Chloe walked quickly through the streets of Green river, her destination was just ahead: The only bank in Green river, the Green river bank

"hopefully this goes smoothly..."

she quickly stepped into the bank and lined up in a queue for high cla.s.s customers and when it was her turn she was lead into a private room where a receptionist stood behind a counter and met her with a perfect business smile

"How may I help you today?"

Chloe showed the crystal card and spoke with a slight smile on her face

"I need you to transfer an amount of cel onto this card"

"Certainly, how much should I transfer?"

"All of it"

The receptionist"s face stiffened slightly before she asked to confirm

"All of it? Are you closing your account here?"

"Yeah, so chop chop"

The receptionist gave a bow before she spoke

"I am sorry, closing accounts is something I am unable to do with my authority, I"ll go get the manger so please wait here"

"Sure off you go"

Chloe sat herself down in a couch and waited, while she waited she flipped the crystal card around in her hand, soon the receptionist returned along with a male elf in a suit that Chloe a.s.sumed was the manger, Chloe gave a sight frown before she spoke

"I don"t have all day you know"

"We are sorry about that, now I have been informed that you wish to close your account... Is that true?"

"Yeah and I am in a hurry so do it quickly"

The manager gave a sigh frown and took over for the receptionist and asked

"How much do you wish to withdraw?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and spokeĀ 

"All of it"

The smile on the managers face stiffened slightly before he spoke

"Miss Chloe your account totals about 250.000.000 cel... to withdraw all of it at once without prior notice is..."

Chloe gave a sigh and spoke

"Then I guess I will have to trouble Mars to shake up your bank instead, that is unless you want to give us our cel"

The corner of the eyes of the manger twitched slightly before he gave a sigh, he had heard of Mars of course and knew he was back in Green river besides that he also heard that it only would be a matter of time before he would take his former position as the Marshal of Green river back, so to say the least Mars was a person his bank could not afford to p.i.s.s off

"...I will arrange the transfer now, the crystal card please"

Chloe gave a smile and handed him the crystal card, of course if the manger knew that Mars had gotten the boot from Green river he would had made it even more difficult for Chloe to withdraw the account, but luckily he didn"t so he transferred all the cel onto the crystal card and handed it to Chloe


Chloe cheeked the card and saw that there was 254.500.001 cel on it and gave a nod before she stood up and walked out of the bank...

While Chloe visited the bank Mars was not idle he was currently sitting in front of Xel explaining how and why he was getting the boot from Green river, as he continued speaking he could see that Xel"s smile widened slightly, but that was not a smile of happiness it was one of rage, so when he ended his speech he gave a wry smile and asked her

"So what will you guys do now that I"ll be leaving Green river?"

"We will follow you of course, you are the savior of our race"

"Hmm... Can you wait a bit with that? I want to make a base camp before I am able to receive you all"

"...I understand, but I will bring this up at the next council meeting"

"Okay... Well that"s all I wanted to say, I need to visit some other people so I"ll take my leave here"

"I understand... Be sure to send a message when you are ready to receive us"

"I will"

Mars gave a smile and got up before he said goodbye to Xel and walked out of her house before he flew off towards his next destination which was a small apartment in a sky tree much like the one he had owned for all those years, he double checked the address and then he knocked on the door, soon the door was opened by a young beastwoman with two wtihe fox ears on top of her head, when she saw Mars she widened her eyes and before Mars had a change to react she was hugging him tightly, Mars gave a sigh before his hand fell on top of her head

"Hey Lily"

"...I have missed you very much Mars"

Mars gave a smile and asked

"Is your brother home?"

"Yeah he"s in the shower, he just returned from training"

"Okay, there"s something I need to talk with you guys about, do you mind if I come in?"

"No please come in Mars, make yourself at home"

Mars walked into the apartment along with Lily and soon he found himself in the living room where Lily gestured for him to sit down which he did, then Lily went into the kitchen which was the same room as the living room, just with tiles on the floor instead of carpet, soon she returned carrying a cup with tea and handed it to Mars


Lily gave a smile and sat down next to Mars, then the two of them began chatting about what had happened since they had seen eachother last, while they chatted Mars inwardly nodded his head, Lily sure had grown into a fine young beastwoman.

As the two of them chatted someone entered the living room, it was Lee wearing a towel around his waist, he was fresh out of the shower, he widened his eyes when he saw Mars and quickly walked over, Mars stood up and found that Lee was about his height now, the two of them looked each other over for a moment before Lee also suddenly hugged Mars much like his sister had down while he spoke

"It"s good that you"re back Mars"

"It"s nice to see you too Lee"

After exchanging greetings Lily reminded her twin brother to get dressed, Lee gave a nod and walked into one of the rooms that was connected to the living room while Mars continued chatting with Lily, soon Lee returned now fully dressed he sat down on the couch next to his sister and asked

"So what brings you here Mars?"

"Well... It"s not good news I am afraid"

Mars explained what had happened and how he had lost his ability to bend tear s.p.a.ce and how the elders had kicked him out of Green river, Lee showed a deep frown while Lily looked concerned with Mars and asked him

"So what are you going to do now Mars?"

"Well I could always take over Green river and kill the elders before I would rule like a dictator... Don"t look so serious that was a joke, no I"ll leave the city and find a new place to call home"

Lee gave a nod and spoke

"In that case we"ll come with you"

Lily also gave a nod and agree with what her brother was saying

"Yeah, we"re only here because you brought us here Mars, we"ll follow you"

"Okay... Then you still remember where I live?"


"Then pack your stuff and be there by tonight"

Lee stood up from the couch and walked back into his room seemingly egger to get his stuff packed, Lily showed Mars out as she also had to get packing and so Mars" quick vesit ended there

"Well then... Only one more place to stop..."

Mars flew off towards another part of the city and landed in front of a rather big one story house before he knocked on the door, soon a demon servant opened the door and gave Mars a slight bow, Mars gave a smile and spoke

"I am here to visit the princess"

"Certainly, please follow after me"

Mars followed after the servant into the house and soon he was sat down in a couch where he waited for Velvet to show up

"I wonder how she"s been..."

As Mars was thinking Velvet showed up, she as always wore a blindfold but didn"t behave like a blind person at all as Mars felt her eyes on him as she gave a smile and walked over to him, Mars stood up and hugged her before she asked

"So Mars, what brings you here today?"

"Well it"s not good news"

Mars once again explained that he was being kicked out of Green river which Velvet only had one thing to say

"Those sc.u.m!"

Mars gave a sigh, it looked like Velvet was very much on his side as she sat and trembled in rage for a bit before she calmed down and eventually asked Mars

"So what are you going to do now Mars?"

"Well I"ll leave... From there I think I"ll get myself a city in the NNE... I just have not decided how yet"

"What do you mean, how?"

Mars gave a smile

"Well I could buy it or conconquer it"

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