"for sending a kill or exile order we off our most sincere apology"

"we have gathered a gift for you Mars to show our most sincere apology"

"a total of 1.000 cla.s.s 6 magic beast cores have been gathered, we offer theses cores to you"

"in hopes that you will forgive our past transgression"

Mars swallowed hard

"did you say 1.000 cla.s.s 6 magic beast cores?"

"we did indeed"

"you have use for these right?"

"we certainly hope you can use them"

Mars gave a awkrved smile, use for 1.000 magic beast cores? certainly he had a few, well more than a few

"and cla.s.s 6 magic beast cores is 200 energy units each... this is the jackpot"

"we have also prepared a building for you to use as you wish"

"a big one in the middle of the city with view off the river"

"from all 50 floors of cause"

"I-I see"

"there"s also the matter with the young Chloe"

"yes must not forget the young princess"

"we have decided not to interfere with your relations.h.i.+p"

"you two are free to do as you wish"

Mars gave a smile

"I"ll be sure to tell her that... by the way I heard you have some problems with invaders"

"yes the invaders...."

"we certainly have a problem with them yes"

"why do you ask?"

"well I can help you out with your problem"


"that would certainly be helpful"

"but what do you ask in return?"

"nothing much, just that all of Green river know I"m the one that helped you out, you see I have been getting some rather guarded stares since I arrived in Green river, been threatened twice too... I would just like to have most of Green river look on me positively"

"positively is it..."

"we can arrange that but..."

"do you truly not wish for anything more?"

Mars thought for a moment but shook his head


"we see..."

"we would certainly welcome this"


Mars gave a slight frown it seemed like they were against getting in his debt, sure he could demand another 1.000 magic beast cores but he didn"t feel like it, after all the cores they had offered him was enough for now

"take it as a friendly gesture, after all i plan to live in Green river for some time"

"if that"s the case..."

"very well, we will accept this friendly gesture form you Mars"

"when will you handle the invaders?"

"hmm... in 2 days... I have something I need to handle first"

"okay that"s fine"

After Mars finished his conversation with the elders he walked back out the door and found the ancient elf waiting for him with a gentle smile on his face

"I take it the talk went well?"

"yeah it went fine"

"I see... well then follow me I"ll show you out"

Mars gave a nod and followed after the ancient elf

A female elf stood and waited in the reception area of the giant tree, she wore a business suit and looked like she was in her 30"s with shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes, next to her stood a ancient looking elf that had just fetched her

"I wonder when he"s coming..."

her name was Kaitlin and she is a member of one of the oldest clans in Green river, also one of the wealthiest it was her building that had been taken by the elders and given to a certain Mars but why she did not know


"no... well a little"

Kaitlin smiled at the ancient looking elf, she didn"t dare to be disrespectful because the ancient elf besides her was a part of the "eldest" that severed the elders

"to be honest I"m more confused, who is this Mars for him be granted my building by the elders?"

"it"s not your building anymore"

"sorry... I"m just confused"

"hehe... I"m sure you are, but all will be revealed in some time"

"I sure hope so..."

"look there he is"

Kaitlin looked and saw another ancient elf leading a youth with horns growing out his forehead

"he"s kind of handsome for a non-elf.... but those deep shadows under his eyes, I wonder if he doesn"t sleep?"

Kaitlin steeped forwards with her business smile on and reached out her hand to Mars as she introduced herself

"my name is Kaitlin, I have been tasked with managing your new building if there"s anything you want to know just ask me"

Mars gave a nod and shock her hand

"my name is Mars, I hope you will take care of me, I never owned a building before"

"certainly, now please follow me I"ll show you to the building"

Mars gave a nod and followed after Kaitlin first out of the giant tree then into the bustling city

"the building has 50 floors, floor 1-25 is commercial with high cla.s.s stores, floor 25-35 is apartments, floor 35-45 is administrative s.p.a.ce for offices and the last 5 floors is a penthouse for your personal use"

"I see, that certainly sounds impressive"

"I"m sure it will be more impressive when you see it in person"

"well could we make a stop another place first?"

"sure were are you thinking of going?"

"were ever the forest patrol teams rest when they are in the city"

"okay, I know the way"

Mars followed after Kaitlin until they reached the outskirts of Green river were some simple looking barracks was located

"who are we looking for?"

"Alvin and the one"s he"s looking after, 2 non elvers and Chloe"

"princess Chloe?"

"yeah that one"


Kaitlin walked into one of the barracks, soon she returned with Alvin and the girls Chloe was the first to reach Mars so she was also the first to latch on to his arm before she asked

"how did the talk with the elders go?"

"it went well, I even got a few gifts"

"really then what about us? what did they have to say?"

"they have decided not to interfere with our relations.h.i.+p

"really... then let"s make some babies right now!"

"wow there hold your horses"

Mars stopped Chloe from from dragging him into the nearby barracks with a light chop to the head


or not so light, seeing her lightly tear up Mars hugged her tight and whispered into her ear

"what"s the rush?"

"y-you"re right no need to rush this but first..."

Chloe grabbed Mars" face and deeply kissed him right then and there and for some time it was as if only the two of them existed in that plane of reality

"okay that"s enough Chloe!"

"yeah save some for us too!"

until she was dragged away from Mars by Varvei and Elsa, Mars spent a moment getting his bearings again before he looked over at Kaitlin and gave a smile

"please lead the way Kaitlin"

"r-right... so that"s why he doesn"t sleep at night"

"did you say anything?"

"n-no nothing"

"where are we going Mars?"

"you"ll see"

"this is the building"

Mars looked up at the building, it was like most other buildings in Green river made of living wood with breaches coming off the main building

"this sure is something..."

Mars admired the, no his building for a while without saying anything before he looked over at Kaitlin with a calm slime on his face

"why don"t you show us around?"

"certainly, at once first is the entrance---"

while Kaitlin spoke of the building it dawned on Chloe what was happening and waved the other girls over

"what is it Chloe?"

"I think this is Mars" building"

"what do you mean his building?"

Varvei was confused but Elsa"s eyes lit up

"you mean the elders gave Mars a building?"

"yes that"s what I mean"

Varvei"s eye widened

"you mean this building?"

"yes this building, why else would this Kaitlin be showing us around?"

"that makes sense... but why would the elders be so generous?"

Chloe thought for a moment

"hmm... it must be because they know what Mars really is"

"I see... but what should we do about it?"


"Chloe really... don"t you think it"s a bad idea to tie Mars to one "s.h.i.+p"?"

"well this happens to be my "s.h.i.+p""

"...well never mind then, what do you think Elsa?"

"me? well I think it"s wonderful that someone values Mars to this extent"

"that"s... well fine then"

Mars stopped and looked over at the girls

"girls come on or we will leave you behind"


the guided tour of the building took about an hour, on the way Mars greeted some of the residents of the building, they were surprisingly okay with an outsider being the owner of their building, now only the last thing need to be shown off, the penthouse they were currently standing in the main living area

"the penthouse is rather big at 1,5 square kilometers of floor s.p.a.ce, other than that it has its own mana power source witch powers the lighting and all the other appliances in the penthouse... and most of all the view is to die for, take a look"

Kaitlin pressed a b.u.t.ton and the giant curtains opened up showing a breathtaking view of the river and the other parts of the city

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