Chapter 594: A Problem Arises

The majority of the people in high society were waiting for Zi Yi and Lu Jingye to get married, so that they could see the lack of partic.i.p.ants attending their wedding. In that case, they would be able to see them make a joke of themselves.

As the 24th approached, many foreigners had already started to prepare for Christmas.

The shopping malls that were operated by foreigners started to hold all sorts of events.

Everyone was paying attention to Song Jewelry who had released their winter collection.

The theme of the new collection of jewelry was [Warm Heart] and there was a complete set. The chief designer was the well-known S Designer.

Other than [Warm Heart] they had unexpectedly launched another set, namely [Fall In Love].

As soon as the jewelry was launched, some were surprised and some were amazed.

For a period of time, the hot search position for Song Jewelry had soared into the top three on social media.

“It’s unexpected that Song Jewelry had released new styles of jewelry at this time. Not to mention, there are two different themes!”

“It’s so nice. Even if I’m just looking at the advertis.e.m.e.nt pictures, I feel all warm deep down inside.”

“Why is it that only [Warm Heart] has an advertis.e.m.e.nt but not [Fall In Love]?”

“[Warm Heart] touches the heart, but [Fall In Love] looks so delicate and beautiful. At the same time, it is mysterious and n.o.ble. Looking at this set of jewelry, I feel that no matter who wears it, one would have the illusion that they are a Queen getting married to a King.”

“Designer S deserves to be the expert in jewelry designing. Every set of designs reaches the heart.”

“Eh… only the [Warm Heart] set has a price tag. The price of [Fall In Love] is not listed.”

“Song Jewelry can’t possibly be so careless, right?”

“Quick, go to their official website. It’s said that [Fall In Love] is not for sale and there’s only one set in the entire world.”

“They are so domineering!”

There were good reviews all over the net and even if professional trollers wanted to badmouth Song Jewelry, they had been suppressed by a powerful force.

Seeing that Song Jewelry’s hot search was about to soar to the first spot, the people from the eight aristocratic families could no longer hold still.

“Lu Jingye is too quick. There was not even the slightest news before and what do you think is the reason for them to release a new product at this time?”

“Could it be that he’s trying to make their wedding known to everyone?”

“Ha! Only those businessmen who did not have any status would do that. To think that Lu Jingye had fallen to this degree that quickly ever since he was chased out from the Lu Family.”

“However, he has acted very quickly in this matter, not to mention that the advertis.e.m.e.nt is also now very widespread. Perhaps he would be able to acc.u.mulate a large amount of wealth very soon.”

Lu Jingye was too skilled in business. Moreover, they had heard rumors that the higher-ups had the intention of handing a few important projects for the Country to him.

At the thought of this, everything was clear to them.

“So he’s thinking of acc.u.mulating wealth to take over the projects given by those above.”

“If he were to successfully take over those projects, our companies would have to watch out for him.”

Everyone was well aware of the consequences and would certainly think of a way to stop him.

But before they managed to come up with an idea, a medical malpractice happened within the First Hospital.

When Zi Yi received the call from the First Hospital, she was currently working on her experiment.

After hearing what happened at the hospital, she calmly said, “I’ll be right over.”

She hung up the phone and went upstairs in large strides.

Just as she came out of the underground lab, she received Elder Tang’s phone call.

His tone of voice sounded anxious. “Little Zi, don’t come here. This situation is very serious right now and many reporters are here. I’ll be there right away and even if anything happens, I’ll help you block it.”

Zi Yi furrowed her brows. “Teacher, this incident has nothing to do with you. Also… as long as those people are not dead, I can cure them.”

Zi Yi walked over to the main hall. Lu Jingye was currently doing work in the living room and he looked up after hearing the sounds of her footsteps.

Zi Yi said to Elder Tang, “Teacher, don’t confront the people when you arrive, lest they act rashly towards you.”

The situation there right now must be a mess and Zi Yi was worried that with Elder Tang’s old age, something might happen to him even if it was just a slight push.

Elder Tang wanted to say something but Zi Yi had hung up the phone.

Lu Jingye placed the laptop to the side and stood up. “Go change your clothes. I’ll go drive the car and send you to the hospital.”

Clearly, he had guessed something from Zi Yi’s words.

Zi Yi nodded her head and quickly made a trip upstairs.

Lu Jingye drove a particularly low-profile car to the hospital.

By the time they rushed to the First Hospital, a large group of reporters and bystanders were already surrounded the entrance.

The crowd was furious.

Everyone clamored for the hospital to hand over the doctor who treated those patients and bring them to justice.

Lu Jingye’s car pa.s.sed by everyone and reached the back of the hospital.

Unexpectedly, there were also reporters there.

Lu Jingye parked the car a little further away and said, “Let’s divert them away first. There’s no need to directly confront them.”

Zi Yi nodded her head and quickly swiped across her phone.

Soon, someone who looked similar to Zi Yi was running in another direction.

The reporters who were camping outside had started chasing her like madmen.

Zi Yi and Lu Jingye alighted from the car and swiftly headed for the back door.

After walking in, Elder Tang and the Deputy Director were already waiting for her there.

“Little Zi, I told you not to come.”

Elder Tang looked at Zi Yi and was angry and anxious at the same time. “Everyone is extremely furious right now and what if they were to harm you later on?”

“Teacher, don’t you worry. Since I’m here, I definitely have the ability to resolve things.”

The four of them headed to another building.

The Deputy Director said, “The patients and their family members are in the outpatient department. However, it is extremely crowded there.”

He glanced at Lu Jingye and could not discern his train of thoughts. He then looked at Zi Yi and explained the situation in a simple manner.

“These people took the prescription to collect the medicine yesterday and this morning, a family member of the patient called to say that the patient had a rash all over his body after taking the medicine. In the afternoon, there were more people who called to say that patients had difficulty breathing.”

Zi Yi connected to the surveillance at the outpatient department with her phone and she could see the situation there.

All the patients were placed in the hall and many of the family members had screamed and cried out loud without any care for their image.

There were also many other patients and their family members pointing fingers and uniting against Zi Yi.

The reporters streamed live broadcasts of the situation and from the way they were acting, it seemed as if they were sure that something was wrong with the prescription Zi Yi had prescribed.

There was no need to mention how chaotic the situation was.

Over the internet, this had already become sensational news.

Elder Tang glanced at Zi Yi’s phone and just so happened to see a comment on the internet. His expression turned livid. “These people are really capable of saying whatever they like. The situation has yet to be made clear and on what basis do they push all the blame to you?!”

The Deputy Director looked at Lu Jingye anxiously and asked, “Little Lu, is there any way you can suppress the online public opinion?”

Zi Yi was currently subjected to cyberbullying and is he not anxious at all?

Lu Jingye said, “Someone will come forward to solve this matter. It’s more effective than me doing anything.”

As soon as he said that, Zi Yi said, “The Country’s Network Police have started to act.”

Elder Tang and the Deputy Director were surprised.

Just then, Lu Jingye’s phone rang. After he finished answering the call, he said to Zi Yi, “Someone will be coming from above. They are asking what you plan to do.”

Zi Yi thought for a while and looked at the Deputy Director. “I need several kinds of testing equipment…”

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