"Ugh... I feel sick..."
Mars patted Chloe on the back as she was hanging at the railing on the s.h.i.+p looking down at the waves as she tired to fight back her nausea
"just a little bit more Chloe"
"I don"t think I"ll make it..."
Mars found it to be no surprise that Chloe got seasick, after all sailing was a joke in Green river with the navy of Green river only consisting of one s.h.i.+p, the very s.h.i.+p that had taken Mars to his mother"s island
"just hold on a little more"
currently Mars and the rest were on a battles.h.i.+p that was on its way towards the Kafer continent, the fleet consisted of 5 s.h.i.+ps that carried 1.000 landing troops which job was to secure the port and then hold on until reinforcements could arrive, currently the enemy port was within viewing distance so the situation on deck was tense, well except for Mars that was as relaxed as he could be without s.h.i.+tting his pants, he had done "landings" like this one too many times in his past life so he was not tense at all...
"reporting, enemy fleet approaching!"
the commander sat and overlooked the port when one of her subordinates reported to her, she calmly cut her nails and responded
"prepare the strategic cla.s.s spell"
"yes commander"
the commander was not at all worried about the approaching enemy fleet and while her subordinates prepared the magic circle she sat on the edge of the roof and filled her nails to perfection, by the time she was done with two fingers a subordinate landed behind her and reported
"the strategic cla.s.s spell "heaven"s fury" have been prepared"
"fire at the approaching s.h.i.+ps"
"yes commander!"
out on the s.h.i.+p Mars suddenly got a bad feeling and looked up before he quickly took his broadsword off his back and quickly unwrapped the cloth that covered the blade
"Mars, what"s wrong?"
"tell people to get under deck now!"
"eh..? yes right away!"
Chloe ran off on her wobbly legs and yelled at the soldiers on deck to get under deck fast, of course n.o.body but those Mars brought with him listened to her and simply laughed it off as some kind of joke, meanwhile Mars flew off towards the sky and when he breached the clouds he felt and saw a giant beam of volatile energy was descending upon the s.h.i.+ps below and acted quickly by activating his [[Energy: reactive s.h.i.+eld] before he directed it under the beam making it reflect most of the energy away from the s.h.i.+ps, meanwhile he sent sword lights towards the part of the beam that pa.s.sed by the reactive s.h.i.+eld
the commander widened her eyes as she looked out towards the sea, the strategic cla.s.s spell heaven"s fury had descended on the fleet of enemy s.h.i.+ps but the results were far from favorable as only one s.h.i.+p had sunk and one had taken minor damage
"how did they defeat heaven"s fury!?"
as the commanders face warped in disbelief and rage a subordinate landed behind her
"r-reporting the strategic cla.s.s spell "heaven"s fury" have ended, one s.h.i.+p sunk one damaged"

"....round up the troops, tell them to follow me"
the commander put on her helmet and picked up her spear
"yes commander!"
then she jumped off the roof and spread out her wings as her mana began circulating in her four wings and with a gust of wind she flew out over the port city while yelling
"follow me!"
from below her troops flew up and formed up behind her as a giant flock of them began to fly out over the sea, but just when they were about to reach the fleet one of her subordinates suddenly pushed her aside before he was bisected by a light that hit him from above, the commander looked up and saw a youth in a pale suit caring a dull red broadsword before she yelled
she stopped mid air while her troops flew up towards the youth that suddenly showed a smile before he swung his broadsword and sent out a light that pa.s.sed through a couple of her subordinates cutting them into pieces, this drove the commander into a rage and she yelled
"bring me that wingless creatures head!"
just as she yelled the youth disappeared from view before he reappeared right in front of her with a wide smile on his face
"commander found"
the commander recreated fast and stabbed out with her spare time and time again, unfortunately for her all her stabs and swipes were easily blocked and the youth also had leeway to send out sword lights that killed off her subordinates
"focus on the s.h.i.+ps, I"ll handle this guy!"
"""""yes commander!"""""
her subordinates flew off towards the s.h.i.+ps while she focused on the youth in front of her that still carried a wide calm smile on his face, they exchanged several more moves before the commander spoke
"state your name!"
the youth gave a smile before he pulled back slightly and spoke
"normally one has to give one"s own name fist"
the commander narrowed her eyes before she eventually spoke
"Yel, commander of the 112th valkyries"
the youth gave a nod before he spoke
"Mars, the current living G.o.d of energy"
the commander gave a mocking smile
"you really believe yourself to be a G.o.d?"
Mars narrowed his eyes before he disappeared from view again, the commander raised her guard but then she noticed that all her subordinates had suddenly stopped moving before Mars reappeared in front of her with a smile on his face
"do you believe me now?"
as Mars finished speaking all her subordinates suddenly began falling from the sky while turning into tiny pieces, before Yel had a change to answer Mars suddenly appeared in front of her and knocked her out with a well placed jab...
"ugh.... my head..."
Yel tired to rub her arching temples but found her hands were bound, then she heard a sound and looked over and suddenly locked eyes with an unknown person with strange beast-like ears on top of her head
"you"re awake... I"ll go get Mars"
Yel waited for the person to leave the dark room before she suddenly began struggling to get out of her bindings, as a result she knocked over the chair she was bound to and fell to the floor, then she heard slow footsteps approach and increased her struggles but alas the door opened
"oh... you certainly are a feisty one"
Mars walked in and over to her and grabbed the chair before he lifted it upright again, all the while Yel glared at him
"what, got something to say?"
"I"ll kill you, you monster"
"oh... what should I do Elsa? she hurt my feelings"
Mars half collapsed on the floor looking hurt
"ehh..? there, there?"
Elsa patted Mars on the head while he fake cried, before suddenly he showed a smile and grabbed a chair and sat down right in front of Yel and asked her a question
"Yel do they have enhanced interrogation where you come from?"
Yel remained silent, she had not heard of that term before so she looked slightly confused before she asked back while feeling a slight amount of dread
"...what"s enhanced interrogation?"
Mars showed a smile and shrugged his shoulders
"it"s just a fancy word for torture, now I don"t want to torture you, you see my girlfriend behind me is here to make sure I don"t do any funny stuff to you and she"s pure at heart not the kind that has the stomach for torture, so will you do me a favor and just answer my questions?"
Yel shut her mouth and ground her teeth before she spat out one word
Mars gave a sigh and unsheathed his sword before he began cleaning it, the pale blade glimmered in the dim room
"you see I"m half immortal and thus I have a lot of time on my hands... so why don"t we start out easy, where are you from?"
Yel closed her mouth and glared at Mars with all her might, meanwhile Mars had all his focus on the blade of his sword which he wiped over and over with a piece of cloth while he asked another question
"how many of you are there?"
Yel glared at Mars but she kept silent while Mars continued asking
"what kind of social structure do you guys have?"
Yel remained silent while Mars pulled up his sword and breathed on the blade before he continued wiping it with the same piece of cloth before suddenly he stopped and looked up at Yel with a cold look on his face
"come on now, I asked you for a favor can"t you just play ball?"
"...f.u.c.k you"
Mars gave a sigh before he stood up from the chair and cracked his knuckles
"well then let"s get started... no f.u.c.k this, I"ll do this my way"
Mars walked around Yel and unbound her arms before walked in front of her and he took a stance with his fist raised
"come at me, if you kill me once I"ll let you go free"
Yel stood up from the chair and also raised her arms before she shouted
"I"ll kill you Mars!"

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