When the two of them returned to Mars" temporary home Mars began working as if possessed on the dress for 78 to wear, as for why he worked as if possessed was simple 78 had... A great figure and was currently stark naked and he himself had a two month dry streak.

"Focus... Focus..."

The bone needle moved with amazing speed causing 78 that looked over Mars" shoulder to be amazed, so much so that she soon leaned on Mars" back unknowingly pressing her two deadly weapons onto his back while she looked at the sewing process that slowed down before it suddenly stopped. Mars then stood up and picked up 78 before he brought her over to the primitive bed and... Sat her down before he patted her on the head.

"Please wait here while I finish your dress 78."

78 tilted her head to the side for a few moments before she gave a nod.


Mars gave a smile before he turned around and went back to sewing with odd vigor. About half an hour later the dress was finished and Mars helped 78 wear it along with the two pieces of underwear he also had made, the dress was pretty with lots of fills which 78 enjoyed very much, in fact so much so that she ran up and hugged Mars with all her strength.

"Thank you Mars!"

Mars gave a smile and patted her on the head which only served to make her more happy which in turn made her increase the strength of her hug.

"... Isn"t she kind of strong?"

Mars felt at least four or five times the strength he would expect from a woman her size and build. Mars waited for her to get her fill of hugging him while her tail wagged from side to side, after about a minute 78 let go of Mars, Mars thought for a bit before he suddenly got an idea on how to entertain 78 and walked over to the pile of bones and picked up a bone before he transformed his hand and began quickly cutting it into a short sword which he handed to 78 before he spoke.

"In order to live freely, a certain amount of strength is needed since you have great physical attributes let"s make use of them."

78 held the short sword just like how anyone holding a weapon for the first time would, with slight fear and apprehension, Mars gave a smile and spoke.

"Don"t worry, I will make sure you don"t get hurt."

"... What about you Mars?"

Mars" smile widened slightly before he spoke confidently.

"Don"t worry about me 78, as I am now perhaps only a handful mortals are able to hurt me and I am afraid you are not one of them."

"Mortals... Are you not mortal too Mars?"


"... Okay then..."

78 tightened the grip she had on the short sword before she stepped in and sent out an overhead slash, Mars" smile widened to the extreme as he quickly transformed his hands and used his claws to block the short sword while he praised.

"Very good 78, again."

Number 78 gave a happy smile as she was praised and quickly slashed out again, this time Mars didn"t block but avoided the attack completely causing 78 to stumble forwards and almost fall over, Mars spoke with a slightly stern tone.

"It"s good to put your all into an attack but be sure to keep some in reserve to follow up your attack, remberer a sword fight is like a flowing twisting river: Always changing and never the same."

"Yes Mars!"

After training for about for about an hour 78 sat down on the floor, she was exhausted and was clearly unable to go on anymore, this was not because of her lack of stamina but because of her overuse of her strength which she had a hard time controlling. Mars gave a smile and a nod perhaps it was because of the experiments she had gone through 78"s learning ability was very high, he judged that it would only take a couple of years for her to reach level five in [Swordsmans.h.i.+p] but as for whether she would be able to break through the level cap and reach level six on her own was yet to be seen, although there was one thing he knew for sure was that short swords didn"t suit her at all.

"Maybe a broadsword or at least some kind of heavy sword which she can use her amazing strength on..?"

As Mars was thinking 78 got up from the floor and stood on her slightly shaking legs she kind of looked like a newborn calf learning to walk as she walked over, and sat down on the bed before she wiped off the sweat on her forehead before she looked over at Mars that was in deep thought. After sometime Mars snapped out of his daze and looked over at 78 with a smile and asked her.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah... a bit."

"Okay then come here we"ll find some food."


78 walked over to Mars on slightly shaking legs before Mars picked her up and flew out of the temporary home, soon they found a pack of jungle deer and Mars quickly roasted one of them with his [Energy: temperature control] before he picked it off from the ground and sat down on a branch with 78 sitting right beside him with a curious expression on her face as she asked.

"Is that really edible?"

"What you have never had deer before?"

"No, when I lived in the orphanage I only ate thin porridge and then I was put in the tank and didn"t need to eat anymore..."

"I see, well have a taste."

Mars handed a piece of meat to her, 78 looked at the meat and felt with her hands for a bit before she took a small bite of it, soon she showed an excited expression and wolfed down the meat with a big smile on her face as she chewed in pure bliss. Mars gave a laugh before he handed her a bigger piece and also got to eating, soon the deer disappeared down into their stomachs. After they were done eating Mars flew 78 around the jungle before they stopped at a river to clench their thirst, soon Mars found what he was looking for a high cla.s.s magic beast, as usual his skill didn"t activate but didn"t mind it and sat down 78 on a branch.

"I"ll be right back."

"Mars are you going to fight that?"

"Yeah, don"t worry it will be a breeze for me."

"Okay... Good luck."


After showing a rea.s.suring smile to 78 Mars flew down and landed about ten meters away from his target, it was a rhino like magic beast with three horns its eyes focused on Mars before they were filled with rage, how dare this puny creature set foot in its territory? It quickly charged at Mars with its horns down low ready to skewer him, Mars showed a calm smile and stood his ground, as the rhino neared Mars 78 covered her face with her hands in fright only dearing to look out through the gaps in her fingers. Mars didn"t dodge he directly grabbed the horns of the rhino and yelled out.

"The bigger they are--!"

Mars then proceeded to lift the rhino straight up still holding it by the horns before he then threw it over his shoulder smas.h.i.+ng it into the ground with a loud bang.

"--- The harder they fall!"

78"s small mouth was wide open as she stared at Mars that had just thrown a several ton rhino over his shoulder, unknowingly her heart started to beat faster but she didn"t notice that as she yelled out.

"Amazing Mars!"

Mars gave a smile as he flew up and picked her up from the branch and sat her down on the jungle floor before the two of them walked over to the dead rhino like magic beast, since Mars didn"t bring his adamant.i.te broadsword he ignited his claws and cut open the rhino and pulled out a magic beast core, this time his skill activated as he looked at the core.

Cla.s.s 14 magic beast core

Stored energy: 150.000

Stored status points: 35

Source: ???

"This should be enough..."

Mars drained the core of its energy units before he opened his [Energy: upgrade shop] and swiftly leveled up to level 150 before he reopened it to cheek for any new skills.

Energy upgrade shop

[Energy] cla.s.s skill level up price: Divine inspiration

Cla.s.s skills currently available: none

Mars gave a frown as he looked at the level up price and though out loud.

"What the f.u.c.k is divine inspiration?"


"Oh 78 it"s nothing don"t worry about it, let"s head back."

"... Okay."

Still a little confused Mars picked up 78 and began flying back to the temporary home with her in his arms while he thought about the divine inspiration thing, but even as the sky turned dark, he was unable to come up with anything.

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