Reincarnation: Multi-skilled Goddess Is So Beautiful!

Chapter 236: Was This Considered as Being Threatened?

Chapter 236: Was This Considered as Being Threatened?

It was already past four o’clock in the afternoon when Zi Yi finally walked out of the office building.

Unexpectedly, Dou Xiangling and Dou Zerui were still standing there waiting for her.

The duo immediately went up to her upon spotting her walking out.

Only the senior management knew of the examination results and it was not publicly made known. Therefore, they only knew Zi Yi requested to shorten the exam timings and were unaware of how she fared, nor the fact that the headmaster had invited her in for a discussion.

Dou Zerui hastily asked, “How did the exams go?”

Zi Yi rubbed her stomach and answered, “You can treat me to something delicious now.”

Dou Xiangling smiled. “I told you so. Our Yiyi is the smartest. Let’s go! What would you like to eat? I’ll treat you.”

“I want cake and milk tea.”


And thus, the trio left. However, not long after, Dou Zerui’s phone suddenly rang.

He glanced at the caller ID and said, “It’s from dad.”

Dou Zerui and Dou Xiangling were siblings and their father was Dou Zhiyuan (Zi Yi’s Third Uncle).

Dou Zerui answered the call.

The call lasted for a short period of time, as Dou Zerui responded with several yeses and said in the end before he hung up, “Alright, we’ll be right there.”

After hanging up the phone, Dou Zerui looked at Zi Yi and happily said, “Yiyi, my father and uncles have already booked a room in a restaurant. They asked us to go over.”

Zi Yi looked at him with her lips pursed.

Dou Zerui knew of the cold treatment Zi Yi received in the past, and right now, she was definitely unwilling to go over. “It should be because they got to know of your examinations today. Don’t worry, they won’t scold you.”

Zi Yi was originally hesitating on if she would go over. Upon hearing what he said, her expression tensed up, and she said, “I’m not going.”

Dou Xiangling felt like smacking her forehead.

Her brother clearly knew Zi Yi had ‘feared’ those Uncles of hers and yet, he had deliberately mentioned it. Wasn’t he simply making her even more unwilling to go?

Dou Xiangling pulled Zi Yi’s hand and said, “Yiyi, there must have been some misunderstanding in the past. Why don’t you explain it to them?”

Deep down, Zi Yi thought that there was nothing to explain. The original owner turning a deaf ear to her Uncles’ advice and sided with Zi Xu to ruin the Dou Family’s reputation was a fact. Using Dou Family’s reputation to trample on others in the S City was also real. Not to mention, it was also true that she also angered her grandfather to the extent of his heart problem relapsing.

How was she to explain?

Could she say that she wasn’t Zi Yi?

Wouldn’t she be asking for a beating instead?

Just as Zi Yi was complaining deep down, her phone rang.

Taking out her phone, it was an unknown caller. Somehow, she felt that the call was from one of her Uncles.

Dou Xiangling glanced at the caller number display and reminded her. “Yiyi, this is Eldest Uncle’s phone number. Quick, answer it.”

Zi Yi lowered her eyelids for two seconds before she answered the call.

A stern voice sounded from the other end. “Come over with your cousins at once. Otherwise, we will directly come over to M.Uni to fetch you.”

After saying his piece, he hung up.

Zi Yi: “…”

Was this considered as being threatened?

In the end, Zi Yi, who was hesitating on if she should go, followed the duo to the restaurant.

Inside the room sat three of her Uncles.

Dou Xiangling whispered to her, “Fourth Uncle went to M Country to attend the International Economic Exchange Conference.”

Zi Yi nodded and politely called out after she entered the room, “Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle.”

“Sit.” Dou Jingning pointed towards the seat opposite him.

The table was capable of accommodating up to 15 people and yet they only had a few people here. Zi Yi managed to see through the thoughts of her three Uncles in a glance.

She sat down with a calm expression.

Just as Dou Xiangling was about to sit beside Zi Yi, she was stopped by Dou Zhiyuan.

“Zerui, Xiangling, sit over here.”

Dou Xiangling and Dou Zerui met gazes. Even though they were worried if Zi Yi could withstand the aura radiated by their uncles or not, they dared not go against them.

Zi Yi glanced at the dishes that were already served, then at her Uncles who had stiff expressions on their faces.

It was her first time being in such a situation and she found it rather novel.

Just then, knocking sounds could be heard.

Soon after, a staff member walked in with a steaming clay pot that was the size of a person’s face.

The second she glanced over, she saw the staff member tripping over his own feet. He lost grip on the pot and the bowl was about to land on her Eldest Uncle and Second Uncle.

The staff was frightened to the extent that he dared not utter a single word and could only widen his eyes in horror.

Dou Xiangling and Dou Zerui had also seen what transpired.

The both of them simultaneously shouted in horror. “Eldest Uncle, Second Uncle, move away!”

Dou Zerui had stood up while he shouted, as he wanted to push away Dou Xiaoyong who was sitting closest to him.

However, how could there be time for him to move away in such a situation?

And so, the steaming clay pot of soup was about to splash onto the two of them.

At that moment, Zi Yi suddenly stood up and swiftly threw out two circular b.a.l.l.s.

The b.a.l.l.s moved behind them and exploded concurrently, forming a barrier around them, which had blocked the boiling soup from splas.h.i.+ng onto them.

Everyone saw the soup flowing down the barrier. The first to recover their senses was her Second Uncle Dou Xiaoyong and then it was Third Uncle Dou Zhiyuan.

The both of them looked at the circular b.a.l.l.s floating in the air with an excited look as they suppressed their surging excitement.

Dou Xiaoyong asked, “Who gave you these things?”

Zi Yi snapped her fingers and they returned to their initial shape, before returning to her hands.

“I made them.”


Dou Xiaoyong and Dou Zhiyuan did not believe her.

Zi Yi glanced at them without a care for explaining. She pointed at the staff member and reminded him. “Shouldn’t we settle this issue first?”

The staff member was scared silly upon accidentally letting go of the soup pot. However, he recovered his senses upon getting pointed at and shuddered as he said while trembling, “I-I… It wasn’t deliberate.”

“Bring your manager over.”

This was a serious mistake committed by the staff member and if it weren’t for Zi Yi, Dou Jingning and Dou Xiaoyong would be seriously injured.

The manager arrived shortly afterwards.

When he saw that they were from the Dou family, he was also scared silly.

“Dear professors, I’m sincerely sorry about this. This is our staff member’s mistake.”

Having said that, he shouted at the staff member, “Clean up the floor!”

The staff member hastily left to grab the cleaning equipment, while the manager continued to apologize.

The Dou Family were not unreasonable people. However, the manager was not spared from a lecture before he was then allowed to leave.

Without any more outsiders in the room, Dou Xiaoyong and Dou Zhiyuan looked at Zi Yi.

She took out the two circular b.a.l.l.s and calmly explained the principle of creating them.

The creation had involved knowledge of mechanics and physics, and her explanation greatly aroused their enthusiasm. In the end, the three of them started to discuss academic topics.

Dou Zerui could not help but chuckle at the scene. “It seemed like our worries were redundant.”

Dou Xiangling’s lips could not help but curl upwards as she said, “Yiyi is really amazing.”

Speaking of this, she added, “But Yiyi mentioned she was hungry when she finished the examinations. Should we remind Dad and Second Uncle?”

“Do you think our reminder will be effective?”

The sibling duo turned to Dou Jingning who was sitting quietly while listening to their conversation.

Just then, he said aloud, “Let’s eat first.”

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