While they waited for the hunter to clear out of the clearing the man introduced himself as Mars and for some reason he kept calling Terry "little brother", he also introduced the female elver that had caught Terry originally as Helene then he fell silent, he seemed to be waiting for something, then suddenly he gave a clap and said
"well then let"s get going..."
then something.... unbelievable happened, first Mars" hand began changing the nails growing longer into claws and the rest of the skin on his hand got covered in red half transparent scales, then he slashed out into empty air with his transformed hand and a thin line was formed in the air before it expanded into a person sized black hole that just floated in the air
"Ill go first, Helene make sure Terry follows"
Mars then walked over and stepped through the black portal disappearing from the clearing, Terry struggled with closing his gaping mouth and looked over at Helene that let out a giggle when she saw his face, Terry blushed a little and closed his gaping mouth before he asked Helene
"am I supposed to walk though that?"
Helene gave a nod and gestured for Terry to go first
"well then..."
Terry swallowed his saliva and walked over to the portal and inspected it from close range, then he put his hand into the portal and pulled it out again before he gathered his courage and stepped though...
On the other side of the portal Terry opened his eyes and looked around before he muttered
"are those... buildings?"
Mars gave a smile but didn"t explain, Helene was the one that explained while looking rather proud of her home
"we call the tallest buildings sky trees, like that one over there, that"s the captain"s building"
Terry looked over at Mars with wonder in his eyes
"you own a building Mars? that"s amazing!"
"well I am rather amazing myself you know, well whatever let"s head to the temple and have a chat with Info"
Terry didn"t know who this "Info" was but a.s.sumed that it was one of the priests and followed after Mars through the busy streets of Green river, on the way Mars noticed people kept b.u.mping into Terry and asked about it, Terry scratched his nose for a bit before he spoke about it
"well the truth is I was born with two flaws, one of them being my birthmark, the other being people have a hard time noticing me"
"I see..."
Mars nodded along meanwhile Helene suddenly spoke up
"I knew there was something like that, I had a really hard time finding you in the forest even when I knew you were there"
soon the group of 3 arrived at the temple where Mars lead the way inside and while he spoke with the priest did Helene ask Terry something that was bothering her
"you never been to a temple before Terry?"
"no it"s too expensive"
Helene tilted her head to the side as she repeated
Terry gave a nod
"yeah in Dest--- no I guess it"s the NNE now, anyway it costs cel to visit a prayer room so it"s often only high rank guild members or n.o.bles that can afford it"

"then how do you get your job?"
Terry gave a sigh and slowly shook his head
"we don"t get a job, it"s not unusual to see a person live their whole life without getting a job"
"that"s really strange..."
"well that"s how I"m used to it"
a job was something the 13 had blessed the people with, to get one one simply had to visit a prayer room inside a temple after one turned 15 to see what kinds of jobs were available to choose from, then one could pick a job, for example a job named "novice bowman" that would help a person learn about how to handle a bow and help a person improve their accuracy by up to 5% while one leveled up the job. Once a job reaches level 10 one would be able to change it to a more advanced version of the same job, for example from "novice bowman" to "beginner bowman" which would help improve more than the novice version of the job, this however was to far away from Terry as the NNE had pa.s.sed a law which made it impossible to enter a prayer room without paying upwards of 3.000 cel of cause this price would be void if one was a member of the temple or the military, so he had never been in a temple much less a prayer room before. Soon Mars finished his talk with the priest and walked over to Terry and Helene
"Terry come with me, Helene wait here for us to return"
"yes captain"
Terry gave a nod and followed after Mars further into the temple, after descending some stairs and making some turns they arrived in front of a large door which Mars opened before he walked inside to room, Terry followed after and observed the inside of the prayer room, it was luxuriously decorated to say the least which made him feel greatly out of place as he carefully stepped on the soft carpet inside the room, meanwhile Mars walked in like he owned the place and walked up to the crystal ball in the middle of the room and put a hand on it, Terry felt a sudden gust of wind as the door slammed shut right behind him and robotic voice sounded out inside the room
"I knew it..."
"knew what Mars?"
Mars turned around and looked over Terry once more, only this time there was a different look in his eyes as he asked
"hey Terry would you like to move to Green river?"
"...why would you say that?"
Mars gave a sigh and put on a slightly angry face
"are you still going to play stupid? I"m subject number 4 and you are the brand new subject number 5, in other words you"re the same as me... well whatever let"s just call her, request descend"
at this point in time Terry was very confused and even slightly afraid, he knew Mars was angry at him he just had no idea why he was angry
suddenly he felt it, something was coming Terry s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the lifeless avatar that lay on the altar as he unconsciously took a step back and asked Mars with a slightly trembling voice
"M-Mars what did you just do?"
Mars showed a slightly teasing smile and shrugged his shoulders
"I just called her"
meanwhile the pressure surrounding the avatar got increasingly heavy as... something divine was descending into the avatar, which made him increasingly uneasy, Mars once again shrugged his shoulders
"oh right her name is Information, one of the 13"
Terry heard the words coming out of Mars" mouth but was unable to comprehend what they meant and just stared at the avatar that slowly lifted off the altar and looked at the two of them with its glowing eyes and gave a smile
"welcome Terry, we have a lot to talk about"
Terry pointed to himself, could it be that the avatar had confused him with some other great hero named Terry?
"yes you Terry"
Terry fell silent but gave a nod
"now let"s sit down and talk... Mars you can stay if you want"
Mars gave a nod and looked over at Terry before he asked
"do you want me to stay Terry?"
Terry gave a weak nod which caused Info"s gentle smile to s.h.i.+ne even more before she waved her hand and said
"that"s good that there"s such a good relations.h.i.+p between you guys already"
then Info waved her hand and a table and 3 chairs appeared in the prayer room, Mars took quickly took his seat and Terry followed rather slowly while staring at the furniture that appeared out of nowhere but still took his seat and looked over at the avatar that floated over and also sat down at the table
"well first off I should introduce myself, I am Information or as Mars calls me Info"
Info showed a brilliant smile as she introduced herself which stunned Terry a little but he quickly pulled himself together and gave a nod, he had a hard time accepting that one of the 13 was sitting across the table from him but decided to get to the matter at hand
"so lady Information, why did you want to see me?"
"well that"s because you have been chosen as a new living G.o.d"
"....a living G.o.d?"
"yes actually you were chosen 3 years ago when Mars killed off Yirmir, another living G.o.d but you have never visited a temple... if you had not shown up I would have descended in front of you in a couple of days"
Terry felt his head spinning but after a little while he asked
"....so what is a living G.o.d?"

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