Mars and Yel was led into the venue by a servant. The venue was a big stage with rows of seats in front of it, but that was not where Mars and Yel was going. They were lead up some stairs and was then seated box that was elevated above the regular seats. There were five of these boxes and Mars took note of them from inside his own box as he sat in a comfy couch with Yel sitting besides him.

"Those are most likely going to be my main compet.i.tion..."

Mars leaned back on the couch and wrapped an arm around Yel"s waist pulling her a little closer as he waited for the auction to start...

Meanwhile in the box next to Mars sat a general, he had a mighty imposing figure and a body like a younger man, he sat on the couch and looked down onto the empty stage for sometime then he called out.

"Number 17."

A figure stepped forwards from the back of the box, it was a young woman with yellow eyes and yellow hair that was cut to shoulder length and was dressed in a military uniform. She had a slave collar around her neck and wore a blank expression on her face as she answered.

"Yes master?"

"Control your blood l.u.s.t a little better, I can still feel it from here."

The young woman, number 17 gave a short bow as she answered.

"Understood master."

"Remember this is a civil event, you are just here as insurance. Under no circ.u.mstances may you attack with lethal force."

"Yes master."

"Good, now return to your post."

"Understood master."

Soon a figure emerged on stage, it was Vanessa again, this caused Mars to give a slight frown, as she said the welcome to the entire venue Yel asked Mars that was still frowning.

"Master do you know that woman?"

"Yeah... We used to be friends if you can believe it."

"Used to be? What happened?"

"Well we represented two different sides in a war... From there I slaughtered some of her soldiers during a pacetalk, well they were planning to attack me so I was justified, she just didn"t see it that way."

"I see, so she"s what Chloe would call a "basic b.i.t.c.h"?"

Mars facepalmed at Yel"s innocent remark.

"What? master was I wrong?"

"No just please don"t say that to anyone"s face."

"Okay master."

Just as Mars and Yel was finished talking Vanessa also seemed to be done with introducing the event and finished off her grand speech with:

"--- And so without further ado, let the action begin!"

As soon as Vanessa was done speaking the venue erupted in applause, Mars himself gave a few claps as well. Soon the first lot was brought onto the stage, it was a small piece of dull red metal, just as most of the guests were wondering what it was Vanessa started explaining.

"Those that have seen it before know what it is, but to those that have never seen it before this is adamant.i.te in its purest form and exactly 300 grams of it! Now the bidding starts at 500.000 cel."

Mars was a little disappointed with the first lot as he already had a broadsword made of adamant.i.te and so of course he didn"t bid on it, and soon the lot went to a lucky person in one of the five boxes for a grand price of 1.3 million cel. Next were various pieces of art and such, none of which interested Mars but then in the middle of the auction it finally happened, a cage of demons was rolled onto the stage. There were about 15 in the cage and one of them was Mars very familiar with and stood up from his couch as he struggled with controlling his anger.

"Old demon!"

Oblivious to Mars" anger Vanessa introduced the lot.

"This is one of the main lots from the recent conquest of the wasteland, 15 battle hardened demons that fought to the last when our armies invaded the capital of demons! These may just look like old demons but their individual fighting force is amazing perfect for either a bodyguard or private soldier! now the bidding starts on 1.5 million cel!"

Mars was about to call out when a voice was heard from the box besides his.

"3 million cel!"

Mars looked over and saw a general in military clothes and gave a snort as he called out.

"5 million cel!"

The entire venue gasped and the general looked over at Mars before he called out.

"5.5 million cel!"

Mars gave a disdainful look at the general before he called out.

"10 million cel!"

The general clenched his fists and sat down on the couch, signaling his defeat, then Vanessa called out after waiting for a few moments.

"Congratulations to the lucky gentleman in the number 3 box! Now onto the next lot."

Mars sat down with a satisfied look on his face as he looked at the cage that was being dragged off stage.

"Just wait a little longer..."

The next few lots were also slaves but not from the wasteland so Mars didn"t bid on them. Most of the slaves went to the general in the box next to Mars for between 1 million to 3 million cel, Mars was rather happy about this as it meant that the general would have less cel to bid on the demons from the wasteland. Another few lots pa.s.sed, one of which were demons from the wasteland which was brought by Mars for 3 million cel, then something interesting came on the stage. The item sat on a pillow made of the finest silk, Mars stood up from his seat as his skill activated on its own.

Cla.s.s 16 magic beast core

Stored energy: 200.000 units

Stored status points: 50

Source: ???

Contains skill: ???

This was the first time Mars had seen such a high level magic beast core, while his skill didn"t tell him the source of the core it showed him that it was a cla.s.s 16 magic beast core, he felt a big amount of pressure from the core. not only that it also contained a skill! This was something Mars had never seen before!

"Now the observant among you would know that this is a magic beast core, but it"s not only that it"s a high cla.s.s magic beast core. In fact our mages were unable to determine what cla.s.s it was but I can tell you this for sure ladies and gentlemen it"s over cla.s.s 10! Now the bidding starts at 1 million cel!"

"5 million cel!"

Vanessa looked up and saw Mars with an enchanted look on his face as he looked at the core and gave a smile before she spoke.

"Now the gentleman in box number three has bid 5 million cel! Is there any other bids?"

As soon as Vanessa was done speaking another person in box number five that was to the left of Mars yelled.

"10 million cel!"

Mars looked over and saw a mage like person and gave a grin before he yelled out.

"20 million cel!"

The mage almost dropped his jaw and looked over at Mars while he mentally screamed "just how rich is this dirty non human!" before he gritted his teeth and yelled out.

"20,5 million cel!"

"30 million cel!"

The mage felt faint at the almost immediate callout from Mars and sat down on the couch while he looked over at Mars with hatred in his eyes and thought "you will regret this you dirty non human!"

Mars gave a smile as he sat down on the couch while he did some mental calculations.

"So I spent 34 million cel so far... Still have over 200 million for the main attraction... She has to be here, or else Victoria is going to be disappointed..."

The next few lots didn"t interest Mars so he just sat back and enjoyed the refreshments in the room with Yel as the lots pa.s.sed by until there was something that caught Yel"s attention as she suddenly stopped answering Mars and looked at the stage. Mars followed her look and saw a spear.

"Now for this lot we have a spear made of mithril by the famous mithril smiths of Dark valley right here in the NNE! As many of you know mitrill is an excellent mana conductor and is able to amplify magic spells! Now the bidding starts at 5 million cel!"

The venue was silent as the was towards the end of the auction people were saving their cel for the final lots, except those that had cel to speare that is, the general besides Mars called out.

"6 million cel!"

Mars looked over at Yel that still had an enchanted look on her face and so he gave a mental sigh and yelled.

"7 million cel!"

Yel woke up from her daze and looked over at Mars with a blush on her face as she panicked.

"Master you don"t have to buy it."

As she spoke the price was raised to 8 million cel, Mars gave a smile and yelled while he looked into her eyes with a smile on his face.

"9 million cel!"

Yel blushed even harder, meanwhile the limit seemed to be 9 million for the general that sat down again and so after a few moments pa.s.sed Vanessa spoke.

"Congratulations to the gentleman in box number three

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