Suddenly on a tight timetable Mars wasted no time and got to work with rounding up the troops so he could reconquer the rest of the 3 cities
"err... next was the southern city right?"
"yeah but I plan to have all 3 cities reconquered by sundown"
"by sundown!?"
Mars looked over at Amelia that suddenly yelled and gave a calm nod
"yes something else came up"
"...what something?"
"hmm... I"m not quite sure I can tell you..."
"oh... I see, I won"t ask in that case..."
Mars gave a nod, sometimes it was better not to know that your world was being invaded by a foreign world and that one of the 12 continents had already been taken over by said invaders, if Amelia were to believe him she would undoubtedly be affected negatively in some way, while Mars was having such thoughts the troops finished gathering, Mars looked them over and gave a nod as a confident smile formed on his face
"let"s go"
the southern city was reconquered in less than 3 hours, the western city took only 2 hours and finally the eastern city took only half an hour, this of course was because the enemy surrendered without any resistance, just as Mars had expected the morale had hit rock bottom when they were informed that the 3 other cities had been reconquered, Mars stood and overlooked the city from the walls and gave a nod
"I guess that"s that..."
as Mars stood and overlooked the city that was dyed in the colors of the sunset Amelia walked up next to him and also stood and overlooked the city for sometime until she spoke
"...are you leaving?"
"yeah in a minute or two"
"you don"t want to go grab a drink?"
"sure I do but now"s not the time I"m afraid..."
"I see.... so it"s that serious?"
"yup, end of the world for some"
"I see... then I guess this is goodbye?"
"yeah... but don"t worry I"ll come visit sometime"
"really really"
"I see, that"s good..."
both Mars and Amelia fell silent as the minutes pa.s.sed by until Mars gave a sigh and turned to Amelia
"see you around"
"see you Mars"
Mars ripped open a portal and disappeared from the top of the walls leaving Amelia alone, she stood there for a while looking at the spot where Mars had ripped s.p.a.ce apart until eventually she gave a sigh and walked down from the walls...
Back at Green river Mars returned to the empty penthouse, well almost empty
"welcome... back"
"yeah I"m back Victoria"
Mars kneeled down and petted Victoria on the head before he walked into the master bedroom and packed his backpack, when he was done he walked over to the workshop and grabbed a few things before he walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed and called out
Victoria appeared from his shadow and jumped up into the bed and sat down
"tomorrow I"ll be heading to the biggest battlefield I have been to this life... do you want to come?"
"of... cause, I do"
"I can"t guarantee your safety"

"I"m your... partner... remember?"
"sure I do... in that case your welcome to come with"
"okay... where are we... going?"
"to some continent far away, Info is sending us off"
Victoria laid down on Mars" lap and began purring and for sometime both of them said nothing before Mars gave a sigh
"I should go get the girls"
"okay... see you soon"
"yeah, see you Victoria"
Mars got up from the bed and ripped open a portal to his mother"s island and steeped though...
When Mars arrived on the island it was dark, but the stars and the two moons were out and with his eyes he had no problem seeing even in pitch darkness so it was like day for Mars, he had opened his portal close to the cave so he soon arrived and stepped into the cave while he called out
"mother? are you here?"
Mars waited and soon his mother appeared in front of him, she carried a grave expression on her face when she faced him, Mars could tell there was something wrong and asked
"what"s wrong?"
"you"re here for the girls right?"
"I see, I was afraid that was the case..."
Mars got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and ran past his mother into the cave, soon he saw light further ahead
"please be okay..."
Mars arrived in the deepest part of the cave and saw... Chloe, Elsa , Varvei and Mary all sitting around a campfire stuffing their faces with food, Chloe was the first to spot him and called out
"ah, it"s Mars!"
at her call the other girls put down their food, stood up and jumped him hugging him close for a few moments before Mars noticed something weird
"your eyes.... they are like mine?"
Mars looked at their eyes, they were vertical split like that of a reptile or a dragon, even Varvei"s eyes that were vertical split in the first place had changed, she now had red scales around her eyes, Mars quickly put two and two together and yell while his eyes turned crimson
"she gave you girls dragon blood!?"
Mars was truly enraged, he knew the dangerous of receiving dragon blood having done it himself so he was mad to say the least not only at his mother for giving them dragon blood but also for not realizing that is what would happen when he sent them here to his mother"s island
"Mars calm down"
it was Elsa that called out to him and tried to calm him down, soon all the girls latched onto him to try and keep him still, as Mars tired to get free so he could go yell at his mother he discovered that the 4 girls had significantly more strength than before, not wanting to hurt them Mars stopped struggling and calmed himself down a little before he muttered
"it"s good that you"re all safe..."
the girls gave sweet smiles all around from seeing Mars calm down a little and then Mary spoke
"we were told that a least one of us would die if we all took the dragon blood, but we all survived, can"t you be happy for that instead of being mad?"
"...I guess I can"
Mars relaxed fully and his eyes turned blue again as he calmed down and gave a sigh before he gave each Chloe, Elsa, Varvei and Mary a kiss and sat down with them around the campfire and looked into the fire for sometime until he spoke again
"I need your help with something"
all the girls lit up, this was precisely the reason why they had taken the risk to get stronger by taking dragon blood, so that Mars would rely on them more, Varvei was the quickest to ask
"what is it?"
Mars gave another sigh and explained the whole invasion that Alfan was currently facing and how he and the rest of the living G.o.ds had been a.s.signed the task of driving the invaders back though the giant portal that connected the two worlds, Chloe gave a sigh when Mars was finished and spoke
"that sounds serious..."
Elsa also gave a sigh and spoke
"yeah it does sound super serious, but that"s why we got stronger so we could help you with stuff like this"
Varvei gave a nod
"I have surpa.s.sed the combat powers I had when I was the flaming rose general so you don"t have to worry about me Mars, I"ll take anything they can throw at me as long as its mortal"
Mary also gave a nod
"I have also grown stronger... while I don"t know how strong I am at the moment I look forward to finding out"
while Mars was snuggling up with the girls around the campfire his mother returned still carrying a grave look on her face while she asked
"are you really leaving?"
"yeah we have some things to take care of mother"
his mother gave a sigh
"guess this is goodbye for now... goodbye good food..."
"wait is that the reason you look like your dog have died!?"
"but Mars I really can"t help it... Elsa"s food is so good..."
Mars wanted to yell at his mother, mostly for giving him a scare earlier but he shut his mouth knowing he should not p.i.s.s her off to much or else he might die for real, but then he got an idea
"why don"t you follow us then? you can eat Elsa"s food"
"no can do I"m afraid Mars, I have to stay on the island until your younger brother gets big enough to take care of himself"
"I see..."
Mars gave a sigh, it would have been good to have an ancient fire dragon as support but he knew he should not be too greedy
"well then we"ll take our leave now mother, take care"
"I will"

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