Mars looked outside the window, the deserted street was as lifeless as the last time he had looked at it, suddenly Victoria returned by jumping out a nearby shadow with her horns glowing

"I"m... back"

Mars kneeled down and petted Victoria on the head while he asked

"how was it?"

Victoria squinted her eyes in happiness and begun lightly purring causing the nearby Varvei to be secretly envious

"there was... a lot... of soldiers... some in mana... armor... there was... no holes... in the formation"

"well s.h.i.+t..."

Mars fell into thought for sometime before he picked up his sword

"Victoria you stay here and guard Varvei"


Varvei looked at Mars with worry in her eyes and asked

"what about you Mars?"

"I"ll go scare off the imperial army"

Varvei gave a sigh and mumbled

"...why does it sound like you"re just going shopping?"

Mars stood up and walked over to Varvei before he put his hand on her head and ruffled her hair


"...fine, just promise me you"ll be fine"

"I"ll be fine"

"...okay then"

Mars gave a smile and ruffled her hair one more time before he lifted his hand and walked over to the window and jumped out, landing on the street Mars leisurely walked down the road until a blockade came into view there was about 20 normal soldiers with spears and two soldiers in active mana armor

"well this is trouble..."

having been part of Vanessa"s squad Mars knew first hand how powerful trained soldier in active mana armor was, and there was two of them here

"there"s about 5 roads out of the part of town we are in if there"s two active mana soldiers per road then that means there"s 10 of them in total..."

Mars gave a sigh and drew his sword, the white bone glittered in the sunlight drawing the attention of the soldiers

"there he is!"

the two mana armored soldiers drew out great swords and one of them stepped forwards

"surrender or we will use deadly force!"

"you can"t just let me though?"

"no, we have orders to arrest you and the female half-dragon!"

the slightly distorted voice sounded out of the mana speaker caused Mars to give a sigh

"then I hope you find peace in the next life"

as Mars spoke a sense of pressure spread out form him and hit the soldiers, along with a came a creeping sense of dread which made them hold their weapons tightly


one of the soldiers in the mana armor yelled, his slightly distorted voice form the mana speaker carried with it a hint of fear, the soldiers quickly formed a spear formation as all of them stared down Mars that was slowly transforming into his slightly sinister looking half-dragon form

"...well then, here I come"

Mars started walking towards the soldiers, slowly at first but he gradually picked up speed until he was in full sprint as the distance between Mars and the group of soldiers shuck until suddenly he activated [Instant movement] and disappeared from view

"where did he g---"

one of the soldiers yelled only to be literally cut short and he along with the others clutched their necks and fell over as the smell of iron spread in the nearby area, Mars reappeared in the middle of the collapsed soldiers, his sword arm was bleeding a little but Mars ignored it and looked at the two mana armor soldiers

"now for the two of you"

"you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

one of the mana armored soldiers swung down his great sword at Mars and with a loud bang did it hit the cobblestone pavement spewing pieces of rock all over the place

"did I get him?"


a loud clang sounded out as Mars. .h.i.t the mana armored soldier on the side of the helmet causing sparks to fly, the other soldier quickly yelled

"on you shoulder!"

the mana armored soldier quickly tried the grab Mars with his free hand but only grasped air

"where did he go!?"

"on the roof, 45 degrees left!"

"got it!"

the mana armored soldiers swung his great sword sideways into a total Innocent building to his left that quickly collapsed into ruble form the sudden impact, Mars reappeared on another roof a little ways away

"guess I should take this seriously..."

Mars begun changing his right hand with 50 units of energy while he jumped for roof to roof avoiding the great swords that was swung after him until finally his [Energy: discharge] skill was ready for use

"time to end this..."

Mars jumped down on street level and dodged another swing of a great sword before he jumped and landed right in the face of one of the mana armored soldiers and put his left hand to the helmet of the armor before he activated his skill

"and boom goes the dynamite"


the force of Mars" skill bent the helmet inwards witch was followed by a sort but miserable scream and then the now empty of life armor fell over with Mars then turning to look at the other mana armored soldier

"you"re next"

a little over two hours later Mars stood on the wreck of yet another set of empty mana armor, his armor was chipped here and there and his sword had snapped in two, after he had killed the first mana armored soldier he had called for help and almost 30 mana armored soldiers had stormed Mars, his [living G.o.d: presence] was only able to slow them down a little, Mars gave a sigh and looked around

"now where did it go..? oh there it is"

Mars walked over and picked up the other part of his sword or at least he tried to

"oh for f.u.c.ks sake... where did my left arm go..?"

Mars realized he was more wounded then he thought with his entire lover left arm missing, there was also a deep cut down his left shoulder witch almost made his shoulder fall off

"...well at least I"m alive"

Mars decided to look on the positive and picked up the other part of his sword with his right hand and put it in his pocket before he sat down and activated his [Energy: healing] skill on himself with 100 units of energy while he looked at the wound on his left arm

"...well this is... something"

about 5 centimeters of his left arm grew back before it stopped healing

"so it does regenerate missing limbs... neat"

Mars rose to his feet again and slowly walked back to the inn that luckily was still standing and jumped into the 2nd floor window

"I"m back"

"good I was greeting worried---"

Varvei stopped speaking and covered her mouth with her hands as tears begun running down her face, Mars gave a wry smile and sat down on the bed next to her and slowly stroked her on the back with his remaining right hand

"it"s fine, I can heal it"

Varvei remained silent while she cried until she mumbled

"it"s my fault... once again it"s my fault"

"no it"s not"

Varvei wiped her tears and looked at Mars with a weak smile on her face before she gave a nod before he picked out the blade of his sword and gave it to Varvei

"can you hold this for a second?"


Varvei held the blade and then Mars took the other part of his sword and held it to the blade part before he activated his [Energy: restoration] skill and the two parts fused together

"there we go"

"that"s... amazing"

"yeah it"s pretty neat right?"

"...what do we do now?"

"hmm... Victoria"

Victoria jumped out of a nearby shadow at Mars" call and walked over to him with horns glowing

"you"re... hurt"

"it"s fine, I"ll heal it in no time"


"never mind that, Victoria can you carry the backpack?"


Victoria looked over at the backpack before he horns flashed and a shadow appeared under the backpack before it slowly got adsorbed by the shadow and then the shadow disappeared again

"...that"s neat, teach me how to do that sometime"


"well then... Varvei climb up on my back"

"your back?"

Mars showed his left arm

"yeah I can"t carry you in my arms"

"oh right..."

Varvei climbed up and Mars" back and put her arms around his neck

"you comfy?"

"...yes very"

"okay then let"s leave Ely and get on our way"


Varvei nestled against Mars and even warped her tail around his waist, Mars stood up and grabbed her thigh with his right arm and jumped out of the window and begun running towards the southern walls were he jumped over the walls and begun running into the plains with the speed of a normal carriage, Varvei on his back ran her hand through his hair with a enchanted look on her face before she gave him a squeeze with her arms with a happy smile on her face, this was the most happy she had been in a long time

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