Just as Mars finished speaking the guards stopped and looked at him and then at the two broadswords he was carrying before they turned to the young woman with questioning looks on their faces

"What are looking at me for, I gave you an order now execute it!"

Mars gave a sigh and activated [Instant movement] and appeared in front of the two guards and grabbed them before he lifted them into the air before he slammed them into the floor (while holding back a little to make sure they didn"t die, they were after only servants of the young woman"s wishes) then he looked at the young woman and asked

"So what now?"

"Y-y-y-y-you... Barbarian!"

Mars was at a loss before he let go of the unconscious guards and took a step closer to the young woman as he spoke while looking offended

"I am a gentleman, with my speed I could have slapped your head clean off, but I didn"t because I am a gentleman!"

"Eh?... My head?"

The young woman suddenly paled before she took a step backwards before she once again yelled

"You barbarian!"

Then she ran back upstairs to her private resistance, Mars gave a sigh before he turned and walked over to the unconscious guards and healed them slightly with his skill before he turned to Allen and asked

"Is there a bar in this outpost?"

"Yeah, of course there is, why do you ask?"

"... Care to treat me to a few drinks? I am suddenly in a mood to drink"

"... Got it follow me"

Mars gave a nod and followed after Allen and so did 78 that quickly grabbed Mars" hand as she walked along with him and asked

"Hey Mars, what"s a bar?"

Mars gave a smile

"It"s a wonderful place where you can drink your worries away"

The next morning Mars awoke in an unfamiliar place, he was sitting on the branch of a tree

"... Oww my head, how much did I drink yesterday..?"

Mars looked around and found his broadsword standing by the foot of the tree, he also saw the outpost in the distance

"78 is probably worried..."

Mars picked up his broadsword and put it on his back before he flew back towards the outpost as memories of yesterday gradually returned to him, from when he decided to go to the bar to when he downed beer after beer to when he began singing sad songs from his past life to when he eventually got kicked out of the bar

"Maybe I should keep away from beer in the future..."

Mars landed outside of the outpost and walked past the guards that looked at him funny before he remembered he didn"t know where the rest of the group of hunters were staying and thus he was unable to find them

".... Let"s just wait in the guild... Hopefully they come and pick me up before they leave by s.h.i.+p later today..."

Mars walked into the guild and felt numerous eyes gather on him and gave a sigh before he walked over to a corner of the room and sat down leaning against the wall and closed his eyes. Time pa.s.sed and eventually a set of footsteps neared him cautiously, Mars opened his eyes and looked up and saw the young woman from yesterday

"... What?"

The young woman shrunk back somewhat from his question before she visibly gathered her courage for a moment before she spoke

"Barbarian I heard you made a mess of the bar yesterday"

"Yeah I did, what does it concern you?"

The young woman remained silent for a moment before she asked in a very quiet voice

"...  Do you want to talk about it?"

This time it was Mars that was taken back as he remained stunned for a moment before he gave a nod

"... Sure why not?"

"Do you mind if I sit down?"

"No please sit"

the young woman sat down next to Mars and for a while both of them remained silent before she eventually spoke

"... My name is Jasmine"

"Nice to meet you Jasmine, I am Mars"

"... Mars..."

Jasmine repeated his name once before she fell silent again until a few minutes later she asked Mars

"So Mars, why did you drink so much yesterday?"


Mars fell into deep thought before he eventually answered

"Because I miss my family, my lovers"

"I see..."

Jasmine was about to ask something else but was interrupted by a happy yell

"Ah, it"s Mars!"

Mars and Jasmine looked over and saw 78 running over, she sat down next to Mars and grabbed his hand before she said with a serious look on her face

"Mars, no more drinking for you"

"... Fine"

Mars also saw the rest of the hunter group and stood up before he turned to Jasmine and said

"Thanks for the talk"

"... Mars wait"

"What is it?"

".... You are heading to Heden right?"


"Then do you mind accepting a formal request from my dad, he"ll pay you well"

"Depends on the request"

"Great then would you mind hearing him out now?"

"No I don"t mind, let"s go"

Mars followed after Jasmine upstairs after he told Allen to wait for a bit, the upstairs of the guild was the privet resistance for the manager of the outpost, it was simply decorated which gave Mars a good homey feeling as he walked through the hallway after Jasmine. Soon they reached a door where Jasmine knocked and spoke

"Dad, I have brought him"

"Good, come in"

Jasmine opened the door and walked in, Mars followed after her along with 78 that still clung to his arm, inside the room where an office with a solid desk where a middle aged man with an epic beard sat and worked on some paperwork, when Mars walked into the room he looked up and gave a bear like smile before he spoke

"Welcome Mars and 78, please have a seat"


Mars sat down on the couch that stood in parallel to the desk, Jasmine"s dad got up from behind the desk and sat down on the couch in front of Mars and 78 and once again showed a bear like smile as his daughter Jasmine sat down next to him

"My name is Jack, I am the manager of this outpost, so Mars I heard you spoke with a dragon yesterday"

"Yeah... I received some information from it"

Jack inspected Mars" face for some time until he gave a nod and spoke

"Looks like you"re not lying, to tell the truth I have a request for you Mars, I heard you are heading to Heden is that correct?"

"Yeah, I will be crossing Heden"

"I see... Then do you mind taking a request from me?"


"Good, to tell the truth Jasmine here is also heading to Heden to go to school and so I would like to entrust her safety during the trip to you Mars"

"Sure, I can do that"

"Good, very good"

Jack gave a deep nod before he stood up from the couch and walked over to his desk and took out a pouch and threw it to Mars while he spoke

"This is you advance, Jasmine will pay the rest when you arrive"

Mars opened the pouch and quickly counted a total of 10.000 cel inside the pouch and gave a nod before he stood up from the couch and looked over at Jasmine

"Shall we get on our way?"

"Yes let"s"

Jack gave another nod and walked over in front of Mars and patted him on the shoulder and spoke

"I entrust my daughters safety to you"

"Don"t worry I"ll take good care of her"

"Very good, then I wish you a safe journey"

Mars gave a nod and walked out of the office along with Jasmine and 78 and after a quick stop at Jasmine"s room where she picked up her suitcase the group of three walked downstairs again and met with Allen and the rest before they made their way down to the port where a s.h.i.+p lay anch.o.r.ed. The s.h.i.+p looked like an ironclad from Mars" past life and was outfitted with a steam engine. The group quickly boarded the s.h.i.+p and stored their luggage down under deck in their cabins before they returned above deck and soon the s.h.i.+p set off towards Heden, the nearby continent

"It"s so blue!"

78 stood at the railing and looked out on the sea with childlike wonder on her face as the waves splashed up against the s.h.i.+p that was slowly moving away from the cost, Mars stood with her and also looked out over the sea but soon gave a frown before he spoke

"78 get away from the railings"

"Is something wrong Mars?"

Mars pulled his broadsword off his back and quickly unwarped the cloth that covered the blade, Jasmine also walked over and gave a puzzled look at Mars that turned and spoke to Allen

"I entrust 78 and Jasmine to you, I"ll be right back"

"What have you found Mars?"

Mars gave a smile

"Well it"s just a rather big fish, nothing to worry about"

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