Mars woke up from his daze and thought back to when he had taken the test, at that time his 3 fold explosion was only able to break the first containment formation

"well I"m sure if i used the same spell I would have similar results... probably"

Mars convinced himself so and gave a nod before he walked over to Varvei and patted her on the shoulder

"good job"

"thanks Mars"

"could you teach me that spell sometime?"

Varvei frowned and slowly shook her head

"I"m sorry I can"t, I learned it from a grimoire..."

"oh, I see well never mind then"

the teacher gave a sigh of amazement and also walked over to Varvei

"you have pa.s.sed the test miss Varvei, as long as you can pay the fee you will be accepted into Destra"s magic academy"

"I"ll pay for her"

"....okay then please follow me back to the administrative building"

Mars and Varvei gave a nod and followed the teacher back to the administrative building were Mars paid the fee and Varvei received her red mantel which she put on

"how does it look?"

"it looks nice on you"

"thanks Mars!"

Varvei latched on to Mars" arm and rubbed her face on his shoulder in happiness until the teacher gave a fake cough and spoke up

"cla.s.s have already started so please follow after me miss Varvei and I"ll show you to your new dorm room, Mars go ahead and head to cla.s.s"


"see you later Mars"

"see you Varvei"

Mars walked out of the administrative building and headed to cla.s.s, when he reached the cla.s.s room he knocked on the door and waited until it was opened, a middle aged man with a golden robe and a calm smile on his face opened the door, upon seeing Mars his smile widened a little and he reached his hand forwards

"you must be Mars, I"m the new vice Max"

Mars grabbed Max"s hand and shock it with a smile on his face

"nice to meet you Max"

"please come in and take a seat"

Mars gave a nod and walked into the cla.s.s room and looked around and saw the twins and Karen sitting on their usual places, but there was also Chloe sitting at a seat a little away from the others and a unknown student that also wore a red mantel, she had short yellow hair and a pair of yellow eyes that seemed to be glowing slightly, Mars also saw Victoria that had taken her usual spot on top of his desk and was sleeping. Mars walked over and took his seat after waving at Karen and the twins

"okay then let"s resume the lesson about mana, mana as I"m sure you all know is the power behind all magic spells and formations furthermore---"

Mars listened to the lesson for about 10 minutes until there was a knock on the door and the teacher form before followed by Varvei, the teacher and Max exchanged a few words before the teacher walked out of the cla.s.s room leaving Varvei behind

"okay we have a new cla.s.smate here, go ahead and introduce yourself"

"yes.... my name is Varvei, I"m a half dragon nice to meet you all"

"good, Varvei go ahead and take a seat"

"yes teacher"

Varvei walked over and took a seat a little away from Mars before the lesson continued, after an hour did Max stop teaching and ended the lesson before he walked out of the cla.s.sroom, Mars stretched and looked around the cla.s.sroom the twins were sleeping soundly and Karen was chatting with the unknown student, Varvei was looking like she was contemplating something so Mars left her alone and walked over to Karen

"hey Karen"

"hey Mars I was just talking about you"

"really now... was it about how handsome I am?"

"err... no"


"w-well anyway this is Joy"

Joy bowed her head slightly as she inspected Mars with her slightly glowing yellow eyes before she suddenly gave him a thumbs up

"I heard you gave the finger to the empire... nice job"

"you don"t like the empire Joy?"


"I see, well I"m probably a wanted man in the empire... so nice to meet you?"

Mars reached out his hand with a wry smile on his face, Joy"s eyes sparkled as she quickly shook Mars" hand with a strange vigor until Varvei walked up poked Mars on the shoulder

"should we go?"

Mars turned and saw Chloe also looked at him expectantly

"yeah let"s.... see you Karen, nice to meet you again Joy"

Mars left the cla.s.s room with a flower on each hand and Victoria following after him and the rest of the day did Mars" spend along with his 3 admires telling stories about what had happened during the trip but mostly he spend the time flirting with the three of them until night came and he returned back to his room and threw himself on the bed with a happy smile on his face

"this is life..."

Mars slowly drifted off to sleep...

late at night a pair of fluffy black ears twitched as they focused on the sounds around them, then they turned to the person sleeping on the bed in the small dorm room

"he"s sleeping... but I want to play..."

she gave a light snort out from her nose to show her displeasure with Mars that was currently in dreamland before she turned to the window that was slightly open

"I can always play by myself"

Victoria decide to go out and play by herself and focused soon her horns glowed slightly before the outline of her body turned blurry and she turned into a shadow that slipped out the window and down the wall before she rematerialized on the ground and looked around for something to play with and soon spotted some dried leaves on the ground that moved slightly in the wind

"pray found"

Victoria"s pupils widened and turned round as she crouched down and started to mentally calculate the distance to her target before he hind legs exploded with power and she leaped into the air, after gliding through the air for a second did she land again with her front paws firmly around her pray that crumbled as she tore it apart with her paws

"time to find some more pray..."

Victoria looked around again as her fluffy ears twitched searching for any sounds in the quiet night and soon the sound of metal grinding against metal entered her ears

"over there?"

having found something new and interesting she released the dried leaves from her paws and begun running in the direction of the sound and soon she reached the outer fence of the academy where a group of masked men was scaling the fence, Victoria hid in some brushes with her ears standing at attention as she looked at the group soon their whispers entered her ears

"is he really here?"

"yeah the latest intel from the academy says he arrived early this morning"

one of the men that had pa.s.sed the fence licked his lips and gave a smile under his mask

"100.000 cell for the head of one person... the empire sure is generous"

soon the rest of the group finished scaling the fence and the group begun moving further into the academy, but a set of paws starked them in the dark

"they look like bad people... Mars said I could kill bad people... this seems like fun pray"

Victoria ran up to and hid in an other brush before her horns flashed slightly and a shadow clone that was formed out of the surrounding darkness appeared before it moved ahead of the group and sat down and waited soon the group of masked men discovered the shadow clone, one of them fired a crossbow at the clone, the bolt strock true and made the shadow clone tune back into shadows

"what was that?"

"don"t know"

one of the bigger intruders shushed the others before he whispered

"it doesn"t matter what it was, be alert!"

the group moved forwards again while Victoria watched them from a nearby roof

"they seem mean.... let"s thin their numbers first..."

the group continued forwards until the leader signaled for them to stop and turned around

"...wait where did Luger and Caspar go?"

"err..? they were right behind me?"

"maybe they got lost?"

the leader felt a chill down his spine and quickly drew out his sword, the blade glinted in the moonlight

"defensive positions!"

the group of 6 bounty hunters formed a circle with their backs against each other and watched the darkness in an alert state, little did they know Victoria had appeared in the middle of them

"boring pray... this was too easy"

Victoria formed 8 shadow meddles which shot off into the necks of the bounty hunters that all fell over with a thud before they began melting into a shadow that had appeared under them

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