"I wonder what kind of face she would make if she knew I was an elder..."

As Mars wondered while he stared at Mal Terry asked.

"So what brings you here Mars?"

"Well I am here because I need your help."

Mars briefly explained the situation and how close he was to the portal to which Terry asked

"How are you so close to the portal already? did you drop off your escort somewhere?"

"Well... We kind of had a disagreement so I killed them all."

Terry breathed a sigh before he spoke.

"Of course you did.... I would not expect anything less from my elder brother."

"Hey was that sarcasm? You sure have grown bold joiner brother."

Mars instantly closed the distance before he took Terry into a headlock under his arm and messed up his hair. That is until he felt a strong killing intent and looked over at Mal that tightened her grip on her spear as she glared at Mars, then he released Terry and asked.

"So will you help me?"

"Sure Mars, the quicker we close the portal the better."

"Okay then... let"s go."

Just as Mars spoke a portal opened nearby on the wall and the three of them walked through it together before it closed behind them...

The next stop was in the middle of a forest, or more specifically in the middle an army encampment in the middle of a forest. Mars and Terry both turned their heads in the same direction before they began walking towards a big tent that surprisingly had no guards outside it, Mal looked around curious as she followed behind them, then Mars called out.

"Hel, you in there?"

Some time pa.s.sed before Hel exited the tent and looked at both Mars and Terry with obvious hatred in her eyes, then she asked.

"...What do you want?"

Mal was about to yell at Hel but was stopped by Terry that shook his head slightly, then Mars spoke.

"Well I have a portal about 5 hours away from the portal by flight and I wondered if you wanted to come with?"

Hel thought for a moment before she turned her head to the side and gave a nod.


"Good then"

Then just as they finished talking a portal opened up nearby which the group stepped though...

The next stop was on an open plain where a military encampment was set up, the group arrived in the middle of the encampment before Mars once again took the lead and walked over to a big tent where guards were posted. The guards spotted Mars and the others and drew their weapons before one of them yelled.

"Who are you!?"

Mars was about to speak but then Hel gave a snort as she waved her hand and instantly all 5 of the guards were crushed into b.l.o.o.d.y paste, Mars looked over at Hel and asked her.

"Can"t you show some resistant?"

"Why should I? they are just mortals."

Mars gave a sigh and dropped the subject before he called out.

"Elder sister I need to talk with you."

Soon Tatiana stepped out of the tent, she was as always wearing her slightly loose fitting golden robe. She gave a smile when she saw Mars and Terry, although that smile stiffened slightly when she saw Hel and how her guards had been transformed into b.l.o.o.d.y paste. Mars followed her line of sight and felt like he had to apologize for Hel.

"Sorry about that."

Tatiana gave a sigh before she spoke.

"They were some good children... Well never mind that, why are you here Mars? I know you didn"t just come to see me, so what is it? Something interesting perhaps?"

"Well the truth is I need your help, I have gotten close to the portal but there"s something keeping me from closing it."

"I see... well say no more I am in."

Mars gave a smile.

"Good then, let"s go."

Another portal opened next to the group which they all walked through before it closed behind them...

When the group stepped out of the portal they arrived in a city before the four living G.o.ds turned the same way and began walking, soon they reached a pub where loud voices and laughter could be heard from. The group walked in and spotted Daniel in the middle of a group of soldiers, he was drinking and making merry by the looks of it, Mars and the others walked over and Mars called out to him.

"Hey Daniel."

Daniel looked up and saw Mars and the others but soon his eyes focused on Tatiana before he stood up and walked over to her as he spread his arms wide making it clear he wanted to hug her. Tatiana gave a slight frown and pushed him back slightly making it clear that she had no intention of hugging him, then Daniel looking a little sad looked over at Mars and gestured towards the outside of the pub with his head. Mars gave a nod and soon the group of living G.o.ds were all standing outside the noisy pup where Daniel asked Mars.

"So what is it?"

"I need some help, I have a portal spot close to the portal but I need some help getting there so I can close it."

Daniel gave a nod and thought for a moment before he spoke.

"I don"t feel like it, I am rather enjoying this reconquest so I am afraid I won"t be joining you."

Mars gave a smile and a nod.

"I see... Well then have fun."

"I will, bye bye Tatiana, you can always come find me."

Daniel raised a hand and walked back into the pub leaving behind the group of four living G.o.ds and a single sky person. In response Mars gave a shrug and transformed his hand before he opened a portal and looked at the three living G.o.ds in turn.

"I can feel the portal so follow me once we get though... Mal can you carry your master and fly?"

Mal gave a nod, then Mars unsheathed his adamant.i.te broadsword from his back and stepped through the portal as the first, the rest followed after swiftly before the portal closed...

A portal opened just outside of the city where Mars had been attacked by the angels of Beta, he wasted no time and flew up into the air and began heading towards the portal. The other living G.o.ds followed after him as they all swiftly breached the thick cloud layer and was bathed in the moonlight as the group flew west for a few minutes until a cold voice appeared in all their heads at the same time.

"Warning: Move further towards the portal and you all will face our wrath."

Terry being carried by Mal with his bow in his hands asked Mars.

"Ehh... Mars what was that?"

"That"s the problem I mentioned."

Tatiana gave a slight frown and asked.

"Could you be more specific Mars?"

"They are, or at least pretend to be angels of Beta."

"What else?"

"Well they have seemingly unlimited numbers and are just as hard to kill as you would expect of an angel."

Tatiana gave a sigh before she showed a fierce smile as she laughed. 

"Sounds interesting!"

Soon a group of angels showed up in front of the group. There were about 10 and they carried various weapons all of which were pointed towards the group of living G.o.ds, soon a volley of arrows were fired and Mars yelled.

"Watch out their arrows explode!"

The group of living G.o.ds broke their formation as Terry fired off arrows that intercepted the golden arrows by hitting them directly, meanwhile Tatiana formed a spell structure at amazing speed before she fired off silver spikes at the angels that all hit them right in the head. The angels. .h.i.t dissolved into golden particles while the ones that managed to dodge charged at the group, but as soon as they got somewhat close they all stopped before they suddenly flew towards each other and were compressed into tiny b.a.l.l.s by Hel"s [Gravity control]. Hel gave a snort and asked in a disdainful tone.

"Mars where these the ones that gave you so much trouble?"

Mars gave a wry smile and pointed ahead where there was a group of about 50 angels, Hel followed his line of sight and shut her mouth. Mars tightened the grip on his adamant.i.te broadsword and commanded.

"Terry and Tatiana focus on the ones that are far away, Hel take care of the ones that slip through, I will take the ones that reach melee distance!"

The group of angels neared as Tatiana fired off spells and Terry fired off arrows of light, when they got with in Hel"s range most of the angles were crushed into tiny b.a.l.l.s. But there was still a few that made it through which Mars swiftly took care off with his adamant.i.te broadsword, the golden particles rained down from the sky in a seemingly endless number dying the sky below the clouds in a golden color.

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