

The fight continued on as Mars added sound effects in his head, and good as the two beastmen were Mars was starting to get tired of fighting them, so he began focusing on the magic formation that had taken away the sound of the area and activated his [Energy: sense], While fighting the two beastmen.

"Now that"s clever... Looks like the formation uses the mana conduites inside the castle walls, in that case..."

After fighting for about a minute Mars formed a fire spear, the two beastmen readied themselves to receive or dodge it but to their surprise Mars fired it straight into the wall, the two beastmen revealed disdainful expressions when the second and third fire spear hit the exact same spot, but when the fourth one hit the same spot one of them looked like he had figured out what Mars was doing and quickly made some hand signals to the other that then widened his eyes before he looked at Mars with astonishment before both of them began fighting more desperately to try and stop Mars.

"Looks like they figured it out..."

What Mars was targeting was in fact a central part of the formation that just so happened to be made up of the magic conduit that ran in the easten wall of this hallway, in the exact spot Mars was targeting, seeing they had figured it out and was actively trying to stop him Mars dropped acting like he was at their level and activated [Instant movement] and knocked them both out with a hit from the side of his boardsword before he sunk the boardsword into the wall, severing the mana conduit.

"And here we go...!"

Sound rapidly returned to the world, this of course alerted the beastmen that were trying to open up the reinforced door but it also revealed a loud siren that seemed like it had been going for awhile

"He broke the formation!?"

"How"s that possible!?"

Mars gave a smile and swung the adamant.i.te broadsword over his shoulder before he gave a yawn and spoke

"Do you guys mind leaving? I am quite hungry and I have basically just woken up..."

The beastmen of course didn"t do as Mars hoped

"He must be a formation master from the human forces!"

"Kill him!"

Mars gave a sigh before he activated [Instant movement] and appeared right in front of one of the charging beastmen and smacked him right in the face with the flat side of his boardsword


"Oh how I"ve missed that sound!"

At this point the remaining 12 beastmen felt a cold shudder at Mars" speed and seeming lax att.i.tude made them realize Mars was not at all taking this serious but still wiped the floor with them

"Come on now, surrender"

The one beastwoman in the middle of the group narrowed her eyes slightly before she asked

"I thought you were going to let us go?"

"Yeah, well that was before you annoyed me by trying to kill me"

"...Say we surrender, can you guarantee our lives?"

"Well the human king bows down to me for a reason... so should you princess"

The beastwoman widened her eyes slightly before she looked away and spoke

"I-I have no idea what you are talking about...."

"Wait seriously? You"re the daughter of the beast empress?"

Mars felt a headache coming on, but was quickly interrupted by the arrival of a bunch of knights that quickly spotted the beastmen

"Beastmen, kill them!"

"Yeah, no these are my prisoners"

Mars quickly stopped the knights, or at least he tried to as they seemed to completely ignore him, which p.i.s.sed him off, as they charged past him Mars activated his presence for the first time in a while


The knights froze, most of them pa.s.sed out but a few of the stronger knights managed to remain conscious but were still unable to move, the beastwoman once again widened her eyes before she spoke

"L-Living G.o.d, he"s a living G.o.d!"

"Oh, your mother must have told you about my kind?"

"Y-Yes, I have heard the stories but didn"t believe them before today"

"So I take it as you surrender right?"

"Drop your weapons, we surrender!"

the other beastmen obayed the beastwoman and dropped their weapons

"Good now let"s go"

the beastwoman nodded her head and followed after Mars, so did the rest of the beastmen but she was soon surprised that Mars was taking them upstairs and asked

"You"re not taking us to the dungen are you?"

"Nah... Besides you won"t run will you?"

"We would not dare be disrespectful to you"

"That"s good... I like quick witted children"

"I am not a child"

"Are you under 100? Because in that case you are still a child"

One of the beastmen scoffed at Mars before he spoke

"Then what are you? an old man?"

Mars gave a sigh and before he could do anything the princess quickly apologized

"I am sorry about my subordinate, please don"t lower yourself to our level and just treat it as children making trouble"

"...Fine, but remember I am not human, no matter how much I look like these uncivilized people I am not one of them"

the princess gave a nod before she sent a glare to her subordinate that then gave a nod and spoke


"Good, now be quiet I think 78 is still sleeping"

Mars opened the door and found 78 sitting in a chair looking displeased, when she saw Mars she gave a huff before she turned her face away

"oh s.h.i.+t... Well here goes my dignity as a living G.o.d I guess..."

Mars walked into the room followed by the 15 beastmen (the ones that were unconscious were carried by their comrades), Something flashed in the eyes of the princess when she saw that 78 appeared to be a beastwoman but she remained silent as Mars walked over and asked 78

"What are you so mad about this time?"

"...You left while I was sleeping... Again"

"Sorry about that, I had to deal with these people"

78 looked over at the princess and gave a pout but before he could say anything there was a knock on the door, Mars gestured for the beastmen to make themselves comfy and went to answer the door and found the king on the other side along with an escort of knights and Jake

"Mars have you noticed any beastmen... Never mind, I see that you have... Do you mind if we come in?"

Mars glanced at the knights before he spoke

"As long as your dogs behave themselves"

The king gave a nod and was about to walk in before Mars stopped him

"You know what, just leave them outside... I trust you can behave yourself kid?"

The king left his escorts outside the room and stepped in along with Jake, the king looked at the beastmen with slight weariness before he took a seat in a couch along with Jake, Mars remained standing and looked at the beastwoman princess before he asked her

"What"s your name princess?"

"I am Terra"

"I see... What started the war with the human side Terra?"

"This... I am afraid I don"t quite remember now that you ask..? Wait..."

The princess looked confused and so did the king that spoke up

"The war started when... Wait, what?"

Mars gave a sigh and spoke

"The war started when the administration decided to test a system left behind by his predecessor, then he ordered one of the 13 to carry out the test on this contiend"

The people in the room all widened their eyes and looked shocked, the human king was the first to calm himself and asked

"Then how do we stop the war? If it"s the will of the 13 I am afraid us mortals can"t do anything..."

Mars gave a nod and spoke

"That"s right, mortal can"t do anything, but I am not mortal, I have talked with Information and made up a rather simple plan which should work"

Both Terra and the king looked rather egger for Mars to continue, after all being at war was very detrimental for a country, especially when it was a stalemate like this one

"Well it"s simple I just have to remove the divine influence from the countries, this can be done by breaking the avatar"s under the control of the archangel Sword that is running the show behind the scenes... From there Information will take over and de-escalate the war, then the countries involved can sign a peace treaty"

Terra gave a nod and spoke

"Well it sounds rather simple doesn"t it?"

The king gave a nod and spoke

"Almost too simple... Are you sure it"s going to work Mars?"

"Well I am not too sure and frankly I don"t care... I am just pa.s.sing through after all, but well, I"ll give it a try"

Jake gritted his teeth and spoke with anger clear on his face

"Then the only reason I was summoned was so I could help with an experiment?"

Mars paused and looked over at Jake

"Wait, you were summoned kid?"

"Yeah from earth"

Mars" eye lit up before he asked

"From what year?"


Mars gave a wide smile before he asked

"Hey is it true that pepe the frog was a symbol on the internet?"

Jake looked confused and suddenly it dawned on him before he stood up and asked Mars with shock on his face

"You"re from earth Mars!?"

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