Two weeks had pa.s.sed, Mars once again stood in the wasteland and at one moment he disappeared before he instantly appeared at another spot a few kilometers away


a smile appeared on Mars" otherwise serious face as a flash of golden light appeared in his eyes for a moment before it disappeared again like it was never there in the first place, Mars of course didn"t notice this as he was way to pumped about finally being able to use [Instant moment] while he had [Half-awaken] active, Mars deactivated [Half-awaken] and opened a portal to the city of demons and steeped though...

"It"s been nice old demon, but I"m afraid I some things to take care off"

"I see.... well if that"s the case then I"ll send you off Mars"

"Thanks, I just need to go pick up Victoria at the place first... I"ll be back in about an hour"


Mars left the old demon"s courtyard and walked towards the place where he soon arrived and was let inside, after that it was simply following one of the many hallways to Velvet"s champers where he soon arrived and knocked on the door

"who is it?"

"it"s me"

"oh Mars come in, its not locked"

Mars opened the door and walked into Velvet"s champers where he found Velvet being surrounded by palace maids that were in the processes of dressing her in a ceremonial dress, in other words she was half naked and her obsidian skin was more exposed than covered, although the important places was covered by silken underwear and as always she wore her blindfold keeping her eyes covered


Mars was unfazed by the feast in front of his eyes and greeted velvet before walked over and took a seat at the tea table and poured himself a cup of tea and sipped it until Velvet was dressed. Velvet dismissed the maids before she walked over and sat down in front of Mars with a smile on her face
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"so what can I do for you today Mars?"

"well I have finished my training and I"m here to say goodbye for now as well as pick up Victoria"

"I see... well you have been here for a couple of weeks now"

Mars noticed that even though Velvet tried to keep calm her voice still sounded a little unhappy but decided not to pry as Victoria appeared form Velvet"s shadow as her horns flashed

"are... we going home?"

"yeah it"s time Victoria"


Mars looked over at Velvet and gave a smile before he said

"don"t worry I"ll be back in a couple of months"

" better be, oh right could you make a trip to Destra?"

"what for?"

"it"s just that the last caravan never showed"

"....I see, well I put it in my schedule"

Mars" smile widened a little before he teased her a bit

"are you going to miss me?"

Velvet"s face lit up before she puffed her cheeks and turned her head away

"w-who"s going to miss you?"

Mars stood up from his chair and walked over in front of Velvet and put his hand down on her hair and ruffled it a bit before he said

"goodbye Velvet, I"ll see you soon"

" better keep your promise"

"I will, see you"

Mars walked out of Velvet"s champers with Victoria following after him and soon he returned to the old demon"s courtyard and found the entire staff of the mansion was lined up in the courtyard along with the old demon"s two disciples Jacob and Alex, the old demon walked over to Mars and gave him a manly hug before he clapped him on the shoulder and said

"come back soon Mars"

Mars gave a smile

"I will"

then he waved at the staff which he had become familiar with over his stay and turned before he opened a portal to Green river and steeped though...

Back at Green river Mars spent a couple of days "pacifying" the girls since he had been gone for so long after that he put his focus on imbuing a set of clothes with magic formations, since his armor was wrecked from his last encounter with Yirmir, he chose the suit he had received from the tailor in his building and started working on it, he imbued the formation runes on the inside of the suit so he didn"t ruin its smooth look and after working for a couple of days he was finished and went to bed...

The next morning Mars slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he was alone in the king sized bed, clearly he had overslept

"well whatever..."

Mars turned over and laid on his side as he looked at the wall of the bedroom with an empty stare while he s.p.a.ce out for a bit until the look in his eyes suddenly sharpened

"today is the day I kill Yirmir"

Mars now fully awake got out of bed and got dressed before he left the bedroom and ran into Elsa just outside the door, she wore her ap.r.o.n and Mars could smell freshly made food on her

"oh Mars just in time, breakfast is ready"

"got it"

Mars ate breakfast with the girls and casually mentioned he had something to do today and so he would be out of the house all day

"then can you drop me off at the academy, I would like to go visit Hanna"

"sure Elsa, I"ll just need to get changed first..."

Mars quickly inhaled his breakfast before he went to his workshop and changed into his suit, now looking dapper as f.u.c.k and well dressed for murder Mars walked up to the rooftop where Elsa was waiting

"you ready?"


"then let"s go, I"ll pick you up in the evening"

Elsa gave a nod and stepped into the portal Mars had opened to the academy before it closed again, then Mars took a deep breath and put a hand on the hilt of his sword as the look in his eyes sharpened before he ripped open s.p.a.ce and stepped through the portal to the city of prayer...

After arriving in a plaza in the middle of the city of prayers Mars made his way to the mansion district while ignoring the looks he was getting from the onlookers that had seen the portal open, at the mansion district Mars Mars quickly found Yirmir"s mansion and walked over and kicked down the gate with a single kick before he walked into the mansion and found it... empty

"well s.h.i.+t..."

not feeling like staying in Yirmir"s empty mansion Mars walked back out of the mansion and asked around in the vicinity where he could find Yirmir, showing a bright smile as well as his sword turned out to be strangely persuasive and so soon he learned where Yirmir was located and made his way back downtown to the cathedral where a giant crowd had formed outside, a public wors.h.i.+p was being held by the bishop which was an aged man with a long white beard, behind the speaker platform was rows of chairs were the lesser ranked temple officials sat and behind them were a set of chairs that were occupied by apostles among them Mars spotted Yirmir that had a bored expression on his face, Mars thought for a moment and went around the crowd and approached the guards before he pulled out his 13 pointed silver star and showed it to the guards, he was then quickly allowed though and a seat was prepared for him next to the other apostles where he sat down and smiled at the crowd before he looked sideways over at Yrimir that also had spotted him and had a ugly expression on his face as his eyes clearly was clouded over with anger, Mars gave him a little wave with a smile on his face before he put his focus back on the bishop and his speech which seemed to continue on and on like this kind of speeches often do...

A few hours later the bishop"s speech was finally over and the bishop stepped down from the speaker platform to an ear deafening appose which woke Mars as well as some of the other apostles up from their sleep, Mars stretched and quickly confirmed his target was still there before he suddenly stood up and walked away from Yirmir out of the seating area and past the guards before he turned and looked at Yrimir with a smile on his face and gave a small wave before he suddenly turned and ran away from the crowd, this caused Yirmir to quickly stand up and run after him

"just as planned..."

Mars slowed his pace and confirmed Yirmir still was following him before he continued running along the streets of the city of prayer, he suddenly felt something was wrong and looked behind him and saw Yirmir was rapidly closing the distance, Mars gave a smile and activated [Half-awaken]

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