The day of teaching quickly pa.s.sed and soon it was afternoon and it was time for the extra training with Gorge and his friends. Mars sat on the training field, behind him were the bone broadsword stabbed into the ground as he expected 78 to show up at some point, soon Gorge arrived along with 3 other students. Mars opened his eyes and looked at them, they were two young men and two young women, Gorge was human and the two women were lesser beastmen and the other young man was a demon. Mars stood up and walked over to them, Gorge quickly greeted Mars

"h.e.l.lo Mars, thanks again for taking the time to train us"

"It"s fine, I am after all a teacher"

Mars looked at the other three and found that they weren"t part of the he had thought, they also looked at him and inspected him with curiosity, soon one of the girls asked

"Hey how old are you Mars?"

"I am 220ish"

"220ish? But you look like a human youth?"

Mars closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them again, when he opened his eyes they were crimson red, the four students each took a couple of steps back as they looked frightened, Mars gave a slight smile before he spoke

"I may look human but I am not, remember that. Also the skill I have in swordsmans.h.i.+p is hard cultivated over a number of years, so don"t expect levelling up easily and lose sight of your own goals"

Of course his swordsmans.h.i.+p skill was acc.u.mulated by the previous host of his vessel but Mars didn"t say that, Mars undid his transformation as Gorge spoke

"Y-Yes Mars"

Mars gave a warm smile before gave a nod and looked at the three students he didn"t know and asked

"So what are your names?"

The demon youth was the first to speak

"My name is Kelvin"

Then the two beastwomen girls spoke

"I am Freya"

"And I am Katrina"

"Good so Gorge, Kelvin, Freya and Katrina... Let"s start with evaluating your individual levels of skill"

Gorge gave a slight frown before he asked

"Can"t we just tell you our levels in [Swordsmans.h.i.+p]?"

"Levels are not everything, experience say a lot"

Gorge gave a nod before he looked like he suddenly remembered something

"Oh right, that"s what my dad also used to say..."

"I see, he sounds like a wise man, now let"s start with you Gorge"

"Yes, please guide me well!"

Gorge picked up a wooden sword and Freya handed another wooden sword to Mars, Mars took a light stance and spoke

"Come at me with all you got"


Gorge kicked off the ground and swung down at Mars with his wooden sword, Mars tilted his body to the side and made Gorge"s sword only hit air before he continued to fall back dodging. The swings that got faster and faster before he suddenly struck in between Gorge"s swings causing him to panic slightly as he blocked with his sword

"Good offence, poor defence!"

Mars pushed back Gorge with slow but well placed swings of his sword while leaving some openings for Gorge to counter, but to Mars" disappointment Gorge didn"t seem to spot the openings

"Maybe I should lower my level a bit more..."

Mars gradually slowed down his swings until they were about half the speed of Gorge"s form there Gorge was gradually able to put up a fight and about three minutes of exchanging blows later Mars lowered his sword and gave a nod

"Good, I got your level of swordsmans.h.i.+p down now, next one ple--"

"You"re open!"

Mars disappeared from view as a bone broadsword slammed down where he had just been standing kicking up a cloud of dust, Gorge that was standing close to the cloud coughed as he breathed in the dust, while he did sounds of a high speed sword fight spread out from within the cloud of dust until suddenly a loud clang sound out and a bone broadsword flew out of the cloud and landed on the ground. When the cloud of dust settled the group of four students could see Mars again along with a beastwoman they didn"t know. Mars had the wooden sword pointed at 78 that had a cute pout on her face as she spoke

"Boo! Mars you"re such a meanie!"

"Says the one that sneak attacked with enough power to kill"

The four students snapped out of their daze and Kelvin quickly asked

"Mars, who is this?"

"This is 78, I am her guardian and have been training her swordsmans.h.i.+p for four months now"

Gorge"s jaw dropped before he stammered

"F-Four months!"

From what Gorge could see 78 was levels above him that had trained for more than ten years, the other three also looked stunned, Mars gave a wry smile

"Don"t compare yourselves to 78, she has the best talent in swordsmans.h.i.+p I have ever seen"

"Hehe Mars praised me!"

".... Her temperament is something I am working on however"

Gorge gave a nod before he suddenly remembered

"Right 78 is a new student right? I heard how she beat up an upper cla.s.smate that hara.s.sed her"

Mars gave a slight frown and looked over at 78 and spoke

"I have not heard that story yet... Let"s talk about it later 78"


"Well then let"s continue, Kelvin you"re up"

"Yes Mars!"

Mars evaluated the four"s level in swordsmans.h.i.+p in about an hour, after he was done he gave a nod

"I more or less got your levels down now... Let"s continue tomorrow, I"ll have a training plan for the four of you done by then"

Gorge gave a nod and so did the rest of the group before Mars turned to 78 that sat by the side and looked bored and asked

"78 do you want to take a walk with me in the city?"


Mars then exchanged goodbyes with the 4 students and walked into town with 78, as they strolled around Mars asked her

"So what"s the story with the guy you beat up yesterday?"

78 gave a frown before she loudly complained

"He was annoying and kept trying to grab my hand and kiss it saying something about it being fate that we meet, so I kicked him around for a bit"

"I see..."

Mars gave a nod and decided not to scold 78 over this incident as it was her that it was her that was hara.s.sed and not the other way around. The two of them pa.s.sed their time in peace as they strolled around the city while chatting until a yell suddenly sounded out behind them

"78 my belle! To think I would meet you here is really my good luck!"

Mars and 78 turned around and saw a male student that had slick blonde hair, 78 showed a deep frown before she ignored the poor guy and began dragging Mars along

"Mars, let"s go to that shop over there"

"Wait 78, my princess don"t leave!"

the guy walked up and grabbed 78"s left hand to stop her from leaving, this caused Mars to frown before he said

"Oi, hands off the lady"

The guy completely ignored Mars as he spoke to 78

"Come now 78, my princess let"s go on a date!"

"No! let go of me!"

"Now don"t say that I promise I"ll make you happy now come along my princess!"

"This guy really has thick skin..."

Mars reached out and grabbed the student before he tore his hands off 78 and lifted him into the air

"You! Let me go, can"t you see I am talking with my princess!"

Mars gave a sigh and half wanted to see how far he could throw him but quickly changed his mind as he was a teacher now so murdering a student would not look so good on his CV

"Listen here you little s.h.i.+t, 78 doesn"t like you now stop hara.s.sing her and run along"

"What are you saying! Can"t you see that she"s just playing precious, we"re madly in love!"

Mars gave another sigh before his eyes went cold, with this kind of thick skin the only thing to do was to peel off a layer, the atmosphere suddenly changed and the temperature dropped as vermilion armour shards materialized mid air before they began closing in on the guy threateningly, looking at the sharp armour shards the guy paled while Mars gave a sigh

"Now I am 78"s guardian and I don"t mind peeling off a layer of your skin to get you to understand this, but I"ll ask again just to be sure what are you going to do when you see 78 in the future?"

"I-I-I-I will keep away from her!"

"very good"

Mars gave a smile and put down the poor guy before he clapped him on the shoulder

"Now run along"

"Y-Y-Yes sir!"

Mars looked as the poor and traumatized guy ran off into the distance before he gave a sigh

"Hopefully that will be the end of it..."

"Mars let"s go to that shop over there!"


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