back for a month. During the month, he was nowhere to be seen for half a month and now, he was getting ready to leave again.

“Sir, we are all set.”

“Prepare for launch.”

“Got it.”

The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p activated at Runge’s orders.

At this moment, his communication device suddenly rang.

Zi Yi’s image could be seen. She was on a flying wheel with her hair and clothes fluttering in the wind. In five years, she had gotten even more gorgeous. She now gave off a mature woman’s aura.

Zi Yi said, “Runge, my daughter ran onto the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. Don’t launch just yet.”

Runge froze briefly before he called the deputy over and gave the order. “Find Guoguo.”

The deputy promptly arranged for a search.

Runge replied to Zi Yi, “The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p has already been activated.”

Zi Yi frowned. “Then stop.”

Runge pursed his lips looking at her and did not mention anything about halting the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p launch.

The deputy came back gasping and said, “Sir, Little Miss Lu has set the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p on rapid progression and overridden all controls. We have already lifted off and left earth. Also, Little Mr. Lu is on board as well.”

Zi Yi had stopped by now.

She disconnected the call with Runge and called Tangtang.

Guoguo clearly knew the mess she was in. She stood beside Tangtang with her head lowered not daring to look at Zi Yi.


Zi Yi nodded to Tangtang. She asked Guoguo with her arms crossed, “Little rascal, did you have fun messing with the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p controls?”

Guoguo acknowledged without daring to say a word.

“Hmph.” Zi Yi started telling her daughter what she was in for. “The s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p has already been activated. It can only be stopped after arriving at its designated location. Runge is headed to Planet B in the third s.p.a.ce. The trip is going to take six months. When he gets there, he needs to trade, so he’ll stay there for some time. He won’t return for at least two to three years.”

Guoguo felt startled on hearing this. Tears emerged in her eyes as her body swayed.

Zi Yi continued speaking, “When you get back in three years, I might not even recognize you. Someone might have already become a feral child.”


Guoguo lunged onto Tangtang’s shoulder and wailed.

Regardless of Guoguo’s intelligence, she was still a child. The moment she heard what her mother said, she was at a loss.

Zi Yi wanted to teach Guoguo a lesson this time. Otherwise, she would never learn. “If you don’t miss us, you can go wherever you want. You can spend the following years seeing the world. You might even get kidnapped by s.p.a.ce pirates. When that happens, you can even join their ranks. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

“No, it doesn’t,” answered Guoguo as she sobbed. “I miss Mom and Dad along with my grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfather, uncles, and aunts. I don’t want to be a s.p.a.ce pirate.”

“No one cares how you feel. You were told to stay out of trouble. Now, look at the mess you are in. You even implicated your older brother.”

Guoguo looked at Zi Yi with her eyes overflowing with tears. “Mom, I’m sorry. I won’t ever touch your stuff again.”

“Isn’t it too late to say sorry?”


“Don’t cry.”

After Zi Yi told Guoguo to stop crying, she said to Tangtang, “Tangtang, from now on, Guoguo and you will have to stay on board the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. Don’t cause trouble. Call me anytime. Also, you have to continue studying. I will find time to teach you to control your mental energy.”


Tangtang nodded.

Guoguo asked, “Then can we come back soon?”

Zi Yi looked sideways at her. “Just stay on the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p first. Once we are done doing the maintenance on the other s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, we will come to get you.”

“How long will it take?”

“Maybe six months.”

Guoguo pouted sadly.

Zi Yi said, “Or maybe a year.”

Guoguo promptly shouted, “See you in six months then.”

Zi Yi went speechless and said, “That depends on whether you behave yourself on the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. If you do, we will consider picking you up sooner.”

“I will.” Guoguo promised Zi Yi.

Zi Yi nodded. She said a few words to Tangtang and turned off the connection.

After cutting off the connection, Zi Yi sent a video call to Runge.

Runge was on his way to the control room.

He halted when he received the call.

Zi Yi looked at Runge with complicated emotions flooding her heart. “Runge, I need you to help me take care of Tangtang and Guoguo during this time. Ah Jing and I will come as soon as possible to pick them up.”

Runge looked at her stiffly. After some time, he said, “I don’t know how to take care of children.”

“You can get the women on board the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p or the robot to take care of them. They are usually very obedient.”

Runge parted his lips and stopped trying to say no. He simply said, “I will do my best.”

After he was done talking, he disconnected the communication device and continued striding toward the control room.

Meanwhile, inside the control room.

Guoguo looked at Tangtang pitifully.

“Brother, I miss Mom and Dad.”

Tangtang held her hand and said, “They will come and get us.”

“But they still need a lot of time.”

Tangtang looked at her without saying a word.

Guoguo felt guilty. She lowered her eyes standing there.

The full-grown men by the side looked at the kids and felt a little awkward.

Someone asked, “Do you want something to eat or drink?”

Tangtang said politely, “Thanks. Please bring my little sister a gla.s.s of warm water.”

The men had never seen such a gentlemanly little boy in their lives. They could not help feeling astonished. After snapping out of their daze, someone promptly went to fetch some warm water.

When Runge came over, Tangtang and Guoguo were sitting there side by side. Tangtang held a tablet in his hand, sliding his finger across it. Guoguo leaned against him holding a gla.s.s of water. Her eyes were red as she shook her legs. She had clearly cried previously.

At the sight of this, something triggered inside Runge and he automatically sped up as he walked over.

When everyone noticed Runge’s presence, they quickly greeted him. “Sir.”

Runge nodded. “You may leave.”

Everyone proceeded to leave.

Tangtang and Guoguo looked at Runge in unison as he walked toward them.

It was the first time they were meeting Runge, and they were a little intimidated by his powerful aura.

Guoguo came toward Tangtang and felt a little scared. “Brother, who’s he? He looks a little scary.”

Runge halted on hearing this. He was at an even greater loss about how to interact with the twins.

However, he introduced himself. “I’m Runge.”

As he spoke, he did his utmost best to sound more gentle.

Since he had a cool voice, Guoguo felt even more scared listening to his voice.

Guoguo said timidly, “Don’t chase us off the s.p.a.cecraft. Our parents will pick us up. My brother and I won’t disturb you. You just need to make sure we are fed.”

Runge: “…”

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