Mars looked over at the mercenary with a hint of pity in his eyes that quickly got replaced with anger, had he not stated he was a guard for the elvers? or was this puny mortal simply deaf?
"...well now you have p.i.s.sed me off"
Mars unsheathed one of his bone swords and took a stance before he spoke again
"any last words?"
the mercenary stared dumbly at Mars for a moment before he burst out laughing
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA "any last words" he says!? AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
the mercenary clutched his stomach and laughed out loud, the rest of the soldiers also wore mocking smiles on their faces as they looked at Mars like he was an idiot, as the mercenary laughed Mars" smile widened slightly before he sheathed his sword and took a boxing stance, this of course only caused the mercenary to laugh even louder as he took a big ax off his back and took a stance still laughing a little, then Mars asked
"are you sure you are ready for this?"
"ready? of course I"m re---"
those were the last words that the mercenary spoke as Mars instantly closed the distance and hit him right in the chest with a jab and with a crack the mercenary"s sternum fractured into tiny pieces as he was sent flying backwards while spewing an arrow of blood, he then crashed into a tree where he was impaled on a low branch before he widened his eyes and struggled to say something before he pa.s.sed out to never awaken again, Mars looked over at the rest of the soldiers that still had silly mocking smiles plastered on their faces as he asked
"who"s next?"
the lead soldier was the first to wake up from his daze and yelled
"get him, then the d.a.m.ned elvers!"
the soldiers and mercenaries unsheathed their weapons and jumped at Mars all at once, but Mars simply put a hand on the hilt of his sword and activated [Instant movement] on his sword arm as a flurry of lights shot out from the blur that was his sword before a movement later he sheathed his sword again and gave a sigh
"...guess I did it again"
Mars gave yet another sigh as the door to the cabin shot open and Vanessa jumped out
"what happened!?"
"well I performed my duty as a guard"
Vanessa ignored Mars and once again yelled at the soldiers
"answer me, what happened!?"
Mars gave another sigh and spoke in a low tone
"they can"t hear you anymore"
Vanessa looked over at Mars then she heard something she will never unhear, the sound of small chunks of people slowly sliding apart, Vanessa looked over and instantly lost her lunch and puked on the spot at the b.l.o.o.d.y sight Mars held her hair so it would not get dirty, even though Vanessa was a former soldier she had never seen such a b.l.o.o.d.y sight and when she was done puking she weakly punched Mars as she asked
"...why did you do that?"
Mars gave a cold smile
"as I said I simply performed my duty as a guard, they were going to attack Alvin and the others so I stopped them, that"s all... you can ask the other hunters as soon as they are done puking"

at this point in time Alvin also stepped out of the cabin and was confronted at the b.l.o.o.d.y sight but unlike the rest of the people around he didn"t puke or go pale he simply frowned a bit and asked Mars
"did they act up like we expected?"
"I see... well then Vanessa Ichma, I"m afraid to say that we must continue this at another time after the loyalty of you soldiers have been confirmed"
Vanessa gave a weak nod as she looked over at the b.l.o.o.d.y sight
"well then Mars if you would, please open a portal to Green river... we will be back again tomorrow"
Mars ripped open a portal and steeped tough without looking back at Vanessa...
Back at Green river Mars dismissed the squad of diplomats and walked back to his building, despite his ability to fly and open portals he still quite enjoyed walking through the busy streets of Green river, they weren"t quite as crowded as the city"s from his past life but there certainly was a lot of activity in the streets, along the way some elvers greeted Mars and Mars greeted them back with a nod and a smile, he was beginning to get know in Green river although mostly by way of the girls that solsailzed way more than he did, also everyone in Green river that had anything to do with the military knew his name at the least
"not that I want to get famous anyways... but still it"s nice to be recognised"
Mars returned home and walked into the living room when he heard Chloe call out
"Mars is home!"
Mars turned and saw Chloe laying on a couch and walked over to her and gave her a kiss before he asked
"what"s up?"
"I"ll tell you when the others get home"
"oh... I see, I"ll wait until then"
Mars saw that Elsa was working in the kitchen and walked over and hugged her from behind before he asked
"anything I can help you with?"
"my oh my, what"s wrong with you Mars, you usually never want to help me in the kitchen?"
"well let"s just say I"m feeling good today so I want to help out"
"okay then can you cut those vegetables?"
Mars helped out in the kitchen until the dinner was done and it was time to eat, while eating Mars asked
"so what was it you girls wanted to tell me?"
Chloe laid down her cutlery and looked at Mars
"we all have decided to visit our mother in law for a month"
Mars paused and before he simply asked
this time Elsa spoke up
"we feel like we can"t follow you everywhere you go anymore... it"s like you get further and further away from us"
"I see... and you all feel this way?"
Mars looked around the table and saw four sets of determined eyes and gave a sigh
" time there"s anything bothering you girls be sure to tell me sooner, this has been going on for sometime, right?"
Mars clenched his hand under the table, he blamed himself for this even though there was nothing to blame himself for
"when do you plan to leave?"
"I see... I"ll send you there then"
The next day Mars woke up in an almost empty bed
"....good morning Victoria"
"good... morning Mars"
Mars looked over at the big wall sized window at the slowly rising sun and estimated the current time
"I still have sometime before I have to meet Alvin and the others... let"s get something to eat"
Mars rose from the bed and walked over to his closet and picked out some clothes to wear before he put them on, the bedroom seemed a lot more empty than usual with the girls not being there
Mars decided to stop thinking about it and walked into the living room and found some food in the fridge and sat down at the table and began eating, meanwhile Victoria walked out of the bedroom and walked over to Mars and rubbed her whiskers against his leg while her horns flashed slightly
"don"t feel... so down"
"yeah I know... it"s only for a month"
Mars finished eating and got ready to leave
"do you want to come with Victoria?"
Victoria didn"t jump into his shadow as Mars expected but simply walked after him
"what"s up with her? she"s usually too lazy to walk by herself"
"are you thinking... something... rude right now?"
"nope, not at all why do you ask Victoria?"
"because you... made that... face"
"I see, well I didn"t think anything rude"
Mars wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, he had once p.i.s.sed off Victoria which resulted in him getting the cold shoulder for almost 6 months, as Mars reminded himself to keep his thoughts pure around Victoria the two of them arrived at the building next to the mirror building and walked in and said hey to Alvin and the rest of his squad before Mars ripped open a portal to the barrier forest and stepped though...
On the other side of the portal Mars was meet with the remaining hunters and mercenaries surrounding the portal, when they saw Mars some of them took a step backwards in fear, Mars gave a nod thinking they should be too scared to act up anytime soon, of cause scaring them more would be bad too
"well let"s just hope Alvin can make a deal today..."
next came Victoria through the portal, she looked around at the hunters as her horns flashed
"they have... killing intent... can I play with them?"
"no endure it for now, but if anyone does anything funny to you you can kill them if you want"
next came Alvin and his squad, they didn"t even look at the surrounding hunters and mercenaries they just walked straight into the cabin to continue talks with Vanessa, Mars also walked over to the cabin and sat down leaning against the wall right beside the door and patted his lap, soon Victoria came running and laid down on his lap and began purring
"today looks like a peaceful day..."

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