Mars" eyes slowly opened his body was being wrecked by the torment curse Yimir had cast on him, if not for the fact that he was a half-dragon the torment curse would properly kill him for real over time as it slowly tore his body apart from the inside, lucky his self regeneration was high enough to keep it at bay. Laying face down Mars slowly turned himself over and looked up into the sky, it was clear without any sings of clouds

"well... I got wrecked"

Mars lifted his aching body up and looked around


the area around him was clear, well it was clear as far as his eyes could see

"some kind of tundra?"

the frozen ground and the boundless sky was the only thing in view, Mars almost had the idea to sit and admire the scenery but then his got wrecked by the torment cures once again, clenching his teeth in pain Mars got on his feet and once again looked around before he gave a sigh and opened a portal to Green river and walked though...

at the gates of Green river a portal opened before Mars walked out of it as he walked towards the gate he transformed, growing out his horns he felt the hostility from the guarding elvers diminish as he walked through the gates he was. .h.i.t by another pulse of the torment curse and gritted his teeth as he walked towards the temple but suddenly ran into someone he knew and greeted her

"hi Isabel"

Isabel was one of the members of the original members of the scouting party that had discovered Mars when he was in the Mother forests, upon hearing his voice she turned around with a surprised expression on her face

"Mars...! wait Mars what happened to you, you look awful!?"

Mars paused and looked down at his own body, he was indeed a mess, his armor was half broken from the makes.h.i.+ft grande and the clothes under it was holed and stained with blood, all in all he looked petty ghastly Mars gave a smile to try and rea.s.sure Isabel

"err... well I"m fine, so don"t worry about it"

"if you say so Mars.... where are you headed?"

Mars gave a smile

"to the temple"

Isabel returned his smile

"oh what a coincidence so I"m I"

Mars" smile widened slightly before he extended his arm

"in that case allow me to escort you there"

"oh my"

Isabel took his arm and both of them walked towards the temple, Mars did his best to hide his pain from the torment curse but Isabel eventually found out and asked him with a concerned expression on her face

"are you alright Mars?"

"well.... I would say that I"m fine but... I"m kind of... cursed"


Isabel stopped walking and looked at Mars with shock on her face before she asked

"how in the world did you manage to get cursed?"

"well it"s a rather embarra.s.sing story..."

"is that so..?"

"yeah so I would appreciate it if you didn"t ask, besides I"m going to get cured soon"

"huh... well in that case I won"t ask"


soon they arrived at the temple, after Mars said goodbye to Isabel he flashed his 13 pointed silver star to one of the priests and was quickly taken to the highest level prayer room where he put his hand on the crystal ball




while Mars waited he was once again wrecked by the torment curse and gritted his teeth in pain


a formless pressure descended into the avatar that lay lifelessly on the altar but soon it twitched and sat up before it opened its cyan glowing eyes and looked at Mars with a warmness that one wouldn"t expect from a lifeless avatar. After having looked at Mars for a little more than a few seconds the avatar suddenly frowned and spoke

"hold still Mars"

Mars didn"t have a change to answer as formless pressure enveloped him holding him still keeping him from breathing much less moving as the avatar floated off the altar and stopped in front of him before it put its hand on his chest and made a pulling motion, pulling a lump of darkness directly out of his chest before it squashed it with its bare hands turning it into dark partials that floated about the room for a few seconds before they disappeared completely, then the avatar gave a sigh and the formless pressure that enveloped Mars disappeared before it spoke

"I take it you have meet Yimir?"

"yeah... he"s a real a.s.shole, well I did kind of try to kill him first"

Info gave a grin and waved her hand making a table and two chairs appear out of thin air

"I see... well tell me about it"

Mars sat down and gave a sigh before he spoke

"you know the curse you lifted a few weeks ago? turns out it was cast by Yimir"

"I see... and then you found out about it and tried to kill him?"

"yeah and then I got wrecked..."

"well at least you"re still alive"

"yeah that"s true..."

both Mars and Info fell silent, then Info waved her hand and made a bowl of sweets appear along with a tea set, then she served tea for Mars and leaned her head in her hands before she asked

"what level are you right now?"

"level 55"

"I see... so that"s why you got wrecked"

"what do you mean Info?"

"well at level 70 you unlock a skill most living G.o.ds use when they fight each other"

"huh... and what does that skill do?"

"it suppresses the effects dying and makes you able to use all of you status at once"

"that sounds.... awesome"

"yeah well that"s only the basic version"

"I see... what level is Yirmir?"

"that piece of trash? high 60"s"

"I see... wait why are you calling him a piece of trash?"

"because he tried to curse me once"

"I-I see.... and how did that go for him?"

Info narrowed her eyes


"well as expected..."

Mars sipped his tea for a few moments before he suddenly asked Info

"hey Info do you mind if I kill Yirmir?"

"no I don"t feel free to do whatever, I mean it would be a pain to support a new living G.o.d but better than having Yimir continue to exist"

"I see, then it alright if I kill him?"

"yup, I certainly don"t mind... sorry Mars something has come up"

"what"s wrong?"

"it"s you elder sibling that messing with the cycle of reincarnation again.... after I specifically told her to drop it!"

Mars felt the fury rise form Info and quickly stood up from his chair as she waved her hand and made the table, chairs and the tea set disappear into thin air before she floated over to the altar and sat down

"sorry Mars, it"s not that I don"t want to talk with you more... it"s just..."

"I know, see you Info"

"bye Mars"

the cyan light drained from the avatars eyes as they turned into black obsidian and a cold unfeeling voice sounded out in the prayer room


Mars gave a sigh and turned and left the prayer room...

In another part of Alfan a hysterical voice sounded out


the voice came from a woman with long black hair, if not for the twisted expression on her face one would be blind not to call her beautiful, but alas her fury twisted her otherwise pretty face into that of a demon as she continued screaming at the top of her lungs


as the woman screamed towards the sky a formless pressure descended which made the woman"s face twist even more


in response to the woman"s hysterical cries the formless pressure seemed to let out a sigh before it suddenly spoke

[you know this won"t bring him back right?]


Information gave yet another sigh and s.h.i.+fted her gaze form the woman to what she was sitting on, it was a pile of corpses, no calling it a pile would be an understatement it was a mountain of corpses several hundred meters high, the corpses were all without exception twisted and torn making it so no corpse was whole without a doubt theses people all died a horrible death suddenly the hysterical woman seemed to calm down and whispered

"I see, it"s because it"s not enough... I need more corpses, more people to die then maybe he will come back to me..."

then she stood up and floated off the small mountain of mangled corpses, her destination unknown even to the archangel Information that watched her fly off into the distance

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