After Rick and the students had prepared breakfast they gathered around and ate (leaving a portion for Mars of course) and then soon the daily activities began, groups went to gather edible plants and mushrooms while others stayed and practiced setting tents and cooking with limited tools, all in all it was basic survival training, or at least it was supposed to be

"Stop running you brat!"

Henrick was running, he didn"t know where he was going only that he needed to get away from the bandits that were chasing him, they had laid in ambush and captured a group of students

"Why?... Why? I thought all the bandits were dead!?"

The teachers had mistakenly a.s.sumed that the group of about 50 bandits that Mars slew was the whole of the bandit group, a grave mistake the students were now paying for

"Got to get away..!"

Henrick pushed his body far beyond the limits as he panted and felt like his legs had turned into two stone pillars which he was dragging forwards as he ran through the forest while the bandits were slowly gaining on him.

Soon he broke into a clearing where another group of students where gathered, Henrick opened his mouth and tried to shout for them to run away, he knew he had brought the bandits straight to them so he at least wanted to tell them to run but his throat and lungs failed him, the group turned and looked at him with wonder and a girl ran up to him and asked if he was okay but Henrick only shoved her away as he finally managed to speak

"Bandits!... Run!..."

At the same time the group of bandits broke through into the clearing, seeing more fresh prey their eyes sparkled and they ran forwards and tried to grab the female student that had asked Henrick if he was okay but stopped at the last second as a bone broadsword descended right in front of them, the bandits, cowards by nature took some distance which allowed the beastwoman to call out to her friends while she eyed the bandits without much fear

"Gorge, Kelvin, Freya, Katrina you guys brought your swords right?"

Groge gave a smile and drew out his sword and so did the other three before they moved up and blocked the bandits from the other students, as a fierce fight ensued 78 stood with her bone broadsword over her shoulder, imitating Mars to some degree and eyed a bandit that was giving a different feeling than the rest with a calm child like smile on her face

"Hey mister bandit, you"re a bad guy right?"

The bandit gave a cruel smile as he drew his sword without answering 78 that continued speaking

"Mars said I could kill bad guys so I"ll just a.s.sume you"re a bad guy"

78 swung the broadsword a few times with only one hand on the handle looking like she was warming up her shoulder before she put both hands on the handle and lowered her body posture slightly

"No way she can swing that sword around with those thin arms... This is going to be easy, can"t wait to play with her afterwards!"

The bandit didn"t want to give the initiative to what he considered to be prey so he kicked off the ground and charged at 78 and was about to slash down at her when he felt a light breeze and suddenly his vision s.h.i.+fted downwards


78 gave a shrug as she looked at the dumbfounded expression on the now separated head of the bandit before she kicked off the ground and sprang into the group of bandits while her sword turned into a white blur as it blended the bandits into unrecognizable pieces of blood and gore while she hummed a happy melody with a child like smile on her face, soon the bandits began fleeing from the group of combat able students (mostly 78) but just as the first bandit was about to make it into the forest a blade descended and decapitated him in an instant stopping the others in their tracks as a greater beastman stepped out into the clearing, he looked like a bipedal gray wolf and wielded a scimitar in his hand

"You bunch of cowards! How dare you flee from mere prey!"

His roar stopped the bandits that now were between a rock and a hard place as they had 78 behind them and their vice leader in front of them, the vice leader looked over the students that remained in the clearing which was just 78, Gorge and his friends then he looked at the copses of his men that laid on the forest floor and narrowed his eyes slightly before he yelled

"Let me deal with this"

Then the ambient temperature suddenly fell as vermilion particles began swarming around the vice leader and soon formed into vermilion armor that covered his entire body including his head, leaving only a thin sliver where he looked through, the five students looked at the vermilion armor with horror as Kelvin suddenly muttered

"It"s the same as Mars""

78 narrowed her eyes as she found the armor slightly troublesome before she spoke

"Run back to camp and get Mars"

The four froze for a moment before Katrina gave a nod and spoke

"Don"t die 78"

The other three also said similar things before the four of them turned and ran towards the camp, some of the bandits ran a big circle around 78 and after them but 78 was not worried about that as they were running towards Mars and therefore also their doom, instead she focused on the vice leader in front of her as she slowly lowered her stance before she asked

"Hey are you a bad guy?"


The vice leader only let out a laugh as he narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly closed the distance to 78 until he was right outside her range before began circling her a few times until he suddenly punched and slashed out with his scimitar


The vice leader took a step backwards as his eyes slightly widened while he looked at 78 and then yelled

"Looks like you"re not just any prey!"

Then he once again closed the distance and let out a flurry of slashes and hacks as he attempted to break 78"s defence, loud clangs sounded out as sparks filled the air while the vice leader slashed at 78 while he laughed loudly before he pulled back slightly and yelled

"I haven"t had this much fun in ages!"

Then the vice leader continued his a.s.sault, 78 kept defensive as she blocked the scimitar with the broadsword with a slight frown on her face, she knew she had to hold out until Mars arrived but she was getting more and more annoyed at the bandits laughs and jeers as she slowly was being pushed back and finally she was unable to take it anymore and began counter attacking.

After she reflected a slash from the scimitar she slashed out with her broadsword which counted with the bandit"s vermilion armor which let out a loud clang as vermilion sparks flew into the air and the bandit was pushed back, but instead of taking any real damage he just let out an even louder laugh and yelled

"Now we"re really playing! Be sure to entertain me some more!"

From there the fight gradually grew more and more one sided with 78 getting winded from poor control over her strength, (un)lucky for her the bandit seemed more intent on causing her pain than actually winning the fight as he cut shallow cuts on 78 as he laughed louder and louder until a few minutes later he became seeming frustrated as he yelled


Then he slashed at the bone broadsword making a loud clang sound out as it was sent flying through the air before he stabbed the scimitar into 78"s stomach, with the sound of flesh being torn the scimitar now dyed red with blood emerged on 78"s back before it was rapidly pulled out before his fist landed on 78"s face knocking her to the ground as she screamed in pain

"That"s right! SCREAM FOR ME b.i.t.c.h!!!"

78 felt the world around her blur from the pain of her wound as her scream was cut short by a solid kick that landed on her stomach which send her rolling as her blood dyed the gra.s.s beneath her, as soon as she was able she once again let out a scream from the pain.

This of course brought her no solace as another kick landed on her stomach and she once again let out a howl of pain


78 felt the world around her go blurry as she suddenly was grabbed by her fluffy ear and pulled up on her feet as she came face to face with the bandit that had now removed his helmet to better see her in pain, he leaned in and whispered to her

"Why don"t you scream some more?"

78"s blurry eyes suddenly focused as the teeth in her mouth began growing sharper as they transformed before she suddenly opened her mouth and sank her teeth into the neck of the vice leader that widened his eyes before he screamed in pain and pushed 78 away from him which dug out a large portion of his neck, unfortunately for 78 she had not bit deep enough to sever his artery

"YOU b.i.t.c.h! HOW DARE YOU BITE ME!"

The enraged bandit raised his scimitar aiming at 78"s neck but as it descended it hit a plate of vermilion armor that had formed midair, then before he noticed a youth with pale horns appeared in front of him and softly put his hand on the vice leaders chest

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