After the meeting of the Green river elder council and the sky people elder council the move began at once, messengers were sent out to the various sky people fighting forces telling them to return home at once, meanwhile on Green rivers side forces were sent to clear out the most vicious and dangerous magic beasts in the new settlement area before engineers were sent out to build primitive shelter and so in just two days the first sky people left their village thought a portal to start the building of their new home with their own hands, it was also then that the first of the fighting forces returned to Skyreach, surprisingly none of them complained about the move as it was something that the elders had decided and almost all of them volunteered to work security on the site of their new village and were thus sent through the portal while the few that remained spent their time patrolling the outskirts of the village, now the sky people were primarily a warrior tribe so almost 3/4th of the villagers were out of the village on any normal day, either as part of a fighting force or as hunter gatherers so recalling them took longer than Mars would like but after a week all sky people were accounted for and so the last sky people left their old village to begin building their new
"well that"s that... are you sure you don"t want to go with them Yel?"
"my place as a servant is at my master"s side"
Mars gave a sigh, he still was not used to having a servant but reluctantly agreed.
"...okay then"
Mars looked over the empty village once more before he floated down to the girls that were waiting down below, Yel followed after him, floating a few step behind him.
"well then let"s move"
Mars, Chloe, Elsa, Varvei, Mary, Victoria and Yel left the abandoned village and headed further west, further into Kafer after walking uneventfully for about a month, seemingly having made no progress in the seemingly unending plains they were forced to return home because they had run out of supplies and so Mars ripped open a portal to Green river and the group walked though...
Mars slowly opened his eyes, it was the morning after they returned to Green river and as always 5 very naked figures lay on the master bed except this time a 6th person had joined the fray, Yel had originally been against sleeping with Mars, not because she did want to but because she thought she had to earn the position in the way too big master bed, this Mars didn"t agree on and stated "you are my woman Yel and I want to sleep with you" after that he half dragged Yel to bed and found that after her initial reluctance she was more than eager to engage in "nightly gymnastics" along with the rest of the girls and so the long night had now pa.s.sed with only a small red stain to tell of the nights affairs, Mars sat up and looked around before he before he gave a quiet yawn and crawled out of bed and put on a pair of boxers before he walked in a half sleeping state towards the toilet, after he was done at the toilet Mars returned to the living room and found that the girls were up, well mostly up, Chloe and Mary laid on the couches still half asleep while Varvei helped out Elsa in the kitchen with making breakfast and Yel sat on a cus.h.i.+on on the floor with her 2 sets of wings spared out and her eyes closed, at first glance it looked like she was meditating so Mars planned to leave her alone but when he walked into the living room she opened her eyes and look at him with a sweet smile on her face, Mars returned the smile and walked into the kitchen to help with making breakfast and soon they were all gathered around the dinner table. After eating Mar brought Yel to the sky people village by portal, when they stepped through the portal they arrived at the village

and was immediately startled by shouting further ahead, Mars gave a frown and walked ahead after he grabbed Yel by the hand as he approached the source of the shouting and found a group made up of both elvers and sky people surroundings something
"we"re going to fly Yel"
"yes master"
Mars flew up along with Yel and got a view of the situation, it looked like an elven soldier fighting a sky person surrounded by the crowd, Mars was about to step in when Yel held him back and called out to him
"wait master"
Mars waited as Yel told him and despite it begin a fight Mars noticed that both sides were smiling and laughing as they exchanged moves, Mars gave a smile as he realized it was a friendly fight and gave Yel"s hand a squeeze as he thanked her
"thanks Yel, without you here I would have made a fool of myself"
"it"s my pleasure to be of use master"
Mars turned around and petted Yel on the head before he gave a wide smile and said
"let"s go see your mom"
"yes master"
Mars and Yel flew off and soon they arrived at Xel house and Mars knocked on the door
"come in limp d.i.c.k"
Mars" smile stiffened slightly at the new insult Xel had decided to address him with but opened the door still and found Xel sitting on a floor cus.h.i.+on and sewing clothes, Mars and Yel steeped in and sat down across from her before Xel gave a sniff and looked at Yel then at Mars and then at their hands which were still together and gave a smile
"looks like I can"t call you limp d.i.c.k anymore Mars"
" please"
Yel went red from embarra.s.sment while Mars just gave a smile and asked
"how have you been since the move Xel?"
"good, but less about me we have elder stuff to talk about"
Mars straightened his back and for the next hour or so Mars and Xel talked about things related to the elder council, there was some things to catch up on since Mars had been absent from the last few meetings but n.o.body faulted him since the sky people had been told about his divine mission to close the portal that connected the two worlds, after going over topics such as hunting patterns and local wildlife in the forest which mars knew a lot more about than the sky people Mars and Xel spent some time hurling insults at each other with smiles on their faces before Yel eventually spoke up
"master, mother can"t you just speak normally to each other?"
Mars and Xel locked eyes for a moment before they said in perfect sink
""this is pretty normal though?""
Yel gave a sigh before she stood up and walked out of the room with a twitching smile on her face, leaving Mars and Xel that both laughed for a bit before Mars stood up and said
"I"ll better chase after her"
"you do that Mars, it was nice seeing you two"
Mars raised his hand in farvel as he walked out of the house and began chasing after Yel, luckily she had not run very far, Mars found her a few meters away from the house and bluntly asked her
"are you mad?"
"...I"m not mad master"
"you look pretty mad"
"...I said I"m not mad"
"okay then..."
Mars walked over and poked her puffed cheeks a few times before he apologized
"sorry Yel"
Yel gave a sigh before Mars took her hand and gave it a light squeeze
"let"s head back, it"s about noon anyways"
"....yes master"
Mars and Yel went back to Green river by portal and ate lunch along with the rest of the girls before they all went out shopping for supplies for the road and by evening they all returned to Mars" building and ate dinner before they went to bed...
early the next morning a portal opened in the eastern plains of Kafer and the group of 7 stepped out of it before it closed before they began walking east, it was not for long though as Mars suddenly heard a sound he had not expected to hear in this life
"...stop here, we have incoming"
Mars kneeled down and so did the rest of the group, then Mars transformed his eyes and looked ahead and saw... an off road car, it looked like something from an old movie his father had once shown him called Mad Max, it had spikes and a gun turret with what looked like magic powered hot weapons
"sure sounds like a combustion engine"
"....Mars what"s a combustion engine?"
Mars pointed ahead at the car that was speeding towards them and simply said
"that is a combustion engine"

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