Mars walked into the border town as he wondered where he could get the most reliable information about the caravan that most likely had headed through the town about two months ago.

"Well I suppose I could use my two necklaces… But first let"s try the bar."

He quickly found a local bar and walked inside and took a seat at the counter as he sharpened his ears and picked up most of what was being talked about inside the bar.

"Can I get you something?"

Mars looked up and saw who most likely was the owner of the bar behind the counter, she was wearing an ap.r.o.n and was in the posses of polis.h.i.+ng a gla.s.s with a piece of cloth.

"Yes, a beer please."

"Okay, one second... Here you go."

After the owner served Mars the gla.s.s of beer she stood and watched him for a moment before she spoke.

"Can"t say I have seen your face before, just arrived in town?"

"Yeah something like that, truth is I"m looking for someone."

"Oh maybe I can help?"

Mars sipped his beer before he spoke again.

"He"s a member of a caravan escort, the caravan should have pa.s.sed through here about two months ago."

"I see... Well we get a lot of caravans, can you be more specific?"

"It should have been the only one from the wasteland."

"Oh... That caravan... Yeah it pa.s.sed through town about two months ago just like you said, but what is it to you why are you looking for this guy?"

"Well he owes me cel and I plan to collect."

"I see... Well I am afraid I can"t tell you where the caravan headed, I kept my distance from that one."

"Okay that"s fine... Thanks for the beer."

Mars downed his beer and left some cel on the counter, before he turned and left the bar behind while he mentally organised his information.

"So it did pa.s.s through here two months ago... I"m not likely to get more accurate information from another bar.... Let"s try the guild next."

Mars walked up the main road until he spotted the two guilds, one on each side of the road, they were the hunters guild and the mercenaries guild, Mars walked into the mercenaries guild and lined up in queue as he waited for his turn at the reception. Soon it was almost his turn but then something stopped him from seeing the receptionist, it was a man in his 20"s, he wore leather armor and carried a sword on his hip. The man stood leaning on the reception desk and tried to flirt with the pretty receptionist, asking her out to eat only to be declined over and over again, but it seemed like this guy"s face was made of stone as he just kept shamelessly asking her out. Mars noticed that the oh so welcoming smile on the pretty receptionist face seemed more and more cramped and gave a sigh before he called out.


The man turned around, Mars noticed he had a golden mercenary tag hanging out of his clothes for all to see.

"What is it, can"t you see that the great me is busy!?"

Mars gave a mental sigh before he spoke in a flat tone.

"The lady is not interested in whatever you are trying to sell her, so move along before I make you."

The man instantly went red in the face before he yelled while spewing saliva.

"W-WHO are you to judge what the lady wants you filthy mercenary!?"

Mars dodged the saliva with paper thin margins before he gave a sigh.

"Don"t say I didn"t warn you..."

Mars stepped in and before the man had any change to react Mars punched him "lightly" in his stomach, making him kneel over before he grabbed him by the neck and then simply threw him out of the guild making him land face first in the mud on the street outside the guild. After that display Mars turned to the receptionist and gave a slight smile before he discreetly showed her his golden guild tag.

"I"m here for some information."

The receptionist woke up from her dazed state and gave a nod before she gestured for Mars to follow her into a back room, Mars gave a nod and followed after her, meanwhile another guild employee took over as receptionist. Mars followed after the receptionist into the back room where two couches stood facing each other with a table in the middle, the receptionist sat down in one of the couches and Mars sat down in the other.

"First I would like to privately thank you for what you just did."

Mars gave a smile as the receptionist continued.

"Secondly, I would recommend you leave town as quickly as possible as the one you just threw out of the guild was the son of the local lord."

"I see, no wonder he was so annoying to look at... He isn"t really gold rank is he?"

The receptionist gave a smile but didn"t answer, this in of itself gave Mars the answer he needed.

"Well then... I need information on the caravan that pa.s.sed though the town about two months ago, it came from the wasteland, I trust you know which one I"m talking about?"

"Yes... Give me a moment to collect some doc.u.ments."

Mars gave a nod and waited for the receptionist to return which she did a few minutes later with some doc.u.ments which she put on the table before she sat down and asked Mars.

"So want do you want to know?"

"Well... Their destination as well as their estimated time of arrival."

"Let"s see... Their destination is the former king"s city and they are set to arrive sometime tomorrow."

"I see... Thanks for the information."

"you are very welcome... Now I suggest you leave town as quickly as possible."

Mars gave a smile and stood up from the couch before he turned and walked out of the meeting room and then out of the guild onto the streets where he found a group of thugs waiting for him. The thugs wielded various weapons but all of them had dried blood on them, in the middle of the group of thugs stood the man with the golden guild tag, the son of the local lord. When he saw Mars he gave a smile and walked a few steps closer before he yelled spewing saliva all over the place.

"Did you think you would escape after harming the great me!? Now I give you one change if you kneel down and beg for forgiveness I will let you die with an intact corpse!"

"This kid is really something... Might be worth the bounty just to rid this town of him..."

Mars put a hand on the hilt of his sword before he answered.

"If you run away now kid I might spare your life."

Feeling the blood l.u.s.t Mars was emitting the man took a few steps back as his face paled before he yelled.

"G-get him, but don"t kill him I want to teach him some manners first!"

Mars gave a slight smile as he drew his bone sword and stood ready as the thugs slowly approached him.

"You know what? I don"t have time for this."

Then he activated [Instant movement] and momentarily disappeared from view before he reappeared again and sheathed his sword, meanwhile the thugs froze up before thin red lines appeared on the necks before they fell over, they were dead of course. The man with the golden merc tag also froze up before he suddenly felt a little "light" in his pants before he collapsed clutching what was left of his nether regions as it dawned on him that he would not be able to further the family line anymore, then he pa.s.sed out as his pants gradually was dyed red by his own blood.

"And that"s that..."

Mars sheathed his sword and then he ripped open a portal and stepped through, leaving the border town behind...

Mars stepped out of the portal a little ways away from the former king"s city and called out.


Victoria jumped out of his shadow as her horns flashed.

"What... is it?"

"Can you help me search for the convoy holding the enslaved demons?"


"Okay thanks... Now it should be on one of the western roads leading towards the former king"s city about a day out... I"ll look from the air, so let"s meet up back here about sundown. Sounds good?"

"Yeah... So I should... Not attack the... Convoy?"

"No let"s do that together, just look for it."

"Okay... See you at... Sundown."

Mars gave a nod and flew up into the air meanwhile Victoria jumped into a shadow as both of them began searching for the convoy. Mars flew upwards into the air only stopping right before he reached the cloud layer, then he began flying west while looking after convoys on the roads, he spotted a few but none that fitted the size he knew the convoy had to be.

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