Terry took a deep breath before he stepped into the hunters guild, he had only been there once so far and his experience was all that good with the hunters guild, but that was mostly due to his own "fault". Anyways he was here now so he might as well take a look inside, stepping into the guild the first thing Terry noticed was the smell of leather armor and the bustle of the place, simply put, there was a lot of people moving around making the guild seem more narrow than it actually was. Terry pushed his way through the crowds and soon arrived in front of the request board where all kinds of requests were posted, from hunting wild game to gathering wild herbs and plants, Terry looked at the common requests that had pictures drawn of the herbs/plants and memorized their looks before he squeezed his way out of the guild again
"good... now let"s head into the forest..."
Terry made his way out of town, showing his guild tag at the gates before he made his way over the gra.s.s fields on his way to the forest, specifically the Mother forest, Terry looked up at the expanse of green and thought to himself
"they say there"s elvers living deep in the forest and sometimes they come out to hunt people in the other forest... best to keep my wits about me and stay alert..."
Terry stepped into the forest and began searching for wild herbs and plants, at the start he was quite lucky and found a patch of wild garlic which he harvested and put into his pouch
"6 wild garlic that"s 60 cel right there, guess I"m pretty lucky"
soon his ears picked up some movement and he quickly got his bow off his back and drew an arrow and pointed it in the direction where the sounds came from
"maybe it"s a rabbit... I hear the pelt alone is 200 cel"
Terry stood completely still and waited as the source of the sound came closer, he did his best to calm his beating heart as he waited but soon he was disappointed as it turned out that the source of the sounds were a group of hunters leaving the forest, they all walked right past him yet none of them looked at him, this was his "flaw" at work again. Terry walked deeper into the forest on the way he found a couple of wild herbs which sold for about 100 cel in total and then it happened, his ears once again picked up some sound and he quickly stood ready with his bow and arrow as he waited for the sound to come closer
"it"s probably just some other hunters again..."
not overcome with expectation this time Terry stood ready with his bow and waited and soon it appeared, Terry"s eyes bulged as he stared at it
"it"s actually a rabbit!"
Terry carefully took aim at the brown rabbit that had hopped its way about 10 meters in front of him, Terry knew that his. .h.i.t ratio at this distance was not all that good so he let out a silent prayer before he let the arrow lose that then flew through the air before it stuck the rabbit right in the heart
"I did it!"
Terry almost jumped for joy but before he got completely carried away he ran up to the rabbit and confirmed it was dead before he pulled out the arrow and threw the rabbit into his pouch and looked up at the sun

"...I"ll better start heading back"
having made his decision Terry began making his way out of the forest by following his footsteps, he didn"t want to risk getting lost by taking another route out of the forest, even though he knew he was unlikely to find anymore wild herbs or plants by taking the same route back he didn"t know the forest well enough yet that he wanted to test his luck, plus his harvest for today was rather good. On the way back Terry pa.s.sed tough a clearing and suddenly herd a cry from his back and turned around, there stood a short green skinned figure with a primitive spear in its hands
"s.h.i.+t a goblin!"
Terry quickly took his bow off his back and readied an arrow, meanwhile the goblin closed in on him with its spear pointed toward him, when it was about 15 meters away Terry let loose his first arrow which missed by a wide margin
Terry quickly pulled out another arrow and drew the string again before he let loose arrow number two which struck the goblin in the stomach causing it to let out an enraged roar as it continued closing the distance
Terry drew out his last arrow and put it on the arrow rest as he drew back the string of the bow, just before he let loose the arrow he felt his head clear, then he let loose the arrow which flew through the air for less than a second before it struck the goblin right in its left eye as it fell over backwards and twitched a few times before it laid silent, Terry felt the strength in his legs leave him as he sat down on the spot as cold sweat dripped down his forehead and he tried to catch his breath for a few moments before he suddenly stood up again
"I need to leave fast, goblins are pack magic beasts!"
Terry quickly fetched his arrows including the one he had missed with first before he pulled out the two that still sat in the goblin before he pulled out a dagger which he had received from Brian and cut off the long goblin ears before he stabbed the goblin in the chest and cut it open and retrieved a small magic beast core
"I"m rich!"
then he dried off most of the blood on his hands on the gra.s.s before he got on his feet and quickly left behind the clearing behind...
Back at the guild Terry pushed his way through the crowds again and walked up to one of the empty reception desks where a bored looking guild employee sat on a chair and messed with her nails, Terry walked all the way up to the desk and spoke up
"excuse me"
the guild employee looked up and gave a slight frown when she saw Terry"s face, Terry however ignored it and put his pouch up on the desk as he spoke
"I would like to sell some stuff"
"sure let me have a look..."
the guild employee pulled out the things from Terry"s pouch and counted them
"herbs and plants for a total of 160 cel, a whole rabbit 350 cel and finely a goblin set of ears and magic beast core 400 cel, for a grand total of 910 cel"
the guild employee then took out 9 silver coins and a single copper coin and handed it over to Terry
"here you are"
Terry took the cel with slightly trembling hands before he stuffed them down in his coin pouch and made his way out of the guild and made his way back to the inn where he was staying and extended his stay by another week by paying 500 cel before he walked up the stairs to his room and collapsed into his bed and soon fell asleep...
the following week Terry went to the forest every day and grew his fortune to about 3000 cel, which was considered excellent for a newly started hunter, he used that cel to buy an additional 3 iron headed arrows from Brian for 200 cel as well as a short sword for 500 cel as a bonus form Brian he also received a whetstone and a cleaning cloth in his purchase for free which he was grateful for, he also purchased a set of light leather armor which cost him 800 cel so he no longer needed to go into the forest with his usual clothes which speared him some embarra.s.sment, plus the light leather armor was more likely to stop a primitive spear than his usual clothes. The time right now was early morning and Terry was in the process of inspecting his equipment for damage, he went over each arrow with matriculate care and attention before he carefully but them into his quiver, when he was done he gave a nod
next was his bow, he studied the string for damages and the grip for nicks, after finding it in tip top from he went over his light leather armor and his new, yet to be used short sword, there was not much to be seen on the blade of his short sword since he had yet to use it. Finished inspecting his equipment he wore his light leather armor and fastened the sheath of his short sword to his hip were he could easily draw it then he fastened his quiver to the other side of his hip and swung his bow over his shoulder and gave a nod
"well then let"s do my best again today"

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