The reconquest of the northern city was over in just 2 hours, Mars stood and overlooked the city from a room in the central fortress, he had just finished negotiating the terms of surrender with a surprisingly sensible general that knew he had been beaten, Mars walked out of the room as his vermilion armor disintegrated into red particles
"I need a drink..."
Mars walked out of the fortress just as Amelia on her giant hawk in the courtyard
"good timing... want to go and grab a drink?"
"again today?"
"come on you hardly drank anything yesterday"
"...fine then"
Mars gave a happy smile
"good, I"ll go find Terry then we can go"
Mars quickly flew off in search of Terry and no even a minute later he and Terry returned by portal to the courtyard where Amelia stood and waited
"Terry this is Amelia, Amelia this is Terry"
the two of them exchanged greetings, Terry being a little shy and only stealing glances at Amelia while Amelia carried a warm smile
"well then let"s go hit a bar, I"ll give the first round"
Amelia gave a sigh before she spoke
"sure Mars, just don"t drink as much as last time..."
Terry also gave a wry smile and spoke to Amelia
"is this the first time you drink with Mars?"
"no it"s the second, why do you ask Terry?"
Terry gave a sigh as Mars ripped open a portal
"because I gave up reminding him the third time we went drinking together..."
"oh... I see"
"come on you two, the beer is waiting!"
""yes Mars...""
and so Mars and his two drinking buddies(forced) went drinking, this time in Green river at Mars" usual bar which he had been visiting pretty much everyday since the girls left for the island about 10 days ago, having ordered a round of beers Mars brought it over to the table and sat it down before he grabbed his mug of beer and downed it(while he was still standing, of course)
"ah that hit the spot..."
and so without even sitting down at the table he walked back to the bar and ordered another beer, leaving Terry and Amelia alone
"has he always been like that Terry?"
"well I have not known him for so long but... it probably has to do with his girlfriends not being home"
"oh? what"s the story there?"
"well something about them wanting to get stronger so they could help him better"
"what so they"re not fighting and he"s still drinking like that?"
"yup... even though Mars looks and acts strong he gets lonely pretty quick"
"I see... well then let"s do our best to accompany him"
"yeah let"s"
Terry and Amelia both raised their mugs and downed their beers as best they could before they joined Mars at the bar...
the first Mars felt when he awoke was his head hurting and his mouth being dry
"...water... I need water"
Mars sat himself up and opened his eyes and found himself in a pure white s.p.a.ce
the thing Mars was cursing about was not the pure white s.p.a.ce but the person that stood right beside him, well person was not the right word G.o.d was more appropriate, Mars quickly got on his feet and put a hand on the hilt of his sword as he gave a cold smile

"h.e.l.lo Hel, how"s your face"
it was Hel, the only difference from the last time Mars saw her was the long scars that ran down her face no doubt they were cursed by his adamant.i.te broadsword
"I"ll kill you Mars, but now is not the time"
as the two of them spoke a figure in a golden robe floated down, she had a gentle smile on her face when she saw Mars and called out to him
"my you are awake little brother"
Mars gave a smile
"long time no see Tatiana"
it was indeed Tatiana the living G.o.d of mana just as Mars was about to ask what was happening, someone clapped him on the shoulder from behind, Mars looked back and saw Terry
"Mars what is this?"
"hmm... I don"t know but it seems like someone gathered us here?"
"yeah living G.o.ds"
Terry looked confused for a moment then she looked over at Hel and Tatiana and suddenly his gaze sharpened and he took his bow off his back and nocked an arrow, Hel gave a mocking smile and spoke
"now that I know you"re with Mars I"ll kill you too little puppy"
Terry pulled back his bowstring and took aim and spoke
"I would like to see you try you disfigured hag!"
both Mars and Tatiana was surprised for a moment, Terry sure had some b.a.l.l.s on him to call the most mentally unstable living G.o.d for a "disfigured hag"
"YOU! I"ll send you to h.e.l.l along with Mars!"
Tatiana stepped in and pulled both Terry and Hel from each other with pure mana before she spoke
"now now children behave, at least until we find out why we are here"
Terry gave a nod and lowered his bow, meanwhile Hel also relaxed the gravity around her, just then a man"s voice was heard
"my my, guess we"re all here"
Mars looked over and saw a man in his fifties walk over, he wore a suit and carried a sword on his hip, at closer inspection his ears was a little long for a human so Mars realized his vessel was at least 1/4 elver, Mars gave a smile and spoke
"you must be the eldest of us all, my name is Mars"
the man looked briefly at Mars before he put all his focus on Tatiana and gave a warm smile and walked over and took her hand
"Tatiana my dear we have not meet in almost 300 years now"
Tatiana gave a deep frown before she yanked her hand free and spoke in a cold tone
"Daniel I see your manners is as bad as ever"
the man, or rather Daniel gave a laugh, just then a formless pressure appeared and drew the focus of all 5 living G.o.ds and soon a voice was heard
"good you"re all here"
Mars gave a smile and so did Terry but Hel gave a deep frown and yelled
"Information you b.i.t.c.h! where is this and what do you mean "good you"re all here"!? you were the one that brought us here right!?"
the formless pressure grew colder for a moment, but only for a moment before it returned to normal and spoke again
"I see you still are as caught up with the past as always Hel... but rejoice for I bring you good news, the administrator has agreed to revive your loved one as long as you help with the upcoming conflict"
Hel gave a happy smile, she had tuned out all that came after "revive your loved one", meanwhile both Mars" and Tatiana"s expression sank, but Daniel was the first to ask
"what conflict?"
Info paused for a moment before suddenly information was transferred to all 5 living G.o.ds that made all 5 show grave expressions and for a few long moments all 5 of them tried to comprehend the information that had just been transferred to them but eventually Mars muttered
"Alfan is being... invaded?"
"yes currently the Kafer continent is under the invaders control"
"...and what do you want us to do about Info?"
Mars felt that the formless pressure smiled for a moment
"of course I want you to take the invaders and drive them back to their dying world"
Mars fell silent and sat down on the floor and thought for a moment before he flatly said
"no way"
"of course I"m not telling you to do it alone"
Mars gave a sly smile and asked
"then you"ll help?"
"no I"m busy with the archangels of their world... they are giving my quite the trouble"
at this point in time Daniel spoke
"what about the all mighty administrator?"
"busy with their administrator"
"I see... well then..."
all five fell into thought for a few long minutes before Mars spoke up
"I can do it, just give me a day to wrap something up"
Terry gave a nod before he spoke as well
"I"m in too"
Tatiana gave a smile and looked over at Mars
"well it does sound interesting... so why not?"
Hel gave a sweet smile, perhaps she was thinking of her darling which soon would be back with her
"I"ll do it, as long as you hold up your part of the barging"
Daniel shrugged his shoulders and spoke too
"sure I"ll go clean up your mess"
Mars once again had a feeling that Info was smiling for a short moment before she spoke again
"good, I"ll give you a day since Mars asked for it"
then the white world around them began fading and Mars woke up again this time he lay in his bed
"well then, let"s get to work... but first... water"
Mars ma.s.saged his aching head as he got out of bed

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