"Mars... Are you not bothered?"

"By what?"

"You know... The stares"

"Oh that, nah not really"

Mars, 78 and Jasmine waited for the train, they had already bought their tickets and were now standing on the train platform while the people around them looked at Mars dressed in furs and hides while they whispered. Mars and 78 didn"t seem to mind but Jasmine seems rather embarra.s.sed, Mars gave a sigh and asked

"Am I embarra.s.sing to you Jasmine?"

"No! you are the strongest person I know, of course you are not embarra.s.sing!"

"In that case is there a problem?"

"...No I guess not... But still..."

Mars gave another sigh before he clicked his tongue and released a faint amount of bloodl.u.s.t that made the gawkers look away before he gave a nod. Soon the train arrived, it was a steam engine like the ones in the western movies Mars had seen in his past life powered by a mana stone boiler, the trio boarded the train and found their seats and sat down. Soon the train started moving, it was going to take most of the day to reach the academy city so the trio got comfy. 78 looked out at the pa.s.sing scenery with wonder on her face while Mars rested his eyes, Jasmine also seems rather tired so she closed her eyes and slept while leaning against the window, time pa.s.sed like this and soon evening arrived and the tiro got off the train at the academy city, Mars stood on the platform and stretched before he asked Jasmine

"Jasmine do you mind to accompany us shopping before we head to the academy?"

"Sure, I"ll show you the best shops"

"First let"s head to the guild, I need to cash in some magic beast cores"

"Okay... I think the guild is this way..."

The group soon reached the guild and Mars exchanged the cores for about 200.000 cel adding to his 20.000 from the request he now had almost half the required amount of cel for the train fare

"Let"s go shopping"

Jasmine beamed and yelled

"Sure let"s go!"

Jasmine let the way and soon the trio stopped in front of an armour shop, Mars gave a sigh before he spoke

"Just regular clothes will do"

"You don"t need armour?"

"I have a skill for that"

"Oh... In that case, let me show you a regular shop"

Mars gave a nod and after about an hour of shopping Mars was now dressed in a s.h.i.+rt and leather pants, along with his newly made backpack (which he made before he left the jungle) he carried the two broadswords on his back and that was the gear he had, Mars gave a nod and looked over at Jasmine and said

"Lead the way to the academy"

"Sure! Let"s go"

Jasmine let the way into the centre of the city and soon the group arrived at the grounds of the academy, outside the gate Jasmine turned and handed a pouch to Mars

"here"s the rest of the cel for the escort request"

"Thanks by the way, what"s the tuition for half a year here?"

"Hmm... I think it"s 50.000 cel"

"I see, in that case it"s not goodbye yet, 78 do you want to try going to school?"

"Hmm... Sure!"

"Then I"ll apply for a teaching position"

Jasmine looked at Mars with a slight smile before she gave a nod and spoke

"I think the academy is looking for new teachers... I"ll show you the way to the administrative building"

Jasmine showed her student ID at the gate and led Mars and 78 into the academy grounds, Mars looked around and saw a bunch of students walking around and estimated that this academy was about the same size of the old Destra"s magic academy he once attended

"Well good memories as it was let"s not think so much about the past..."

Soon the group reached the administrative building where Jasmine reported her arrival on campus before she turned to Mars and 78

"Good luck on the test Mars, see you soon 78"

"See you Jasmine"

Mars and 78 waved at Jasmine that walked towards into the campus before they turned to administer building and walked inside and walked up to the reception

"h.e.l.lo I would like to register a new student"

"I see, for how long do you want to enrol the student?"

"Half a year"

"the tuition is 50.000 cel"

"Here you are"

Mars handed the cel to the receptionist, after she counted it she gave a smile and looked over at 78 and said

"Please follow after me"

"Umm... Can"t Mars come too?"

Mars patted 78 on the head as he shook his head and spoke

"78 you have to be a good girl and study well, we can spend time when you have a break"

"... Okay"

78 gave a nod and followed after the receptionist, Mars gave a nod and looked over to another receptionist that had been watching the conversation and spoke

"Hey I would like to take the teacher test"

"Sure, please follow after me"

Mars followed after the receptionist into an interview room and sat down on the couch

"Please wait here"


Mars waited and after about 10 minutes a man in his 30"s walked in and sat down on the couch in front of Mars and spent some time looking him over before he spoke

"h.e.l.lo, my name is Rick I am a knight teacher here at the academy"

"My name is Mars"

Rick gave a nod and leaned back on the couch as he asked

"So Mars are you a member of any of the guilds?"

"Yeah I am a gold ranked merc"

"... Can I see your tag?"


Mars showed his tag before Rick gave a nod and looked over at the broadswords that stood and leaned against the couch before he gave a nod

"What about magic, what"s the highest rank you can use?"

"Hmm... For shadow magic I can barely use it, but my speciality is fire magic and I can use some tactical cla.s.s spells"

"... I see, do you have any other special skills?"

"Well I am okay at tailoring and I made that broadsword over there out of a magic beast I hunted"

Rick gave a nod before he gave a smile

"Good from what I heard you should have no problem getting accepted as a teacher here, in fact I"ll go report to the vice princ.i.p.al now so you can get your room tonight"

"I appreciate it Rick"

"No problem, just buy me a beer sometimes"


"Well then follow me, I"ll show you around before we head to the vice princ.i.p.al"s office"


Mars and Rick went around the campus before Rick went in and talked with the vice princ.i.p.al and soon walked back out of the office with a smile on his face and a few doc.u.ments in his hand along with a key all of which he handed to Mars with a smile on his face

"This is your teaching schedule and the key to your room"

"Thanks, I look forward to working with you"

"Me too Mars, come let me show you the way to your room"

"Thanks, looks like I owe you another beer"

"Haha, I"ll look forward to it!"

The next morning Mars awoke in his new room, the room itself was rather roomy and not so tight as he expected, Mars stifled a yawn and sat up in the comfy bed before he stretched

"Today is my first cla.s.s... What was it again..?"

Mars stood up and walked over to the desk where the doc.u.ments laid

"Let"s see here... Oh swordsmans.h.i.+p, that should be fun"

Mars gave a nod quickly got dressed before he walked out of the room and locked the door behind him and stuffed the key in his pocket before he walked off towards the training grounds which was empty this time of the morning

"Looks like I got up too early... Oh well"

Mars sat down and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the morning air for some time until his ears began picking up movements near the training field, but Mars kept his eyes closed until a group of students gathered near the training field, then Mars opened his eyes and stood up before he walked over to them and spoke loudly to the group of students

"Good morning everyone! I am your new teacher my name is Mars and I will be teaching you swordsmans.h.i.+p for the next hour, any questions?"

A student raised his hand, Mars gave a nod in his direction indicating he could speak

"Mars how old are you?"

"220, any more questions?"

Another student raised his hand and asked before Mars indicated he could speak

"What level is your swordsmans.h.i.+p Mars?"

"6, any more questions?"

"what, level 6!? that"s a lie!"

Mars gave a sigh and picked up a wooden sword before he spoke

"Watch closely"

Then he slashed out with the wooden sword and sent a bright sword light though the air that then hit a straw target and cut it in half before he looked back at the stunned group of students and spoke with a slight smile on his face

"That"s what you can do at level 6, any more questions?"

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