The new nationalistic empire or simply the NNE was ma.s.sive, as such it was divided into semi self ruling provinces, one such self ruling province was the province of Ichma that covered most of the former Destra including the Mother forest, you see the NNE didn"t recognize Green river as a self governing ent.i.ty they regarded it simply as a tribe to be put under the fold of the NNE and such they had sent a "negotiations" force to "persuade" the tiny tribe to come under NNE protection, of cause when they last revived daily reports from the force they were happy that everything went according to plan but now that the communications had suddenly stopped after they reported that they were engaged in combat. Now the ruler of the province Ichma, James Ichma was sitting in a meeting with his generals
"---as I said we should have never attacked Green river without doing proper recon!"
one of the other generals gave a humph and spoke
"what? you really think the puny Green river have something to do with it? my guess is that they ran into a cla.s.s 10 magic beast, no way the puny elvers that have always been hiding in the Mother forest had anything to do with it!"
"Frank! are you really that afraid to admit that we kicked a steel plate by doing a premature invasion of Green river!?"
"what steel plate!? they are just elvers no way that they could mount any forms of resistance!"
now James Ichma was a patient person, but anyone would be driven mad by listening to the two generals argue and so he raised his hand and silence soon descended over to room then he took a long look at both the arguing generals and spoke
"what"s done is done.... send a scouting party to find out how big a steel plate we kicked this time and also make sure to---"
James looked over at the messenger that suddenly had appeared in the doorway to his office
"what is it?"
"messengers from Green river have arrived and is seeking a intimidate audience with you sir!"
"...then send them to the meeting room on this floor and have them wait there"
"yes sir!"
the messenger departed and James looked over at the generals and asked
"your thoughts?"
"sir, I think it is best to proceed with caution in the upcoming talks, the elvers might very well have taken prisoners"
James gave a nod and looked over at the more aggressive general Leon
"humph, I say we capture the messengers and interrogate them for answers about our troops!"
"again with your extreme opinions Leon! what if they have taken prisoners!?"
"as if they are able to fight our troops at all Frank!"
"stop both of you... You can come with me, but I expect both of you to keep silent during the entire thing"
""sir, yes sir!""
"very good, now let"s go meet the messengers"
Mars leaned back in the way to soft couch and let out a yawn while he stretched, he was not at all intimidated by the armed guards that stood around and behind him in the room
"(Mars take this seriously please)"

"sure sure..."
Mars let out another yawn, but who could blame him? the couch was after all way to comfy, Mars laid down to the side and rubbed his face against the couch while letting out a small moan but then suddenly he sat up straight and looked over at one of the doors before he spoke in elvish to Alvin that was sitting besides him
"(here they come... 3 people, all of them military)"
"( can you tell they military?)"
"(from the way they are walking, it"s like they are matching)"
"(oh... I see)"
soon the door to the room opened an in walked 3 demon men, two of them were clad in military uniforms with a lot of medals hanging on their chests while the last one wore a suit, the one wearing a suit sat down on the couch in front of Alvin and Mars while the two others stood behind the couch and watched Mars and Alvin with sharp and clearly combat honed eyes
"thank you both for coming all this way from Green river, my name is James Ichma, I am the governor"
"well met governor James, my name is Alvin and this is Mars my guard"
Mars gave a nod, during this negotiation he had decided to act as a "guard" and not as the commander of the entire Green river military forces which was the t.i.tle the elders had given him about a year ago after he made the mirror and designed the polished wooden armor for the military, but that"s a story for another time, Mars focused on the task at hand as he pretended to be a guard for Alvin while Alvin lead the negotiations, he of course would step in if necessary
"well then first off let me put the cards on the table, I"m sure that you governor James are a busy person and would like this over with as fast as possible, yes?"
"....yes why don"t we cut the bull and cut straight to the point"
"good seeing as governor James is in agreement, let me state some numbers for you, first number 8.540, second number 1.460 and the most important third number 14"
the governor looked confused and so did the two generals but Alvin ignored them and continued
"now which number would you like to know what is first?"
"...the most important number then"
Alvin gave a nod and removed the diplomatic smile from his face
"14 is the number of elvers laid down their lives to stop your invasion, of course we would like you to compensate us for this but that can wait, pick the next number please governor James"
James narrowed his eyes for a moment before he spoke
"the second number then..."
"1.460 is the number of new worker slaves Green river has received from your invasion, of course if you want your slaves back that can be arranged but I would do it quickly before they... expire"
the governor paled slightly meanwhile one of the generals could not take it anymore and yelled out
"outrageous! guards arrest those two!"
the guards moved, but just not very far as they were stopped by a chilling sensation at their throats, a small double bladed knife made of some kind of vermilion metal floated in front of them and pressed against their throats not only at the guards but also on the two generals the governor looked around and soon saw that Mars" hand was covered in the same vermilion metal
"Mars was it? could you please lower your weapons, I"ll discipline my general later"
"I don"t take kindly to threats, this will be the last time I show mercy remember that"
then Mars waved his hand and the vermilion metal dissolved into vermilion smoke and disappeared, then Alvin spoke up
"now for the last number, 8.540 that is the number of fresh bodies that will fertilize our forest, that will be all send a proposal for ransom and compensation to the Mother forest deeper parts in a week, Mars let"s go"
Mars stood up and was about to walk out the door when he turned and looked at the governor for a moment and asked
"have we meet before?"
"...I don"t think so"
"oh... okay"
Mars then followed after Alvin out of the room that descended into silence until along while later when the governor gave a soft sigh and spoke
"if you ever pull something like that again Leon I"ll have you beheaded is that clear?"
"...yes sir"
the governor gave another sigh and looked up into the ceiling as he muttered
"looks like we really kicked a steel plate this time around... Frank have someone calculate the expenses from the ransom and compensation"
"yes sir"
back at Green river Mars and Alvin stepped out of the portal which closed after them then Alvin gave a sigh and walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, Mars gave a grin and asked
"are you tired old elver?"
"...shut up, I"m not that old... anyways that was something right?"
"sure was"
Mars walked over and sat down next to him and for a while both of them acted like men their age and just sat there doing nothing other than looking at the people walking by until Alvin stood up and stretched
"...anyways I"m going to head home, what will you do Mars?"
"hmm... I think I"ll head over and visit Terry in his new building"
"I see... well then see you in a week Mars"
"sure, at the negotiations"
Mars sat on the bench for a little while more before he stood up and began walking towards Terry"s building, on the way there he transformed his face and grew out his horns so he would stop receiving the usual "is that a human!?" gazes

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