Mars walked around with Karen and showed her around his penthouse, soon Kaitlin showed up with the twins in tow and explained that she thought they were intruders, Mars gave a nod after listening to her explanation and looked at her, she had lowered her head and was clearly expecting some sort of punishment, Mars gave a sigh and put his hand on top of her head

"well just be careful next time"

"....yes boss"

Kaitlin looked visibly relieved and with a sigh all the tension left her body, Mars gave a smile and asked

"do you know where the girls are at the moment?"

Kaitlin gave a nod

"Elsa is out shopping, Varvei and Mary should be training at a local training hall and Chloe is helping her father with work, they should all be home at dinner time"

"I see, which means we have some free time... say Kaitlin are you free right now?"

"hmm... I have some work but nothing that can"t be pushed back a little, do you require anything of me?"

Mars gave a nod and a smile

"in that case can you show us around the city for a bit, I"m sure Lee and Lily would like to see some more interesting things"

"yes that won"t be a problem"

"okay... Karen do you want to join us?"

"sure, why not"

"okay then let"s go"

and so the trip started with visiting the traditional elvish sweets shop in Mars" building where the twins got to taste all the sweets they wanted (within reason of course), next they went outside the building and visited a local playground were the twins got to burn off their excess energy before they walked to the central bridge where they sat down on a bench and watched the river for sometime until they eventually returned to Mars" building and relaxed while Kaitlin served them tea. Soon after the group had sat down Mars heard the front door opened and stood up from his seat, which confused Kaitlin

"what"s wrong Mars?"

"well I would not want the table to get turned over..."

Kaitlin became even more confused but soon she also looked towards the front door and gave a knowing smile before she went back to chatting with Karen, soon someone opened the door to the living room and walked in

"Mars you"re back!"

the first one through the door was Elsa that ran over and hugged him, Mars hugged her back and said

"I"m back"

after sometime Elsa pulled back and asked

"how long are you staying?"

"hmm... I"ll have to head to Destra tomorrow to meet the king but besides that I don"t think I"ll have to leave home for awhile"

"that"s good..."

Elsa buried her head into Mars chest, Mars felt a pair of gazes from the side and looked over and saw the twins were staring at him with wide eyes which caused Mars to give a sigh but before he could do anything about it the door to the living room opened again and Mary walked in along with Varvei, both of them spotted Mars and without saying a word they both stormed over and hugged him, one from each side, after he calmed them down and told them how long he would be staying Chloe arrived and the process repeated itself, then Elsa and Mars went to the kitchen and began making food while Marry and Varvei showered and Chloe sat down and chatted with Karen and the twins, after the group were done eating Mars went ahead and showed the tired twins to a guest room where they soon fell asleep. Then Mars walked back to the living room and went to bed early since it had been a long time since he slept in proper bed and soon fell asleep...

The next morning Mars opened his eyes, he was tired since the girls had woken him up around midnight for some... "night gymnastics"
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"so tired... well it"s not like I have to meet the king by noon so I guess I can relax for a bit...."

Mars laid and stared into the ceiling for sometime until he began untangling himself from the girls and got out of bed and got dressed before he walked into the living room and saw Kaitlin was reading from a storybook for the twins, Mars gave a smile it looked like Kaitlin was still feeling rather guilty about the whole incident yesterday and had put in some effort to befriend the twins and it looked like it was working, Mars gave a smile and greeted them

"good morning Lee, Lily and Kaitlin"

the twins looked up from the picture book but only for a second before they looked back down again, apparently the story was it its climax and they were unable to pry their attention away, Kaitlin gave a wave to Mars while she read out loud for the twins, Mars walked over to the fridge and pulled out some leftovers, but having learned from last time Elsa caught him he only took a little and didn"t empty the fridge, satisfied with his haul Mars closed the fridge and walked over to the dinner table and began eating. When he was done eating the girls began waking up, going through their usual morning routines, Mars once again helped Elsa with cooking and soon the entire group was gathered around the dinner table and ate, Mars told them he would be heading to Destra to report to the king and no one, not even the twins objected so after he was done eating he walked up to the roof and called out

"Victoria, I"m going to Destra do you want to come with?"


Victoria appeared behind him and rubbed the side of her face on his leg as she walked past him, Mars took a look at Victoria, she looked like she always did with her dark as night fur with red orange stripes and 4 sharp looking horns growing from her forehead, Mars kneeled down and petted her big fluffy ears which resulted in Victoria letting out a long purr

"well then let"s go to Destra"

Mars opened a portal to King"s city and steeped though followed by Victoria...

On the other side of the portal Mars stepped out of the portal and felt something was wrong, it was too quiet to be in the middle of Destra"s biggest city, instantly alarm bells went off in his head and quickly Mars activated [Half-awaken] and even transformed into his half dragon form, then he closed his eyes and focused his other senses and immediately a strong scent of iron entered his nose, whatever had happened here clearly signified a lot of people having been killed for the smell of blood to be this intense, but there was one thing that made the hairs on Mars" neck stand up

"there"s no bodies or blood in sight..."

what Mars observed was right, there were no corpses or even bloodstains it was just... empty of people. At this moment Victoria steeped out of the portal and when she did she began shaking and all the hair on her tail stood up before she jumped into Mars" shadow and hid, a few seconds later Mars received a telepathic message from her

"Mars... we should... run away"

"I hear you..."

Mars stood still for the next few seconds before his presence suddenly became weak and he almost disappeared in plain sight before he slowly began walking towards the edge of the city while hiding in the shadows, he would open another portal to get the h.e.l.l out of here but fear that it would lead whatever that had caused the b.l.o.o.d.y smell in the city straight to him. Mars calmly walked down an ally and suddenly stopped as he felt a gaze sweep over the city, clearly something had noticed he had arrived and soon he felt something land in the plaza where he had arrived by portal, Mars stood still and swallowed his saliva as he felt the same powerful gaze sweep over the city, Mars froze as the gaze pa.s.sed over him for a second but was instantly relieved when the gaze continued on before he slowly began moving again

"that was close..."

as Mars took another steep all the hair on his body suddenly stood up and he activated [Instant movement] and bolted from his previous position as he did the ground where he had just been standing instantly carved downwards as an invisible pressure crashed down where he had just been standing, crus.h.i.+ng the ground and the nearby wall of the alley into fine dust, Mars reappeared in a spot a few hundred meters away and instantly reactivated [Instant movement] and disappeared just before an even larger area around where he had just been standing got crushed by the same invisible pressure, it looked like a giant invisible hammer smashed into the ground sending debris and dust flying into the air as the ground carved downwards into a perfect half circle, just after the second "blow" missed a hysterical voice of a woman spread out over the entire city


Mars reappeared and yelled back

"no, I don"t think I will!"

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