2 months pa.s.sed since the elimination of the invaders, in Mars" building on one of the top floors 4 very naked figures lay crumpled together in a king sized bed, one of the figures suddenly sat up and looked around


Mars resisted the urge to fall asleep again but only just barely and stretched before he climbed out of bed leaving behind Chloe Elsa and Varvei in dreamland, Mars put on some pants and walked up to the window and looked out at the river for some time until his stomach grumbled

"guess I"ll go eat something..."

Mars" life had changed in the 2 months since he destroyed the fort, first the most obvious; night activities, he had finally stopped holding himself back and taken the plunge which the girls welcomed with open arms, this Mars of cause found wonderful although the trade off was that he was a little tired in the morning

"it"s well worth it though... now let"s see what"s in the fridge..."

while Mars was rummaging through the fridge for something edible someone was sneaking up on him and suddenly jumped on him and hugged him from behind

"morning Mars"

"good morning Varvei"

it was indeed Varvei, she was the second earliest riser in the household and often trained on the roof early in the morning with her long spear

"how are the other two?"

"still asleep"

"I see..."

"anything interesting in there?"

Varvei peeked over Mars" shoulder into the fridge with great interest, being a half-dragon she, like Mars had a healthy appet.i.te

"ah! dips on the roasted chicken!"

Varvei elegantly slipped past Mars and reached into the fridge and grabbed a piece of roasted chicken which she then proceed to stuff her face with it

"so good~ Elsa"s cooking is the best"

"yeah I know, now give me some too"

"but I called dibs on it!"

"...then should I eat you instead?"

"...fine you may have a piece"

Varvei relinquished a piece of roasted chicken to Mars with a pout on her face

"thank you"

"humph whatever..."

"yeah yeah, don"t be mad or I won"t kiss you anymore"

"...I"m not mad"


"....I"m not mad"

Mars decided to leave Varvei alone and chewed on the roasted chicken as he thought about what he should do for the day, suddenly a zombie, or rather Chloe walked out of the master bedroom, her hair was messy and she was wearing a s.h.i.+rt which was half open, furthermore her green eyes were dim


Chloe was not a morning person, Varvei stopped eating and helped Chloe with finding the toilet meanwhile Mars decided on his course of action

"I think I"ll go to the academy today..."

while Mars was thinking Elsa showed up, she also wore a s.h.i.+t but looked a lot more fit to fight then Chloe and gave a gentle smile when she saw Mars stuffing his face with leftovers

"good morning Mars"

"Morning Elsa, I"m going to the academy today, wanna come with?"

"hmm... no I think I"ll stay, say hi to Hanna for me"


Mars finished eating and went up to the roof and looked around the rooftop garden before he called out


"I"m... right here"

Victoria jumped out of a nearby form a nearby brush, she looked a little different then she did a few months ago, her orange stripes was a lot more p.r.o.nounced and another set of horns was growing from her head, although they were still small

"oh there you are indeed"

Mars kneeled down and petted Victoria on the head which caused her to let out a loud purr, Mars spent some time with Victoria until eventually Chloe and Varvei, both wearing their red mantels came up to the roof

"Mars here"s a s.h.i.+rt and your mantel"

"thanks Varvei"

Mars put on his s.h.i.+rt and mantle and looked over at Varvei and Chloe

"you girls ready?"

"yeah I"m good to go"

"me too"

"okay then..."

Mars transformed his left hand and with his claws he slashed out into the empty air as he activated a skill, instantly a rift in s.p.a.ce formed and after a few seconds it stabilized, Mars then made a small bow towards Chloe and Varvei

"ladies first"

Chloe gave a smile and stepped through the portal meanwhile Varvei was hesitating a little and eventually asked

"can we hold hands?"

"are you still scared?"

Varvei gave a small cute nod before Mars gave a soft sigh and held out his hand to her


Varvei took his hand and stepped through the portal along with Mars, last was Victoria that jumped through the portal right before it closed...

at Destra"s magic academy in the central plaza a rift suddenly opened and stabilized, this of cause caused student to gather around some stared with wide eyes at the unnatural s.p.a.cial rift while others just gave it a glance while they walked past, soon the portal widened and Chloe stepped out followed by Mars and Varvei and finely Victoria before it closed again, Mars looked around at the crowd with a smug smile on his face before he walked to cla.s.s along with Chloe, Varvei and Victoria on the way they ran into a familiar face and Mars stopped to chat

"hey Ca.s.s"

"ugh... h-hey Mars"

Ca.s.sandra looked like she had just swallowed something bitter

"...I will ignore that rude sound you made if you tell me what"s been happening around the academy lately"

"that"s fair... well the buzz is mostly around the 3rd prince getting together with some daughter of a baron"

"wait is that daughter named Hanna?"

"no her name was something else"

"...I see"

"well I have cla.s.s now so I got to go"

"see you around Ca.s.s"

"...see you Mars"

after mars said goodbye to Ca.s.sandra he caught up with Chloe and Varvei and walked together with them to cla.s.s were he greeted the others and sat down and waited, soon Max, the new vice princ.i.p.al arrived he looked a little stressed but seemed to visibly relax when he saw Mars

"somehow I have a bad feeling about that..."

Mars tried to push his rude thoughts aside but during the lesson Max kept glancing at him almost as he was making sure Mars was still there, after cla.s.s Mars rose to his feet as soon as the bell rang and was about to make his escape out the cla.s.sroom when Max called out to him

"Mars I need to talk with you, please stay behind"


Mars stopped and walked back to his seat and sat down, meanwhile the other students left the cla.s.sroom even Varvei and Chloe left together with Karen and Joy, although they both gave him a little wave when they walked past him

"so what is it you want to talk about?"

"well... it"s about the way you travel to the academy"


to cover up his ability as a living G.o.d to literally tear s.p.a.ce Mars had told others he was a s.p.a.ce time mage, a harmless little lie

"well the thing is the king has learned you are a s.p.a.ce time mage and would like to meet with you personally"

"....I see, so when does he want to meet?"

Max gave a rather strained smile

"as soon as possible"

"I see, well then let"s head there now"

"that was the plan, you have been to King"s city yes?"

"yes I have.... give me a second"

Mars transformed his left hand and slashed out into empty air and activated the skill he had learned when he had hit level 40 [Living G.o.d: s.p.a.ce tear] and tore a rift in s.p.a.ce, a few seconds later the rift stabilized and Mars gave a nod

"you first"

"o-okay... it"s safe right?"


"good... then here I go!"

Max clenched his fist and walked into the s.p.a.cial rift, Mars gave a grin and followed after him soon after...

in the middle of King"s city at a busy plaza a s.p.a.cial rift suddenly appeared, this of cause scared the surrounding people with some calling for the guards while others fled in panic but soon the rift turned quiet as it had stabilized and a man wearing a golden mantle walked out and looked around before he gave a sigh and turned back and looked at the portal were Mars soon stepped out

"could you not have chosen a more secluded place?"

"sure I could, how about next time I open a portal directly inside the castle?"

"...never mind, well then let"s head to the castle"

"sure... it should be just this way"

Mars and Max walked towards the castle which they reached after a half hour walk, Max walked up and exchanged a few words with the guards before they were allowed inside the castle, when they entered a knight stood and waited he gave a glance at Mars before he looked back at Max and spoke

"please hand over all weapons to me"

Max turned to Mars and Mars gave a nod and loosened the sheath form his pants and handed it to the knight

"well then please follow after me, his majesty awaits"

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