once again the ground where Mars just had been standing was crushed, only the area being crushed had expanded to the radius of a couple of homes, indicating the fury of the attacker

"s.h.i.+t, she"s really persistent"

Mars once again reappeared before he almost instantly reactivated [Instant movement] and disappeared again as the ground around where he had just been standing got crushed again


"cause I like living, obviously!"

Mars kept dodging the invisible attacks while sweat dripped down his forehead, the continued use of [Instant movement] was taking its toll

"she"s obviously a living G.o.d... never mind that, she attacked me without reason, so let"s kick her down a peg"

Mars changed his direction and charged closer to the frenzied woman while dodging the attacks before he unsheathed his backup bone sword and threw it at her with [Instant movement], the might of [Half awaken] combined with [Instant movement] was not to be underestimated, as soon as he threw the sword a sonic boom sounded out and only an instant later the sword was buried in the chest of the woman that had been flying close behind Mars, she opened her eyes wide as she fell to the ground, Mars took that change to rip open a portal and jumped though... the moment the portal closed the frenzied woman opened her eyes again and pulled the bone sword out of her chest before she threw it aside and spread out her perception and soon detected that s.p.a.ce had been torn apart nearby and gave a cold smile

"you thought you could escape... just wait, I"ll offer your dead body to my honey in heaven, maybe that will change Information"s mind about bringing him back to me"

the woman flew over and with her bare hands she ripped open the portal that had just closed and stepped though...

On the other side of the portal a wide expand of white spread out but before she had a chance to take in the sights a giant blazing fireball descended upon her and exploded sending her flying, but due to her insane reaction speed she managed to not die from the impact and quickly scanned the environment for her target, but the moment she stood still a spear made of pure darkness penetrated her back and stomach from behind, looking down at the shadow spear the woman"s expression twisted and she activated [Half awaken] herself and pulled out the shadow spear with her hands, then Mars appeared in front of her, he was wielding his trusty bone sword and wore a set of armor made of pure vermilion blood l.u.s.t and asked the woman

"are you sure you want to continue this? if you do, I won"t hold back just because you are a woman"

the woman activated a healing skill and healed the hole in her stomach before she gave a cold smile and said

"whether you hold back or not won"t matter, I"ll still kill you!"

"fine then I, Mars the living G.o.d of energy will kill you before that"

the woman gave a cold snort before she suddenly lifted off the ground and began floating

"I, Hel the living G.o.d of gravity will send you to the afterlife for the sake of my honey!"

Mars didn"t waste any more words and kicked off the ground, he had deiced that it would be best to keep his usage of [Instant movement] to a minimum for the sake of energy conversion, not that his speed with [Half awaken] was any less than his speed without it and [Instant movement] activated, as Mars kicked off the ground the area where he had just been standing got depressed by an invisible gravity wave that sent chills down Mars" spine

"definitely can"t get hit by that..."

Mars began circling Hel with varying speeds, dodging the gravity waves that Hel sent out to crush him while he sent out sword light after sword light, unfortunately they were blocked by some kind of s.h.i.+eld that deflected them off into the distance, Victoria"s sneak attacks had some effect as they often hit Hel from behind where the s.h.i.+eld was less concentrated and a few times they pierced through and hit Hel, overall the fight was tilting in Mars and Victoria"s direction ever so slightly. Suddenly Hel let out a hoa.r.s.e scream which caused Mars to brace himself and as the seconds pa.s.sed just as he started to wonder what she was doing he felt it, the gravity in the surrounding area increased by almost 2 g, which slowed Mars down by a lot

"oh s.h.i.+t!"

just as Mars mentally cursed a gravity wave descended from above and just managed to graze him tearing off the armor on his left arm as it mangled his left arm beyond recognition before it fell to the ground and got crushed into b.l.o.o.d.y pulp by the gravity wave, Mars gritted his teeth and deiced it was time to end this and activated [Instant movement] and disappeared from view and appeared right behind Hel and slashed vertically at her neck hoping to decapitate her, but was surprised when his sword hit her vertebrae and got stuck halfway though

"s.h.i.+t what"s her bones made of!?"

Mars let go of his sword and kicked off Hel"s back to gain some distance, right when he did, he felt a gravity wave descend right where he had just been, that undoubtedly would have crushed him into a b.l.o.o.d.y pulp, landing on the ground Mars watched as Hel turned around mid air and then grabbed his bone sword that still was left in her neck and pulled it out with a cold face before she summoned a gravity wave that crushed the sword into fine dust before she spoke

"what a poor swordsman without a sword, prepare to die!"

Mars gave a cold smile and with his one remaining hand he pulled the broadsword off his back and wielded it with one hand and pulled the cloth off the blade of the broadsword with his teeth, when the blade was exposed Hel let out a gasp and for the first time she showed a fearful expression as she exclaimed


"that"s right, come have a taste!"

Mars sent out a sword light, only this time it was much stronger than when he had shot off sword lights with his bone sword and easily pierced through Hel"s s.h.i.+eld and left a long blood cut on her body, although most of the power was absorbed by the s.h.i.+eld and it only left a shallow cut it was still some damage so Mars clenched his hand around the hilt of the broadsword before he kicked off the ground and began circling Hel again while he fired off sword lights after sword light while Hel attempted to crush him with her gravity waves, soon Hel"s body was covered in shallow wounds and her orcatial mocking words to Mars had turned into screams of pain, truly she was in for a death of a thousand cuts if she didn"t change the situation in her favor soon, but after 10 minutes the situation showed no signs of turning around and so Hel yelled out

"I will remember this Mars!"

then with a sonic boom she flew up above the clouds and disappeared, Mars kept up his guard for a few minutes in case of a surprise attack before he confirmed she was gone for good and lowered his broadsword and let out a sigh as he looked at where his left arm should have been

"the girls are not going to like this... oh well I can grow it out again in a months time"

Mars sat down on the frozen tundra, it had truly been the right call to come here, he had previously suspected that other living G.o.ds would be able to open recently closed portals made by other living G.o.ds and that suspicion had turned out to be true

"it"s a good thing I didn"t open a portal to Green river instead..."

Victoria appeared next to him as her horns flashed

"Mars... are you... okay?"

Mars patted Victoria on the head with his remaining hand and gave a smile
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"I"m fine, just a little tired... anyway let"s head back to Destra"

"we"re not... going home?"

"no I need to check if the king still lives"

"...and if he... doesn"t?"

"then my deal with him would become void and that would be bad"

Victoria tilted her head to the side, she was still a little confused but didn"t ask anymore, she just followed him through the portal to Destra...

back at King"s city Mars quickly made his way through the empty streets and soon found where all the bodies had disappeared to, in the middle of the courtyard in front of the palace where a giant hill of mangled bodies that reached about 50 meters tall, Mars looked at the hill with emotionless eyes for a moment before he set it alight with his flame and near instantly the gruesome sight turned to ashes, Mars looked at the ashes that spared in the wind and saw a slightly burnt crown, the crown the king used the wear and gave a sigh before he turned to Victoria

"let"s head home"

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