Mars handed the rifle back to the stunned guard, then Solomon woke up from his daze and quickly asked Mars.

"Where did you learn to fire a rifle with such grace?"

"Well on another continent for starters, it was also a lifetime ago..."

Solomon thought for a moment before he asked.

"It may be rude to ask, but how old are you exactly Mars? when you say a lifetime ago how long ago do you mean?"

Mars thought for a moment before he answered the question.

"Me? I"m a little over 220 years old... I suppose it was about 100 years ago that I learned how to fire a rifle."

Technical it was in his past life but Mars was not lying about it.

"You... you"re not human are you?"


"I see... sorry for asking such questions."

"I don"t mind."

From there and until the dwarfs left Solomon no longer spoke to Mars and at about sundown the convoy left the city and Mars received his reward from Alex.

"Oh and Mars, if you ever think about settling down I can offer you a discount on a house or villa in this city."

"...I"ll think about it."

With such words Mars left the lord"s manor and walked back towards the inn. As he walked down the busy streets he felt someone following after him and gave a slight smile, before he stepped into an alley and slowed his walking speed down until someone called out to him from behind.

"...You, mercenary stop right there!"

Mars stopped and turned around and saw one of the knights he left behind when he set off to rescue Emma a few days ago, before Mars was able to ask what the knight wanted did the knight suddenly begin yelling.

"YOU! It"s all your fault! Thanks to you lady Emma won"t look at me like she used to!"

"....Okay and how is it my fault?"

The knight got even more enraged and continued yelling.

"Do you have any idea how many years I have spent trying to get lady Emma to like me so I could take over the household by having her marry me!?"


"And it"s all ruined just because of you!"

The enraged(crazy) knight drew his sword and screamed.


A glint of light flashed in the dark alley and the knight fell over, he was dead of course. Mars gave a sigh and summoned a small flame that quickly burned the corpse to ashes before he continued on his way back to the inn.

After another day of relaxation Mars and his group was about to leave the city when suddenly all traffic ground to a halt Mars gave a frown and lifted slightly off the ground to what was up and saw that the gates were closed, worse yet the gates seemed to be manned by dwarfs.


"Master what"s wrong?"

"Nothing for now but let"s get off the streets... Over to that cafe for now."

The girls were confused but followed Mars" orders, then when he reached the cafe he spoke again.

"Stay here and stay safe, I"ll be right back."

"Be safe master."

Mars activated [Half-awaken] before he lifted off the ground again and flew towards the lord"s manor, landing right outside the gates and walked in.


There was blood all over. Knights and servants lay in their own pools of blood Mars took a sniff and smelled gunpowder in the air before he quickened his steppes slightly as he walked into the manor, but still kept them completely silent as if he was a ghost floating around. As Mars stepped into the manor the smell of gunpowder only got heavier as did the smell of blood, Mars" ears twitched slightly as he picked up the sound of suppressed gunfire.

"Those sure are some good sound suppresses... I gotta hurry..."

Mars lifted off the ground again and began flying up the stairs up towards Alex"s office which he soon reached and stepped inside. Inside the office were a group of 5 dwarfs that all pointed their guns at Alex and Emma, Mars didn"t make any sound when he came in so they had not noticed him yet. Mars gave a rea.s.suring smile to Alex and Emma before he activated [Instant movement] and cut down the group of dwarfs before he reappeared in the same spot with a hand on the hilt of his sword, the b.l.o.o.d.y sight of the dwarfs being killed made Emma pale slightly both of them were drenched in cold sweat but looked at Mars with thankful expressions, Mars spoke up.

"As I see it right now you guys have two choices, one to follow me without questioning anything, the other is to wait here for the next group of soldiers that are approaching from the left hallway."

Alex spoke up.

"We will follow you Mars."

Mars transformed his hand and ripped a hole in s.p.a.ce before he looked over at Alex and Emma

"good, then into the portal you go."

After the portal closed Mars sat himself on the desk and waited for the next group of darwen soldiers to approach. This time it was a group of 6, they quickly stepped into the room and flanked Mars while keeping their rifles pointed at him, one of them spoke up.

"I did not expect to see you here Mars."

"Good day to you too Solomon."

Solomon was a little startled as he didn"t expect Mars to recognize him with his tactical gear on.

"...Where is the lord and his daughter?"


"....I see... Any last words?"

"A question, if you will answer it?"


Mars gave a cold smile and asked.

"Is this always the way the earthen tribe dose things?"

"Of course, if we can"t buy it, we will take it by force."

"I see."

Mars gave a nod and disappeared from view and a moment later another 6 dwarfs. .h.i.t the floor with their heads severed from their bodies, he gave a sigh and picked up a few rifles before he threw them into a portal along with a few magazines. Then he summoned a small flame and set fire to the office before he flew out the window, after flying back to the cafe he found the girls eating cake and other sweet things and gave a wry smile. Varvei was the first to spot him and asked him.

"Where did you go Mars?"

"I just had to check something real quick... I don"t think the gates will reopen today so let"s head back to the inn."

"Okay, but first you have to try this cake, it"s out of this world."

Mars gave a wry smile once again.


With their departure delayed another day Mars and the girls spent the evening relaxing before they went to bed and left the city early the next morning...

Back on the road time pa.s.sed quickly and soon another week had pa.s.sed, the group still enjoyed the former empires roads but more often than not found themselves traveling on the side of the road as the vehicles that drove on the road were less than merciless and with Victoria almost getting run over, which resulted in the vehicle turning into a wreck on the side of the road with its pa.s.sengers beheaded on the side of the road. Mars opted to leave the well maintained roads and take some of the less traveled roads, this of course meant more magic beasts to fight which in turn meant that the group used less supplies on the road and more magic beast cores for Mars. He even managed to level up to level 113 which made Mars a very happy camper to say the least, he also found another benefit of being on the road and that was that he could flirt with the girls as much as he wanted as there was n.o.body around to care, this Mars of course took full advantage of (without going too overboard.)

"I am no caveman anymore, when I make love to my women I do it in the comfort of my home..."

As Mars was thinking useless thoughts something was sneaking up on the group in the cover of some nearby tall gra.s.s. It looked like a big wolf the size of a small car, it had brown dotted pelt and was commonly known around these parts as a spotted earth wolf, as it was capable of using earth magic it was of course a magic beast and a cla.s.s 6 magic beast at that. As the group walked Elsa"s ears twitched on the top of her head before she suddenly sighed.

"Meat again today... I don"t know if I can take it anymore..."

Varvei walked over and patted Elsa on the shoulder.

"Don"t worry Elsa I"ll help you out with cooking"

"Thanks Varvei..."

Just as Varvei was comforting Elsa the spotted earth wolf took its change and pounced on what it considered the easiest target: Yel. Little did it know that it had been discovered way before it had discovered the group also the meat that Elsa spoke of was to be itself, after all Yel knew it was there and was ready for it. The moment the spotted earth wolf jumped off the ground Yel turned around and kicked off the ground, before she swiped with her spear cutting open the chest and gut off the spotted earth wolf and cutting its heart into two. The poor thing was dead before it hit the ground, as it fell to the ground with a bang Mars stopped walking and put down his bag before he gave a nod.

"Let"s make camp here for tonight."

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