The events of the great King"s city ma.s.sacre was not noted down in Destra"s so far glorious history, as for the reason why an event in which 15.000 people died was not in the in the Destrian history books was simple, Destra was no more. After the great King"s city ma.s.sacre the front line against the empire collapsed and with local lords fighting internally about who should be the next king it was all to easy for the military faction of the empire to invade and occupy Destra which subsequently won them the civil war by using Desta"s reaming military might with wild abandon, it was simply put horrible for the former Destrian soldiers as they were soon bound by slave collars and sent off on impossible missions were they eventually laid down their lives for a country they hated to the bone. After the military faction won the civil war they renamed the empire into the new nationalistic empire or simply the NNE and with the generals still drunk on their victory in former Destra they invaded a country named Ringe which was rich in mana stone mines to the north but that"s a story for another time.

Now 3 years have pa.s.sed since the great King"s city ma.s.sacre and in former Destra a young hunter is about to take his first steps as a member of the hunters guild, the young lad was named Terry and so far lived a rather miserable life as he grew up in a state run orphanage which was run by a corrupt director that sold most of the children into slavery, one of the reasons Terry was not sold was that he had a rather large birthmark in the middle of his face which scared off most of his potential "owners", Tarry himself was rather found of his birthmark as he knew it was one of the reasons he was not sold into slavery, as for the other main reason... That was a rather sore spot for Tarry most of his life so he did his best to counteract his "problem" when he was little but when he grew up and turned 15 he learned that the so called "problem" was actually a gift, but that was still a few days till he realized that. Currently Terry had just taken and pa.s.sed the test for becoming a member of the hunter"s guild so he was in a rather good mood and with his savings of 1500 cel he when out into the town to buy some equipment, walking into the first and best weapons shop Terry called out to the owner

"hey uncle I"m looking for a weapon"

the weapons shop owner was a man in his late 40"s and had a thick beard on his squarish face, he looked over Terry and gave a frown when he saw how thin and weak looking he was but when his gaze pa.s.sed over the wooden hunters tag he wore around his neck the weapons shop owner knew he would be unable to chase Terry away and asked with a slightly fed up tone

"what kind of weapon do you want?"

Terry tilted his head to the side and asked back

"what kind of weapon do you think would suit me?"

Terry was by no means stupid and knew a lot about observing expressions so when he saw a hint of a pondering expression on the weapons shop owners face he knew that he was actually thinking about his question

"hmm... a sword is too expensive to maintain for you, your to thin armed for a club... follow me"

"what for?"

"hey kid I"m doing you a rare services so shut up and follow me"

Terry gave a nod and followed the weapons shop owner out the back into a small backyard where the owner picked up a bow and handed it to Terry before he said

"try to draw the sting"

Terry gave a nod and grabbed the grip on the bow and tried pulling the string, at first he found it quite hard and looked over at the weapons shop owner to judge his reaction, by the looks of it he was not doing too good. Then just before the weapons shop owner was about to give up on Terry and chase him out of his shop something amazing happened, Terry suddenly felt his mind clear and then he tired to draw the string again and to both his and the weapons shop owner this time he succeeded rather easily and simply drew back the sting until it was pulled back all the way, the weapons shop owner pulled back his confusion and didn"t ask Terry if he was messing with him but simply fetched an arrow and gave it to Terry

"now try to put the arrow on the string before you pull back the string... remember to rest the arrow on the arrow rest"


Terry did as he was asked and once again cleared his mind once more before he pulled back the string this time with the arrow attached and resting on the arrow rest

"good now bring your arm holding the grip out straight and the hand holding the string up to your chin"

Terry did as he was told and soon took a somewhat amateurish stance with his arrow ready

" line up the arrow with the fence over there and when you are ready let go of the string"

Terry gave a nod and lined up the arrow with the target before he once again cleared his mid and let go of the arrow, sending it flying for a short moment before the arrow struck the target, letting out a satisfying sound, the weapons shop owner gave a nod and told Terry

"keep practicing for a bit I"ll be right back"

Terry gave a nod and walked over to pick up the arrow before he returned to his previous position and stood ready before he let loose the arrow once again before he repeated the process...
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a couple hours later the weapons shop owner returned and found Terry in a trance like state where he fird off an arrow before he retrieved it and then he collected it and repeated the process. A glint flashed in the weapon shops owners eyes before he silently walked back into the shop. At some point Terry woke from his daze and looked around, it was dark and his stomach rumbled as it begged for food

"you"re finally out of your trance"

"oh uncle sorry I was just so caught up in it that I---"

"you don"t need to apologize... you can come back tomorrow to practice some more, if you go out and hunt magic beasts like that you will just end up getting yourself killed"

Terry knew the weapons shop owner was doing him a huge favor but because of his upbringing he knew people acting nice were just people looking for advantages in the future therefore he bluntly asked

"what do you get out of this uncle?"

the weapons shop owner scratched the back of his head looking a little embarra.s.sed before he suddenly put on a serious face and spoke

"if you get free training here you"ll feel indebted to me right? plus you won"t get yourself killed so soon because you know some skills"

"yes... and?"

"and then I"ll have a loyal customer that might make it to gold rank in the future, you see where I"m going with this?"

"...I see, thanks for the help uncle"

"don"t call me uncle, makes me feel so old call me Brian instead"

"okay Brian... see you tomorrow then"

"see you kid"

and just like that though luck Terry found a place where he could practice archery for free, when he eventually found an inn he used 500 cel to rent a room for a week, seeing 1/3 of his total fortune disappear like that Terry knew he had to work hard and work hard he did, during the week he had set off the practice he improved tremendously and when the week was up the weapons shop owner Brian even gifted him the bow he had used to practice with, saying it had lost its value now that he had been using it for so long and therefore he might as well just gift it to Terry instead of throwing it out. Terry then brought 3 iron headed arrows for 200 cel from Brian before he went back and extended his stay at the local inn by another week before he went to bed he made a plan for tomorrow

"I need to start making some money so tomorrow I"ll head to the guild and see what kind of herbs they are buying before I head off to the Mother forest"

with his plan made Terry slowly drifted off to sleep unknowing that he just had taken his first step towards changing his destiny for the better

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