Dan the general looked up from his paperwork and saw Mars and gave a slight smile, he owed Mars a lot, if not for him the reconquest would have taken a whole lot more blood to achieve
"oh Mars, what is it?"
Mars straightened his back as a reflex and spoke out
"I"m here to announce something"
"...go on"
"first off I will be leaving the main force tomorrow, second I will be taking the prisoner with me"
Dan narrowed his eyes, he was not troubled by the first thing, while it was a shame to lose Mars as he was a valuable military a.s.set it was not the end of the world, but the second thing was unacceptable for Dan as he had already sold off the prisoner to a wealthy merchant for an insane amount of cel, Mars of course didn"t know this at the time
"you are free to leave but the prisoner stays here, that"s the end of it"
Dan lowered his head again and returned to his paperwork expecting Mars to let it go and leave (obviously he didn"t know Mars very well) but suddenly he felt an insane amount of blood l.u.s.t directed at him and looked up from his paperwork again and saw Mars now had a faint smile on his face as he asked
"who was it that captured the prisoner?"
Dan didn"t back down
"so what if you captured her! she stays and that"s that"
Mars gave a sigh as he looked at the general, he could see the greed in his eyes so he knew something was fishy
"you are free to try and stop me, I"ll just carve a b.l.o.o.d.y path through your futile resistance"
finished saying what he wanted Mars turned on his heel and left the room, leaving behind Dan that ground his teeth in forstation
"and that"s the annoying stuff over with... hopefully it ends with this..."
Mars walked back off the s.h.i.+p and into town pa.s.sing by some soldiers of patrol he arrived at the small room and walked in without knocking...
covered by the nights darkness soldiers were moving quietly and as quickly as they could stacking up outside the small room where Yel had been last seen entering, the lead soldier raised his hand and began counting down from 5 as silently he could
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... GO!"
at the go signal the front soldier kicked in the door and another soldier fired a fire spell thought the now open door and that exploded inside the room with a bright flash before the soldiers stormed in with weapons drawn and found.... nothing inside, there was no trace of anyone inside, the soldiers lowered their guard, just as they did a pair of blue eyes showed up in the corner of the room watching the soldiers with cat like curiosity before suddenly a lance as dark as the night shot out from the corner, while in flight the lance shot off smaller projectiles, small needles of darkness that all struck the necks of the 15 soldiers inside the room, piecing their throats sending them swiftly off to the wheel of reincarnation while as they choked on their own blood and collapsed on the floor and then were quickly absorbed by a sticky shadow that covered the floor of the small room

"nicely done Victoria"
Mars emerged from the corner of the room as he praised his partner Victoria, then Yel also walked out of the darkness and looked around at the bodies that were slowly sinking into the sticky shadow with amazement clear on her face, then Victoria walked over and rubbed her leg with her whiskers while purring, Yel gave a smile and kneeled down to pet Victoria on the head while she praised
"very well done Victoria"
"thank... you Yel"
the other girls also emerged from the shadowy corner one, Varvei carrying a long spear, Elsa wielding twin daggers and Chloe and Mary each wielding their own long sword, Mars returned from checking the outside and called out to them
"let"s move"
"yes master"
"just nodding will do Yel, you don"t have to call me master all the time"
Yel looked a little disappointed but stayed obedient and gave a nod as she followed behind the rest of the girls and Mars out the door to the small room, outside it was lit like daytime as a group of more than 500 soldiers stood and formed a perimeter around the small room with touches and swords ready, behind them on a roof stood Dan with his spear and overlooked the situation with a calm smile on his face, then he yelled
"surrender and you will survive"
Mars clicked his tongue he was just about to say the same thing, a little annoyed Mars drew his sword and stood ready
"...girls show me the result of your training, I"ll cover you back so don"t worry about anything and go wild, Yel observe and fall in when you are ready"
""""yes Mars!""""
"yes master!"
Varvei was the first to kick off the ground and charge with her long spear, using her superior range she stabbed and swiped down the soldiers all the while making sure n.o.body could sneak up on her from behind, she didn"t need Mars to cover her back which was fair given that she was the one most experienced with with cold weapon combat in the group, Mary and Chloe did pretty good too, one was a former gold cla.s.s mercenary while the other was once part of the most elite force in Green river plus since they and received the dragon blood their strength shot through the roof and they were both nearing Mars" non [Instant movement] speed, since they were good friends they covered each others back as they slaughtered the soldiers with their swords and superior strength, out of them all Elsa did the poorest, not to say that she did badly but she was lacking in training and experience, while she had severed the Orbarge household she had received basic training with twin daggers which she used to great effect in the current battle, the dragon blood helped her get an edge over the mostly human and demon soldiers which in turn helped her rack up a significant body count while Mars covered her back
"this can"t be..."
Dan watched as his soldiers were slaughtered with great dismay, he was losing faith in himslef and eventually he decided to try and take a hostage to somehow turn the situation around but he didn"t get very far as Victoria silently appeared and sat in front of him
"a magic beast?"
before he had any change to react a shadow spike shot up from the ground and buried itself deep inside his chest destroying his heart with one strike, Dan"s eyes were wide open as the light within disappeared and his corpse fell over, Victoria licked her paw for a bit as the sounds of battle gradually died out behind her before she jumped off the roof and landed on the ground, walking around the polls of blood she eventually arrived next to Mars and rubbed her face against his leg as she sent a telepathic message
"did I... do well?"
"yeah you did great Victoria"
Yel looked at the carnage around her, sure she had expected that the girls were strong but not to this degree looking at the girls gathering around Mars to hear his praise Yel thought
"I got to work hard in serving my new master!"
then she also ran over and joined the circle around Mars...
the next morning at dawn the supporting troops arrived to an empty port city, the only thing of note was the ash that blew in the wind around the city, there was no sign of Dan or his troops leaving the command very uneasy as they cautiously combed the entire city for answers, but let alone answers they didn"t find any people at all...
Mars, the girls, Victoria and Yel were on the road, after "borrowing" some supplies from Dan"s warehouse they had left the port city and headed further into Kafer on foot, the journey would be a long one, after all they were heading from the edge of a continent to the center of said continent where the portal was located, on the way there Mars asked his new servant some questions
"how many races of people are there in Beta?"
Yel thought for a moment before she counted on her fingers
"there"s us the sky people, then there"s the tripe of men, then the earthen tribe and finely there"s the water tribe"
"can you tell me details about them?"
"sure... us, the sky people lived in the hills, mountains and plains of Beta, we were a warrior tribe proud of our fighters. Then there"s the tribe of men which were the most numerous and lived in giant cities and towns all over Beta. Then there"s the earthen tribe, they look like the tribe of men but are short with powerful builds and are known as master crafters, they lived in the plains and mountains of beta. Then there"s the water tribe which lives in the lakes and seas of Beta... I don"t really know a whole lot about them and only a few have come through the portal"
Mars gave a nod before he asked
"I see and who is it that is responsible for Beta"s doom?"

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