When Mars opened his eyes again he was once again in the pure white s.p.a.ce but he was not alone this time, next to him were the girls and Victoria that all had agreed to come with the night before, Mars sat up since he was laying on his broadsword which was not so pleasant and looked around for the other living G.o.ds but before he found them Mary called out to him
"Mars where is this?"
Mars thought for a moment before he plainly answered
"hmm... I don"t know?"
"....you really don"t know?"
"well I know Info was here last time but apart from that I don"t know anything about this s.p.a.ce..."
at this moment Chloe spoke up
"wait so Information was here then this can only be the divine s.p.a.ce right?"
Mars gave a sight frown and asked
"what"s the so called "divine s.p.a.ce"?"
before Chloe could answer a voice was heard from above
"it"s the palace where souls are taken before they reincarnate"
Mars and the girls looked up and saw Tatiana slowly descended from above with her golden robe moving slightly even though there was no wind, Mars raised a hand and greeted her
"h.e.l.lo Tatiana"
Tatiana gave a warm smile and greeted Mars back
"hi Mars, is this your girlfriends?"
"yeah they are"
Mars and Tatiana exchanged smiles but just as the mood was getting good Mars felt someone pinching him and asked without looking to see who it was
"....what is it Chloe?"
Chloe let out a humph and asked in a clearly displeased tone
"who"s this woman Mars? what is your relations.h.i.+p?"
just as Mars was about to answer he felt something soft envelope his left arm and looked over and saw Tatiana had hugged his arm while having a teasing smile on her face, this of course displeased Chloe and the rest of the girls and almost immediately Mars felt another 3 pairs of fingers pinch him in the side, also since the girls had taken dragon blood their pinches hurt a lot more than usual, Elsa spoke in a slightly dissatisfied tone
"don"t tell me you seduced another woman?"
Mars gave a sigh and looked over at Tatiana that had a wide smile on her face and asked
"don"t you think that"s enough big sister Tatiana?"
"my oh my, what do you mean Mars?"
"...please stop before they kill me by pinching"
Tatiana let out a giggle and let go of Mars and apologized to the girls
"sorry about that girls, I just could not resist teasing Mars a little"
Varvei was the first to let go of Mars and stop pinching him as she gave a smile and asked Tatiana
"so what exactly are your relations.h.i.+p with Mars?"
"I"m his big sister of course"
"big sister... wait as in a living G.o.d!?"
Tatiana gave a big smile
"correct, so call me sister in law from now on"
Mars gave a sigh while the girls gave serious nods
"girls you can stop pinching me now right?"
Mary, Chloe and Elsa let go
"oh sorry Mars"
"yes very sorry"
"...sorry Mars"
"it sure is lively in here"
"oh hey Terry"
"hi Mars, Tatiana"

Tatiana gave a smile and so did Mars and the girls when they saw Terry, Mars asked him
"did you bring your stuff?"
"yup it"s all here..."
Terry showed off his reinforced recurve bow as well as the throwing knives he had brought with him, but Mars noticed he carried no arrows and asked about it
"what about arrows?"
"hehe let me show you something Mars"
Terry put on a smug face and took his recurve bow off his back and drew back the string, as he did some kind of energy formed an arrow on the string
"so what do you think? it"s my newest skill"
Tatiana also gave a nod which caused Terry to be over the moon, but his mood was soon brought down again by the figure that landed next to them: Hel, she looked over at Mars with her usual resentment before she looked at the girls that was next to him and showed a mocking smile before she turned her head away, Chloe got angry and asked Mars
"what"s with that woman!?"
"don"t worry she"s just someone that ran away like a defeated dog last time we fought"
"what did you just say Mars!?"
"but it"s true right Hel? last time I didn"t have my wings so I was unable to finish you off but this time it"s different"
Hel got red in the face from anger but kept her mouth shut at that moment Daniel floated down, besides giving a displeased look at Tatiana standing what he considered to be too close to Mars he remained civil and didn"t open his mouth, now that all the living G.o.ds were gathered Information showed up as her usual formless pressure from and greeted them
"Terry, Mars, Hel, Tatiana and Daniel it"s good that your all here... now I"ll tell you a bit about the current situation, currently the Kafer continent is almost completely under the invaders control, with only a few spots of resistance remaining, the closest continent to Kafer is the Jamar continent and that is only about 20 kilometers away by sea so that"s where we expect the invaders to set their sights next... it"s also were you guys will be sent, currently the Jamar continent has come together to reconquer the Kafer continent so I will be sending each one of you to one of the 5 ports that currently are mounting an a.s.sault on Kafer, any questions?"
Daniel gave a nod and asked
"where will we descend?"
"in the temples of the port cities, there should already be a group of representative waiting for you there"
Mars raised his hand and asked
"what is the overall victory condition? do we need to slaughter all the invaders or just close the portal?"
"just closing the portal will do"
Mars gave a nod
"anymore questions?"
n.o.body spoke up and Mars once again had the impression that Info was smiling before she suddenly turned stern and spoke
"I don"t believe I have to tell you this, but any infighting before this is over will result in harsh consequences"
Hel"s face turned cold before she gave a snort and looked away from Info
"good now that"s out of the way, I"ll send you guys along best of luck"
Mars" and the rest vision turned white before it then turned dark and they disappeared from the divine s.p.a.ce leaving Info alone that gave a sigh before she muttered
"....hopefully they won"t attract attention from the enemy archangels"
"how long are we supposed to wait here anyways?"
Alfred gave a sigh, this was the nth time he had heard someone mutter this
"we are the ones asking for help, it"s only natural that we should receive this help as soon as it arrives..."
he really wanted to state his thoughts out loud but unfortunately he was the lowest in the pecking order of the ones currently in attendance so he just gave a soft sigh instead and ma.s.saged his aching legs, he and the rest of the port city of Kirt"s elite had been kneeling for the past hour waiting inside the temple while facing a sealed door, supposedly a so called hero was about to emerge from the sealed door or that"s at least what the head priest of the temple had told them, he had received a divine message from above telling them that their reconquest had been blessed with not one but 5 hero"s that would be descending in the port cities sometime today, if not for the fact that this had been confirmed by the other 4 cities head priest"s most of the people kneeling here would not have shown up in the first place as the were busy fighting over how to divide the Kafer continent once it had been reconquered.
"anyways... I hope they show up soon, my old legs can"t really take much more..."
perhaps Alfred"s prayers were heard because soon the runes on the sealed door began to light up, this instantly silenced the ones that were complaining, after s.h.i.+ning for about a minute the door suddenly dissolved and a young man stepped out of the door, he wore a pale suit and carried two one handed swords on his hip and a broadsword covered in cloth on his back, he scanned the people kneeling in front of him with his blue vertical split eyes, whenever his eyes pa.s.sed over a person that person would suddenly begin trembling, soon his eyes reached Alfred and stopped on him, Alfred suddenly understood why the others were trembling, it was like being stared down by a high level magic beast soaked in the blood of its very recent victims
"this young man smells of fresh blood..."
Alfred didn"t cower but instead gave a smile back at the young man, the young man"s eyes widened slightly before he also gave a wide smile and pointed at Alfred and spoke
"you I need, the rest may leave"
his words stunned the people present Alfred included

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