A few days pa.s.sed, James took to the Hinodian archery and so did the rest of the former slave soldiers, just not as much as James that spent all day practicing. Mars however didn"t have that luxury, he spent all day talking politics with the crown prince and touring the city visiting places of importance to learn about Hinode in detail all the while answering questions about Green river, until an evening were the crown prince mentioned something important.

"The emperor have summoned you guys, the diplomatic visitors to his castle tomorrow evening."

Mars nearly dropped his chopsticks but managed to keep a composed expression as he asked.

".... Do you have any idea about what he wants with us?"

"Hmm... Father have been acting unlike himself recently so I really have no idea, most likely he wants to have a short talk with you Mars."

"....I see."

"You don"t seem that eager Mars?"

"Well I have a bad track record with emperors."

The crown prince showed a confused expression but didn"t pursue the topic further instead he switched topics and asked James.

"James have you thought about competing in the archery contest in 2 days? You could represent my house."

James dropped his chopsticks and looked dumbfoundedly at the crown prince before his face lit up.

"Can I really?"

"Sure, you have long since met the standard so you won"t have to worry about embarra.s.sing yourself."

"In that case.... I want to partic.i.p.ate."

The crown prince gave a wide smile and a nod.

"Very good."

Time pa.s.sed and soon it was time to leave for the emperor"s castle, Mars was being dressed in a traditional Hinodian clothes by a few maids with a calm smile on his face, soon he was dressed and gave a noid as he looked into the mirror. The young maids looked at Mars with enchanted looks on their faces but soon they woke up from their daze as a knock sounded out from the door to the room.

"Come in."

The door was opened and the former slave soldiers steeped in, Mars gave a slight frown as the girls were dressed in white traditional dresses, Marie noticed Mars" frown and asked.

"What"s wrong Mars?"

"... Hopefully nothing."

Mars suppressed the bad feeling he was getting in the pit of his stomach and gave a smile instead before he complimented.

"You girls look good."

Marie and Hanna gave a smile and Jess gave a salute before she spoke.

"General I fear this dress is going to be hard to fight in."

Mars looked at Jess and her figure that was being enhanced by the tight fitting kimono-like dress and gave a nod.

"Yeah I can see that... Don"t worry I"ll do the fighting for you if any takes place tonight."

"Yes general."

At this moment the crown prince stepped into the room and spoke.

"Are you all ready to leave?"

Mars gave a nod and so did the former slave soldiers then the crown prince gave a wide smile.

"Then let us be on our way."

The crown prince led the way out of the mansion to where a set of white carriages pulled by white horses were, the group boarded the carriages and soon they were on their way towards the center of the city where the emperor"s castle was loctated. The castle was painted pure white of course, Mars felt like it somehow lit up the night sky but shook his head as it most likely just his imagination. The group was led into a waiting room where they were taught basic etiquette when one faced the emperor of Hinode before they were led towards an audience chamber. Mars lead the way after the servant that walked in front, he looked at the walls with a slight glow in his eyes as he studied the magic formations that were interlayed in the walls with great interest, of course this was unknown to the rest of the group. Soon they arrived at the audience chamber Mars and the group walked in and sat down like they were ordered to and soon there was a movement behind the half transparent curtain as the emperor arrived and spoke.

"Satou my son, I hear that we have received guests from Green river would you introduce them to me?"

The crown prince bowed down before he spoke.

"Yes esteemed father. First we have Mars, marshal as well as head of military technological development."

The crown prince took a short breath before he continued.

"Then we have the former slave soldiers he is looking after Maire, Jess, James and Hanna."

"Oh? Former slave soldiers?"

"Yes esteemed father."

"That seems interesting, Mars would you mind telling us how you acquired the former slave soldiers?"

Mars bowed down slightly (just as much as his pride allowed) before he spoke.

"I freed them from slavery by using a bestowed skill."

"A bostowed skill? Then you also happen to be an apostle?"


"... We understand, next we would like to talk about the current relations between Green river and Hinode."

"I understand."

What followed was about two hours of diplomatic talks about the current situation between Green river and Hinode by the end of the talks the emperor seemed to be in a fine mood.

"This has been an eye opening talk Mars we greatly appreciate your visit."

"Yes this has been a pleasant experience."

Mars stood up from his seat and turned to walk out of the audience room when the guards stopped three of the former slave soldiers from leaving, namely Jess, Hanna and Marie, Mars gave a frown and asked.

"What"s the meaning of this?"

The emperor gave a short laugh before he answered.

"Have you not heard it"s common to bring gifts when you visit the emperor? We will graciously take these women as concubines, be thankful Mars."

Mars stopped walking and slowly turned around, his eyes were red but he kept a wide smile on his face before he spoke.

"You will do no such thing, I suggest you stop with the bad jokes before someone gets hurt."

The emperor remained silent for a few moments, perhaps he was thinking about what Mars just said, but ultimately he spoke out.

"Guards, remove Mars from the castle and bring me my new concubines."

The guards sprung into action the moment they received their emperor"s command, and a pair of them reached out to grab Mars by the shoulders but froze the moment Mars opened his mouth.


Mars" presence spread out causing the mortals in the vicinity to freeze up, Mars gradually transformed into his half dragon from as he slowly walked back into the audience room towards the emperor as his body was gradually covered in vermilion armor, at this point in time the emperor managed to squeeze out a voice.

"P-protect us!"

The sides of the hall was breached and two big golems walked in, they looked like big stone demons as they charged towards Mars with their spears, in response Mars gave a slight smile and disappeared from view. When he reappeared the golems crumbled into dust and Mars calmly walked further towards the emperor, finally the guards unfroze and ran after Mars with their weapons drawn, Mars gave a wide smile before he spoke.

"Those who approach me will die!"

The guards were unfazed and charged at Mars letting out yells for him to stop and surrender, then it happened when one of the guards reached within about 10 meters of Mars he suddenly let out a scream as his armor let out steam and his skin turned red. A few seconds of screaming later he fell to the floor dead, he looked like a lobster that had been cooked alive.

"It sure works well my new skill..."

The other guards stopped and didn"t approach Mars further, no one wanted to suffer the same fate as the first guard to step within a 10 meter radius of Mars. Mars reached the white paper curtain and slashed it apart with his claws as he stepped closer to the emperor with a wide smile on his face, surprisingly he stopped walking a few meters from the terrified emperor and spoke.

"Now I am in a good mood today mortal so if you grovel on the floor and apologize I might let you live."

"M-mortal..? W-wait you are --"

"Yes I am, now decide if your honor or your life is worth more to you."

The emperor now as pale as the white clothes he was wearing gradually lowered his head into a bow before he spoke.

"I-I apologize for angering you Mars."

"... Louder."


"Very good, now I expect a formal apology for attempting to kidnap citizens of Green river within a week."

Mars turned and walked back to the former slave soldiers that looked at him with shocked faces.

"Follow me, we are returning to Green river."

The former slave soldiers gave nods and followed after Mars, Mars walked past the crown prince without saying anything to him.

"Oh right I need to collect our luggage..."

Mars walked out of the cattle and back towards the crown prince"s mansion where he soon arrived and walked in the open gate, just then the crown prince returned by carriage and called out to him.

"Mars wait a moment."

Mars stopped walking and gave a sigh before he turned around.

".... What is it crown prince?"

The crown prince bowed down.

"I apologize for my father"s actions and hope you won"t take your anger out on the citizens of Hinode!"

"... I won"t."

Mars gave a sigh as he looked at the crown prince, just a few hours ago they could have been considered friends but now he could see how the crown prince trembled in fear just from being close to him. Mars instructed the former slave soldiers to gather their luggage, soon they returned and found the crown prince still bowed down on the same spot, Marie asked Mars.

"... Why are they suddenly so afraid of you Mars?"

"Well because I am a living G.o.d."

Mars ripped open a portal while Marie tilted her head to the side.

"... What"s that?"

"Well I will tell you later but first... Step through the portal."

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