the fight gradually intensified as both Mars and the emperor pushed themselves to the limit while the elite guards arrived and began helping the emperor, this of course displeased Mars

"f.u.c.k OFF!"

Mars quickly summoned some shadow soldiers to tie up the elite guards while he continued the high speed fight with the emperor, seeing his help getting tied up with the shadow soldiers the emperor roared

"what are you doing!? help me kill this dirty non-human!"

the emperor was understandably beginning to panic although he had wounded Mars, he showed no signs of being tired after using [Instant movement] so many times while he himself was starting to become exhausted and was breathing heavily, there was also the eerily calm smile on Mars" face that seemed like he was just playing with him

"I order you to kill him!"

"what"s wrong? getting tired?"

Mars showed a teasing smile on his face, this had never been a fight to begin with, one was a person while the other was a living G.o.d


"you know what, this has gone on long enough.... [STOP]"

when Mars let out his presence all the people inside the room suddenly stopped moving, they were bound by his pressure, then Mars gave a sigh and activated his [Energy: healing] on himself and healed all the wounds on his body before he walked up to the frozen emperor with a warm smile on his face

"have you ever heard of the threat: I"ll tear off you arm and beat you to death with it..? no? well allow me to demonstrate"

Mars then transformed his arm and used his claws to stab the emperor in the shoulder a few times before he took hold of his arm and tore


with a sound that would give the frozen elite guards nightmares for a long time to come Mars tore off the arm of the emperor


"oh, you can speak? well just to be sure... [STOP]"

the curses the emperor was raining at Mars stopped suddenly, then Mars gave a nod and swung the severed arm a few times from side to side

"well then..."

Mars grabbed the shoulder part of the torn off arm and then he swung it towards the emperor"s face


"why are you slapping yourself?"


"come on dude, tell me why?"


"...well this got boring really quickly"

Mars gave a sigh and grabbed the severed arm with both hands and activated [Instant movement]


Mars let go of the arm that fell to the floor along with the dead body of the emperor before he summoned a small flame that quickly burned the emperor"s corpse to ashes, then he turned around and looked at the still frozen elite guards and gave a small wave before he tore a portal open and walked in before it closed again...

After the all to sudden death of the emperor the empire fell into civil war when a sudden coup launched by the military took place just when they were crowning the new emperor, but Mars didn"t care about that and spent his time with the girls in Green river going to and from Destra"s magic academy every day, he also got Mary registered and for about 2 months he spent his time in peace learning about formation runes and working privately on replicating a firearm that was from his past life: the ALPH01, now there were many weapons from his past life that he wanted to make but the ALPH01 was the most "simple" magnetic powered man portable rail-gun he knew of and although progress was slow it was going forwards and not backwards as Mars first started with making a cannon sized rail-gun and worked his way from there. the cannon was currently about half done as Mars let out a yawn and stretched

"about time I went to bed..."

Mars turned off the lights in his workshop and walked back to the master bedroom were he found the 4 sleeping girls occupying the bed

"maybe I should just sleep on the couch?"

Mars walked back out of the master bedroom as quietly as he could and found a couch in the living room and laid down and closed his eyes, but soon opened them again as something had laid down on top of him

"hey you"

it was Mary that was lying on his chest, Mars looked into her green eyes as he asked her

"...weren"t you sleeping Mary?"

"don"t underestimate a gold ranked mercenary"

"I see... what about the others?"

"still sleeping... I wanted you for myself for once"

Mars gave a nod and laid his head down on the couch and looked up into the ceiling and asked

"so now you have me, what do you want to do?"

Mary nestled into Mars and rubbed her cheek on his chest


"okay.... goodnight then"

Mary gave a sweet smile before she pulled a blanket up

"good night Mars"

Mars closed his eyes and soon fell asleep...

The next morning Mars went along with the girls to the academy, after the cla.s.s with the vice princ.i.p.al was over he went to take the optional cla.s.s for formation runes but was stopped on the way by the vice princ.i.p.al that ran after him

"please wait Mars!"

Mars stopped and waited for the vice princ.i.p.al to catch up before he asked

"what"s up?"

"ha... ha... you have been summoned again by the king"

"okay... want to come with?"

"no I don"t think I need to come this time, please show up sometime today at the castle in King"s city"

"got it..."

Mars wasted no time and opened a portal to King"s city and stepped though, after he arrived at King"s city he walked on foot towards the castle when suddenly Victoria popped out of his shadow

"Mars... I"m hungry"

"oh... well in that case the king can wait, let"s go to the marketplace"

walking a little further Mars soon found himself in a bustling marketplace with all kinds of stalls and after looking around for a little while he found a stall selling grilled meat on a stick

"hey can I have 10 of those?"

"sure coming right up"

the man that was manning the stall soon made the kebabs and handed them to Mars and after Mars paid he found a bench and sat down and fed Victoria the grilled meat while enjoying the peace

"wait... what"s that guy doing?"

Mars spotted a suspicious looking man that was lugging a heavy looking sack and activated his [Energy: sense] to take a closer look at the sack

"....what the f.u.c.k!"

Mars got up from the bench and walked over to the man and gave him a clap on the shoulder

"what do you want brat, I"m in a hurry!"

"oh, sorry I just want to ask you a simple question"

"I don"t have time!"

the man brushed off Mars and quickly left, Mars narrowed his eyes slightly and followed the man with his eyes as he walked away

"Victoria can you follow him and then meet me in the castle when your done?"


"good girl, I"ll see you later then"

"see you... Mars"

Mars split up form Victoria and walked to the castle were he was lead inside by knight and pa.s.sed straight to the king"s chambers where the knight knocked on the door which then soon was opened by another knight

"I have brought Mars"


the knight"s exchanged salutes before one of them gestured for Mars to walk inside

"I wonder what"s up..?"

Mars walked in and saw the king was sitting at a table, when the king saw him he quickly stood up and welcomed Mars

"Mars it"s good that you have come... leave us"

"""yes my king!"""

Mars pa.s.sed by the knights that exited the room and sat down in front of the king

"it"s good that you"re here.... before we start I have to ask did you have anything to do with the collapse of the empire?"

"well... I killed the emperor"

the king"s eyes widened slightly as he stared at Mars for a moment before he gave a sigh

"I see...well then let"s get to the main topic, please enter"

as soon as the king spoke a door opened and 3 knights walked in, only they were a little different from normal knights, their armor was dark as the night sky and they each carried different weapons, just as the king was about to introduce them to Mars one of them that had metal claws fixed on her gauntlets suddenly yelled

"AH! it"s the guy that doesn"t want to get stabbed!"

Mars" eyes widened slightly, he knew those dark knights, they were the ones that had tried to stop him when he killed Gas Fedeson the corrupt lord that had caused their crash when they were heading to the empire for the first time

"quiet Kim!"

the captain, a young looking man with short brown hair hit Kim in the back of the head with his fist

"OUCH! why are you mean captain!?"

"we"re in the presence of the king you imbecile!"

"oh right, s-sorry lord king"

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