After Mars decided how to move he kicked into gear after they were done eating, first thing on his schedule was to see Elsa home which he did by opening a portal for her to Green river after that Mars spent some more time with the twins and Karen after that he reported to the officer that was in charge of the tactical cla.s.s students which met him with a smile, clad in a military uniform and with a sword on his hips he looked like a young officer fresh out of the academy, but Mars sensed some hidden ferocity when he met the gaze of the young officer and hurriedly gave a salute as he introduced himself

"my name is Mars, member of Destra"s magic academy tactical cla.s.s"

the officer looked over Mars and noticed the two swords on his hips and gave a nod

"very good, I look forward to working with you Mars"

the young officer extended his hand out to Mars, Mars looked at him for a few seconds before he shook his hand as the officer introduced himself
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"my name is Henry I"ll be giving you orders from today onward until we have finished with the empire, is that okay with you?"

the young officer narrowed his eyes as he spoke, but Mars ignored it and gave a response

"as long as you don"t order me or my friends to kill each other I"ll follow your orders"

"...good, as long as you follow my orders I suspect we will get along nicely"

Mars gave a nod and spent a few minutes talking about his combat abilities with the young officer before he was dismissed after Mars left the room the young officer gave a happy smile, from what Mars had described he was a near perfect soldier and what officer would not feel joy commanding a perfect soldier?

"How did it go with Henry?"

"it went well, he seems like a capable officer"

Karen gave a nod and looked down at the twins that were sleeping in Mars" lap and spoke

"well so far he has not given any unreasonable orders"

Mars gave a nod and thought to himself

"so far, is it?"

then he shook his head, not all superiors were like the ones in his past life that had condemned him and his unit to h.e.l.l over their greed

"Mars is something wrong?"

"hmm..? no it"s nothing, I was just thinking about the past"

"I see... well in any case we"re glad to have you with us in this time of need"

"yeah... I"ll do my best so that you and the kids get through this unscathed"

"thanks Mars"

"hey that"s what friends are for, right?"

Karen gave a wide smile


time pa.s.sed and eventually it was time for the main force to move out from Mirefield, this time they would be moving into the empire"s territory and go on the offensive so moral was high, Mars and the rest of the tactical cla.s.s was put on a carriage that were positioned in the back of the formation so as the formation moved they saw little to non action it was only after a week had pa.s.sed that Mars in particular received his first orders to move, the twins and Karen were more busy being two earth mage"s they had the job of smoothing out the road for the main force to move by building bridges over rivers or smoothing out the roads, and Karen being a water mage resupiled the water reserves of the main force thus there was only one reason to call out Mars a fire mage out and that was there was a problem the main force was unable to solve by themselves. Henry called out Mars form the carriage, Mars made a salute and awaited orders, Henry the young officer showed a small smile and spoke

"we have run into a problem up ahead and need you to solve it for us"

"I"ll do my best"

"good, follow after me"

Mars followed after the young officer and quickly made his way to the front of the main force were he quickly discovered the problem the main force were having

"...a disabled set of mana armor?"

"not entirely disabled though, it still fights back"

Mars looked and saw the mana armor, it was big as usual but it looked like there were some problems with the legs of the armor so it was unable to move and stood, leaning up against a rock face were it fired off spells to keep the approaching trops at bay

"...looks kind of pitiful"

"did you say something Mars?"

"no... you just need me to disable it? or do I need to destroy it completely?"

the young officer stroked his chin for awhile before he spoke

"if you can then disable it... it would be good to receive some information from the pilot"

Mars gave a nod and killed all emotion in his eyes, now that he had revived an order his old training took over, the young officer shuddered slightly when he saw the light go out in Mars" eyes. Mars put a hand on the hilt of his sword and walked forwards while gradually transforming his non-sword-arm and igniting his claws the disabled mana armor watched Mars approach and fired off a fire javelin spell at Mars, Mars" eye remained dead as he drew out his sword and cut the fire javelin apart down the middle, as the fire particles dispersed into the air Mars" emotionless eyes narrowed slightly as he activated [Instant movement] and closed the distance in an instant, Mars reappeared in front of the disabled mana armor and reactivated [Instant movement] on his transformed arm as it turned into a blur, a moment later his arm returned to normal as he undid the transformation and grabbed an armor plate on the mana armor and easily pulled it off, the mana armor had been neatly disa.s.sembled by Mars" ignited claws so it fell apart the moment he touched it then he grabbed the pilot by the neck and dragged him out of the armor and lifted him up as he struggled to get out of Mars" grasp then Mars punched him in the gut making the pilot faint showing the whites of his eyes.

Mars and Henry walked back towards the carriage carrying the rest of the tactical cla.s.s students, Henry sneaked a glance at Mars and was relieved when he saw that the light had returned to Mars" eyes, it was not that he had not seen soldiers with dead eyes before, they were the most brutal soldiers and usually died off rather quickly, but this was the fist time he had seen anyone that could "kill" his own eyes like that

"is something wrong?"

Mars must have detected his gaze, Henry gave a sigh and spoke

"have you been a soldier before?"

"yeah a lifetime ago..."

"by that you mean?"

"oh right... even though I look and act human I"m not actually human"

Henry remembered the claws Mars had grown out and gave a nod before he spoke again

"well in any case, I"m glad to have capable soldiers under my command"

"...thank you sir"

Mars returned to the carriage and was jumped by the twins that called out his name in a happy tone

""it"s Mars!""

Mars caught the twins only because of his superhuman reflexes

"ops... be careful will you?"

""sorry Mars""

seeing the downcast looks on their faces Mars gave a slight smile and put them down as he entered the carriage before he patted them on the head

"just be careful next time"


Mars looked at their happy faces and knew that the next time would be exactly like this time and gave a wry smile as he patted them on the head

"oh Mars, your back?"

at that moment Karen also returned

"oh hi Karen"

" did it go?"

"well I, as always performed as I was expected to"

"...I see"

Karen boarded the carriage before it began slowly moving again...

Time pa.s.sed in this way, whenever there was a problem the main force was unable to handle one of the tactical cla.s.s students were sent out, the 4 of them gradually got used to their roles as problem solvers, the twins made bridges and smoothed the road, they even made tunnels though hills to speed up the movement of the main force while Karen solved the water supply but whenever Mars went out he would solve the more direct problems such as mana armors or big magic beasts, but most of the time he spent in the carriage playing with the twins. one day early in the morning Mars woke up, he had been sleeping in the slowly rocking carriage which he had gotten used to by now another thing he also had gotten used to were the twins that were latched onto him whenever he slept, right now Lee was laying on top of him and Lily was clutching his arm, Mars gave a sigh and spent some time just looking up at the ceiling of the carriage before he carefully moved Lee off him and freed his arm form Lily"s grasp all without waking either of them up, then he stifled a yawn and thought to himself

"today seems like another peaceful day..."

of course at this point in time Mars had no way of knowing how wrong he was because later that day the main force laid siege to the first fortified town on their route

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