"phew... that was rougher than I thought it would be"

Mars gave a sigh as he sat down in the couch in his living room and leaned back, he had been vesting all kinds of shops the last 5 hours, he had also revived all kinds of gifts from the shop owners so much so that he wasn"t able to carry it all and eventually had to promise he would come back for the gifts some other time

"well that was nice...."

"what were you expecting?"

"I don"t know.... just not this"

"hmm.... they are nice aren"t they"


Chloe leaned into Mars as she sat next to him on the couch

"by the way you should talk with Marry"


Mars didn"t ask why he knew that Chloe had her reasons to ask him

"well then, how long before dinner?"

Mars called into the kitchen and Elsa yelled back

"about 15 minutes, if you want it faster you can help out"

"maybe next time"

"you always say that..."

Mars gave a sigh and got up from the couch as he asked Chloe

"are they training on the roof?"

"yeah... good luck"


Mars walked out of the living room and eventually walked up the sitars to the roof as he did the sounds of metal meeting metal gradually got louder and when he stepped out onto the roof it was almost deafening


Mary wielded her twins swords as she deflected Varvei"s long spear for the nth time


"girls do you have a moment?"


"we"re... a... little... busy..."

"I can see that, that"s why I asked"

the two stopped fighting and Mars walked over and gave a nod

"Varvei the food is almost ready"


Varvei imitatively ran down straits meanwhile Mars looked at Marry that was wiping the sweat that was dripping down her forehead, Mars walked over and took the towel from her

"hold still"

Marry closed her eyes and held still as Mars gently wiped the sweat on her face


"thanks Mars"

Marry started heading downstairs but Mars called out to her

"Chloe said you wanted to talk about something?"

Marry stopped walking and turned and gave a nod

"yeah... the truth is I would like to return home and tell my mother that I"m no longer cursed"

"I see... and when were you planning on leaving?"


Mars gave a nod before he gestured for Marry to come closer when she did he gave her a light chop on the forehead

"are you angry?"



"I"m angry you didn"t ask if I wanted to come with"



"....then do you want to come with?"


Marry jumped into Mars" arms

"thanks,"" I love you"

"love you too"

then the two of them started heading downstairs and found that the others had already started eating and joined them, then Mars told them about his plan to head to meet Mary"s mother

"wait where is it she lives again?"

"the capital of the holy union"

"right so me and Marry are playing on heading there tomorrow"

Varvei nodded but Elsa and Chloe looked like there was something bothering them so Mars asked

"what is it?"

Chloe gave a sigh and spoke

"I want you to meet my mother too"

Elsa gave a nod

"me too"

"....I see, where do your parents live Elsa?"

"in Malrton.... they probably worried that I quit my job at the lord"s mansion"

Mars gave a nod and leaned back in his chair and spoke while he looked into the ceiling

"then tomorrow I visit Chloe"s mom here in the city, then Elsa parents in Malrton and then I head to the holy union with Marry?"

"sounds like a plan"

"wait what about Varvei?"

Varvei gave a sigh

"my dad died long ago and my dragon mom is nowhere to be found..."


"I don"t mind"

with a well laid plan for tomorrow the group finished their dinner and went to bed...

the next morning Mars left the building with Chloe latched onto his arm, Chloe lead the way and soon they arrived at a graveyard where Chloe lead the way to a lonely grave

"here she is"

Mars gave a nod and read the gravestone, then the two of them spend a few minutes in silence before they left the graveyard again and went on a small date where Mars tired to cheer up Chloe the best he could, after they returned to the building Mars left with Elsa to Malrton where Elsa lead the way into the town and soon they arrived at a small house where Elsa knocked on the door which soon opened

"ah it"s big sis!"

by a small boy about 10 years old with fluffy looking wolf ears after he looked at Elsa he gave a glance at Mars then he widened his eyes and ran back into the house while yelling

"mom Elsa brought a man home!"

Elsa gave a sigh and gestured for Mars to enter the house while she explained

"sorry about that Melvin has always had too much energy"

Mars gave a nod

"I don"t mind, kids should be energetic and carefree"

Esla lead the way into the living room where she sat down in a couch and gestured for Mars to sit next to her which he did, after waiting half a minute a lesser beastwoman walked into the room, she looked just like Elsa just a little older so Mars stood up and introduced himself

"you must be Elsa"s elder sister I"m Mars"

"oh my"

the beaswoman gave a wide smile as she put her hands on her cheeks meanwhile her tail began slightly wagging before she looked at Elsa and said

"I like him already"

Elsa gave a wry smile and pulled Mars back down into the couch before she explained

"Mars that"s my mother"

"oh.... well now I see where you get your charm from"

"oh my"


Elsa gave a sigh before she grabbed his ear lightly

"why are you trying to charm my mother?"

"....I"m not, trust me if I were there would be no doubt about it"

Elsa relashed Mars" ear and gave a sigh


Mars spent some time talking and getting to know Elsa"s mother before suddenly a beastman walked into the room, he was in one word big, when he saw Mars he gave a frown

"so you"re the one?"

Mars tilted his head then the beastman roared

"the one that has taken my cute daughter from me!"

Mars was taken back, it looked like the big beastman was Elsa"s father suddenly he let out a short laugh and showed a grin before he poke Elsa"s mother with his elbow

"see I got him good"

"no you did not dear... see Mars is completely cool"

"tch... well whatever, my name is Hermon I"m as you guessed Elsa"s father please take good care of my daughter"

Mars stood up from the couch and shock Hermon"s hand before he sat down next to Elsa again then he spent until night talking with Elsa"s parents before they declined the offer to stay for the night and left for Green river....

The next day a portal opened in King"s city and soon Mars, Marry and Victoria stepped out of it before it closed

"what are we doing here again Mars?"

"asking a friend for help with the transport to the holy union.... no way I"m walking all that way, well just follow after me"

"okay if you say so...."

Mary gave yet another sigh and followed after Mars that walked towards the castle, on the way there they stopped and brought some roasted meat for Victoria but eventually they arrived at the castle were Mars exchanged some words with a knight before they were led inside, following after the knight Mary asked Mars

"who are we meeting?"

"the king"

"w-wait the king! as in king of Destra!?"

"yeah... come on you"re not nervous are you?"

"well... a bit"

"even after you meet Info?"

"well that"s that and this is this, can"t a girl be a little nervous when she meets the king of a mid sized kingdom?"

".....if you want to you can hold my hand?"

"humph as if that would have any effect..."

Mary"s voice trailed off as she grabbed Mars" hand with a light blush on her face, Mars gave her hand a little squeezes and soon they arrived at the king"s private champers where the knight knocked on the door

"come in"


the knight opened the door and gestured for Mars and Mary to enter the room, Mary swallowed her saliva clearly still a little nervous meanwhile Mars half dragged her into the room where the king sat behind a desk and worked on some paperwork, when he looked up and saw Mars he gave a smile

"h.e.l.lo Mars, to what do I owe this visit?"

"well here is the thing, I"m heading to the holy union and I wondered if I could borrow a sky carriage for a few days?"

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