A loud bang was heard as the wall of the second floor motel room exploded, Mars having dodged the golden projectile that smashed the wall garbed his bone sword and sent out a slash towards the neck of the angel.



The blade shattered as it hit the neck of the angel and it didn"t miss its opportunity, forming another golden projectile that it fired off point blank into Mars" stomach which sent him flying out the broken wall. Mars flew straight through the building on the other side of the road before the next building finally stopped him, with another loud bang did he sank into the wall of the house.


Mars pulled himself out of the wall and activated his flight skill as he flew into the air while sending sword lights after the pursuing angel that suddenly had golden wings, which it used to fly after Mars. The sword lights seemed ineffective on the angel that gradually closed in on Mars while he flew upwards, just as the angel reached out after Mars as he disappeared from view and reappeared behind it before he laid a hand on its back and discharged his stored energy units.


The angel was blasted off but Mars didn"t pursue it instead he quickly flew back to his room and picked up the adamant.i.te broadsword, quickly unwrapping the cloth that covered the blade before he flew off into the air, just then a cold voice entered his head.

"Statement: your resistance is futile."

Mars quickly dodged to the side as a golden projectile landed right where he had just been standing, in response he sent a sword light back the way the projectile came before he quickly flew back into the air, slas.h.i.+ng out at the angel that was waiting for him while he poured his mana though the blade of the adamant.i.te broadsword. The blade let out a soft hum as it began glowing dull red before it pa.s.sed right through the neck of the angel, swiftly decapitating it before it began falling towards the ground while dissolving into golden particles, Mars gave a sigh just as another cold voice appeared in his head.

"Statement: Your resistance is futile."

Mars dodged to the side, just barely avoiding another golden projectile and saw that there now was 3 angels floating above him with golden short swords in their hands.

"...I can do this all day."

"Statement: So can we."

Mars flew off towards the angels and slashed out with his broadsword sending out a sword light that all 3 angels dodged before they came at him from 3 different directions. Seeing the angels close in Mars gave a slight smile before he once again disappeared from view, before reappearing behind the leftmost angel and slashed it in half from top to bottom with his broadsword. Immediately after he dodged to the side as 2 golden projectiles once again flew towards just barely missing him, then the two angels flew towards him again with their short swords raised. Mars sent another sword light towards them, which caused them to split up again before he reappeared in front of one of them and sent out a slash with his broadsword. The angel blocked with its golden short swords, but they were swiftly sliced though by the broadsword before the angel also was sliced in half. Just then Mars felt a chill down his spine and dodged to the side, but not fast enough as a golden short sword buried itself in his back.


Mars turned and slashed out with his broadsword cutting the angel behind him in half, before he pulled the short sword out of his back and activated his [Energy: healing] skill which quickly closed the wound. Just as it did Mars sensed a presence and looked up and saw five angels looking down on him, this time two of them were carrying bows while the other three were carrying long swords.

"Statement: Your resistance is futile."

"Yeah yeah I get it, now come on!"

The two archers fired off arrows at Mars which he easily dodged by tilting to the side, but just as the arrows pa.s.sed him they exploded, one on each side of Mars. When the smoke cleared up Mars" clothes were filled with holes as he himself threw up a mouthful of blood then swiftly activated his healing skill before he disappeared from view and reappeared right next to the archers before he decapitated one of them, quickly reactivativating [Instant movement] and when he reappeared the other two archers heads fell from the sky as they dissolved into golden particles. Then without giving Mars a change to react the two angels carrying long swords appeared one on each side of him and stabbed at him with their swords but all they hit was an after image then Mars appeared right behind one of them and impaled them both with his broadsword. Just after the two angels dissolved into golden particles another cold voice sounded out in Mars" head.

"Offer: Surrender and we will make it quick."

Mars looked over and saw ten angels this time, three with bows, three with swords and four with lances. In response Mars breathed out before he disappeared from view, the angels raised their guard but even after 10 seconds Mars didn"t reappear and then they felt a spatial tear a few kilometers away before they lowered their guard and flew back towards the portal...

Back at Green river Mars tumbled out of a portal on the roof of his building.

"Well... I got beat up."

Mars laid on his back and looked up at the starts for a few moments before he got on his feet and flew off towards the Green river temple where he soon arrived. The temple was closed at this time of night, but after he simply showed his necklace of the apostle and the doors opened and closed again after he walked in. Mars walked sight into the best prayer room and shut the door after him before he laid his hand on the crystal ball that stood in the middle of the room and then a robotic voice sounded out in the room.




Mars looked over at the avatar where a formless pressure descended, filling up the doll like avatar that soon sat up and gave a slight frown before it opened its s.h.i.+nnying eyes.

"What is it Mars?"

Mars was a little taken back and asked.

"Is now not a good time? I can come back in the morning if it is better for you."

Info"s expression eased a little before she gave a sigh and floated off the altar and waved her hand as she summoned a table and some chairs and sat down.

"Sorry about that Mars, I am a little stressed right now."

Mars gave a smile and sat down at the table.

"In that case, I"ll try to be quick."

Mars quickly explained his current situation about how he was unable to get closer to the portal because of Beta"s angels.

"Hmm... That"s a problem..."

"Yeah so I was thinking can you send me off to the other living G.o.ds so I can get their help? I doubt any one of them got closer to the portal than I did."

"Sure... But are you sure you want to go find your siblings looking like that?"

Mars looked down at his clothes and saw how tattered it was with big and small holes in it.

"...Can you help me out?"

Info gave a smile and waved her hand then new clothes appeared on Mars" body, then Info asked Mars.

"Are you ready to go now? I"ll send you to your little brother first."

Mars gave a nod and then Info waved her hand and Mars disappeared from the prayer room...

Mars appeared in the sky and quickly activated his flight skill and looked down, below him was a city that an army laid siege to, Mars transformed his eyes and began scanning the crowds for Terry which he soon spotted on the walls of the city firing off arrows towards the invaders. Mars flew down and landed a few meters behind Terry, but right before he could call out to him a spear suddenly appeared in his field of view rapidly stabbing towards him. Mars grabbed the spear with ease and saw the wielder of the sword was a female sky person.

"How dare you sneak up on master!"

Mars gave a smile and kept his grip on the spear as he called out to Terry.

"Hey Terry, want to tell your servant not to stab at me with her spear?"

Terry turned around when he heard Mars" voice and after his confusion disappeared he gave a sigh and spoke.

"Mal it"s okay, he"s my elder brother"

The sky person tired to pull back her spear but found that Mars had a firm grip on it as he gave a smile and asked.

"What do you say when you accidentally stab at a person with your spear?"


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