"time to go wild!"

Mars wasted no time and activated [Instant movement] and rushed into a room before he swept it like a b.l.o.o.d.y hurricane killing everyone inside without showing any mercy before he moved to the next room and repeated the process until he reached another reinforced door and stopped to take a closer look

"what do we have here?"

Mars raised his sword and took a deep breath before


with a low shout he slashed down, cutting the door off the hinges before he turned and prepared to kick it in

"honey I"m..."



the door flew into the room that turned out to be a luxurious looking office that at first glance appeared to be empty

"dude seriously...?"

Mars gave a sigh and walked over and kicked the desk

"come out and face me like a man"

"o-okay just don"t kill me!"


a fat looking man in silk clothing got up from behind the desk, he was sweating with big beads dripping down his face

"please don"t kill me"

"why should I let you go?"

"your not a knight? I can give you money if you let me go"

Mars put on an intrigued face and a warm smile before he brought up his sword and held it against the fat man"s double chin but before he had a change to say anything someone walked into the room, it was Kim she held a pair of b.l.o.o.d.y claws in her hands clearly she had been killing a lot of people, when she saw Mars she tilted her head and asked with a child-like smile on her face

"why have you not killed him yet?"

"because I want information"


Kim tilted her head clearly not understanding what Mars meant, Mars gave a sigh and explained

"if I get information I get to kill more bad people"

"oh I see! then information is very good, right?"

"yes it is, so fat a.s.s what do you have for me?"

"HIII don"t kill me!"

"come on now that was the wrong answer... guess I"m not getting a lot out of you"

Mars slashed out and decapitated the fat man before he walked over to the desk and began digging though it finding a lot of doc.u.ments which he carefully put to the side in a neat stack before he looked around the room

"what are you looking for?"

"a hidden safe"

"hmm...? I don"t understand?"

Mars removed the rug but found nothing then he began taking down paintings and soon found a hidden safe


"oh is that the hidden safe?"

"yes Kim, that it is"

Mars raised his sword and slashed down cutting into the safe before he opened it and looked inside


Mars pulled out a sack and filled it with coins, most of them golden coins and jewels then he turned to Kim and pulled out a ruby the size of a baby"s fist and presented it to her

"for you"

"oh, a pretty rock!"

Kim s.n.a.t.c.hed the "pretty rock" and admired it before she stuffed it into her pocket and gave a wide child-like smile

"thanks Mars!"

"your welcome Kim, now let"s go kill some bad guys"


Mars went back out the office with Kim following after him like a baby duck following its mother and soon both of them began slaughtering the rest of the people in the underground but soon they found something horrible, the holding cells for the slaves

"I think I"m going to be sick..."

the conditions of the slaves was horrible most of them was covered in filth and was starved so badly their bones was clearly visible Mars cut open the cells and let out the slaves before he let them up to the surface before he and Victoria turned to the dark knights

"well that"s a job well done I think, oh right here the doc.u.ments that were in the office I"m sure you guys can use them better than I can"

the captain gave a nod and accepted the doc.u.ments

"thank you Mars, we will leave for the north tomorrow morning don"t be late"

"okay, well then..."

Mars transformed his hand and opened a portal to Green river and steeped though after he gave Kim a little wave, then Victoria jumped though and the portal closed...

The next morning Mars" eyes snapped open


for sometime he lay and looked into the familiar ceiling until suddenly Elsa turned in her sleep and slapped Mars in the face with her arm

"....and suddenly I"m a lot more awake"

Mars pushed Elsa"s arm aside and sat up in the bed and looked around before he let out a yawn and scratched his head before he sneaked out of bed and picked up some somewhat clean boxers from the floor and wore them

"....need a shower"

Mars gave another yawn as he walked out of the master bedroom into the living room where he ran into Kaitlin the manager of the building as well as its former owner, she had her back turned and was reading some doc.u.ments so she didn"t notice Mars walk in

"good morning Kaitlin"

Kaitlin turned her head and saw Mars which only was wearing boxers and blushed a little before she rose from her seat and gave a slight bow

"good morning Mars"

Mars still not completely awake scratched his stomach and gave another yawn before he asked

"so what brings you here so early in the morning?"

"i-its nothing, it"s just that a few of the people running shops in the building have expressed their interest in meeting you lately"

"I see, well I have something planned for the next week so maybe after that?"

"that"s fine too"

"oh right wait here for a second..."

Mars walked over to his stuff which was in a neat pile in the corner of the room and pulled out a leather sack and walked over and handed it to Kaitlin

"what"s this?"



Kaitlin opened the sack and found several rubies and several golden coins

"t-t-this is!?"

even though Kaitlin was used to running an entire building in the middle of Green river she was not used to seeing this much cash

"b-b-but the business is doing fine?"

"then use it to invest or something I don"t need it, anyway I need to shower now talk about it with one of the girls"

Mars turned and left the still slightly stunned Kaitlin behind, after taking a refres.h.i.+ng shower Mars walked back to the living room and found that the girls was awake, Mars noticed how Chloe was talking with Kaitlin and Elsa was cooking some breakfast so he decided to join Mary and Varvei that was lazing around on a couch until breakfast was served. After eating Mars got dressed and wore his armor and after kissing the girls goodbye he walked up to the roof and opened a portal to King"s city, after arriving at the city Mars leisurely walked towards the castle with Victoria following after him and soon they arrived and was let into the castle. Soon they arrived at a courtyard where a sleek dark as night sky carriage stood parked, upon seeing the sky carriage Mars gave a nod

"yup, I want one of my own...."

while Mars admired the sky carriage the dark knights arrived along with the king, Kim gave her usual child like smile when she saw Mars and ran over to him like a puppy

"good morning Mars!"

"good morning Kim"

clearly giving Kim the "pretty rock" had made her feel much closer to Mars then he had expected

"oh well..."

Mars gave a sigh before he turned and exchanged nods with the other 2 dark knights before he gave a light bow

"your majesty"

the king gave a smile

"it"s good to see you"re here Mars"

"well I did make a promise"

"that you did and I"m honored you kept it"

"i see... well should we go now?"

"oh I want to sit next to the kitty cat!"

the group boarded the sky carriage and got comfy before it lifted off the ground and headed north...

in the northern Destra lay a town called Bellmoral, it was a so called strategic location between the empire and Destra as it lay as a fort in a mountain pa.s.s that had the empire to the north and Destrra to the south, in Bellmoral a mage was sitting and meditating when suddenly he received a long range telepathic message and open his eyes

"...a squad of dark knights?"

the mage was an old man with graying hair and he had an overall frail looking build, but the light that shone in his eyes made people mistake him for a younger man

"....I have to report this to the lord, don"t I?"

the mage got up from the pillow he was sitting on and walked out of the room into a hallway where he sometimes pa.s.sed by servants which all stopped and bowed their heads to him when he pa.s.sed, soon he arrived at the lord"s office and walked in without knocking, inside the office sat a man in the prime of his life behind a study desk, without looking up from his paperwork he asked the mage

"what is it?"

"sire I have revived word that Destra is sending a squad of dark knights"

the man behind the desk gave a nod before a cold light shone through his eyes

"have them disappear before they arrive"

"as you wish sire"

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