Morning slowly began, Chloe opened her eyes and reached out next to herself, but as she had gotten used to she only felt the sheets, long gone was the warmth that she used to feel that lit up her world

"He"s still not home..."

Chloe sat up and stretched on the bed, while she did her shoulder length blonde hair swayed slightly to the side as she cracked her neck before she jumped out of bed, her green vertical eyes showed a hint of tiredness, ever since she had received the dragon blood her body was in much better shape than it used to be (even though she still lazed around as much as usual, although she had gotten a little more active than before)

"Well then let"s do our best today..."

With that to motivate herself Chloe got on her way with her day, first off were breakfast which had to be made, another thing which she had gotten better at doing lately. Chloe put on a s.h.i.+rt (one of the ones that Mars had left behind of course) and walked out of her room into the hallway and eventually made her way to the kitchen where another person was in full swing in the kitchen so she greeted her

"Good morning Elsa"

Elsa"s tail waved slightly from side to side as she tasted the food she was making before she turned to Chloe, like Chloe her brown eyes were also vertically split like that of a dragon, she gave a slight smile when she saw Chloe

"You"re still pus.h.i.+ng yourself Elsa..."

Chloe looked into Elsa"s eyes and saw the same grief she knew from the looks she exchanged with the mirror every day and also gave a smile as Elsa greeted her back

"Good morning Chloe"

Elsa wore a light brown ap.r.o.n that matched her hair color, she like Chloe had short hair, about shoulder length and two fluffy dog like ears on top of her head that twitched slightly, Elsa handed a light green ap.r.o.n to Chloe and the two of them got to work with breakfast, as they were about to be done with the food the sound of footsteps behind them made both of them take a look

"Good morning Elsa, Chloe"

Chloe slightly stiffened but soon showed a smile as she greeted back

"Good morning Mary, I didn"t know you were home"

"Well I returned late last night... Anyway I"ll set the table"

While Elsa also greeted Mary Chloe sneaked a peek at Mary, as a half elf she had youthful looks but the dark circles under her eyes and her slightly dead eyes showed Chloe that her condition was getting worse. Ever since Mars had disappeared she had been working in a forest patrol were she had once again earned the nickname "b.l.o.o.d.y Mary" for her ruthlessness when dealing with outsiders, in other words she was pus.h.i.+ng herself and was bound to break for real sometime soon. Of course, things would not get so far if the rest of the girls had anything to say about it

"Chloe snap out of your thoughts please"

"Oh sorry Elsa..."

Chloe woke up from her daze and cracked another egg into the bowl before she stirred it around making scrambled eggs, the dish she was most confident in making so far (she left all the hard to make stuff to Elsa), then she purred the egg ma.s.s onto the pan and fired it into scrambled eggs before she took the pan off the heat and brought it over and sat it on mat when Elsa called out

"Can you go wake Varvei?"


Chloe took off her ap.r.o.n and walked towards the dragon"s lair, Varvei"s room. As soon she arrived and after taking a deep breath she knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for a response

"Good morning Varvei, it"s time for breakfast"

But alas the room was empty, Chloe gave a slight frown before it eased up as she gave a sigh then she set out towards the roof where she knew she would find Varvei and maybe even Yel. Soon she opened the door to the rooftop and stepped out into the fresh morning air, at this point in time Chloe regretted a bit not having worn some pants when she woke up as the only defense against the cold morning air was currently her pure cotton panties, Chloe pulled the s.h.i.+rt down a bit as she walked out onto the roof

"Now where are those two battle freaks at?.."

Chloe was about to sharpen her ears when she heard the sounds of metal meeting metal nearby and gave a sigh as she walked over towards the sounds, soon she found Varvei and Yel, both of them had taken the same approach to Mars" disappearance and that was that he had given up on them because they were weak, so now they were training every moment they were awake, this didn"t help them get stronger it simply wore down their bodies at a rather fast pace as they often skipped meals and sleep in their pursuit of "getting strong enough for Mars to return"

"Varvei, Yel breakfast is served"

The sound of air being cut sounded out as Varvei"s long spear cut through the air narrowly missing Yel that responded with her own mithril spear by sending out a stab towards Varvei that blocked the stab with a swipe of her transformed tail then the two of them pulled apart and looked over at Chloe that gave a smile and greeted them

"Good morning"

Varvei gave a sigh and looked over at Yel before she spoke

"Let"s leave it at this for now and get some food"


Both of them put down their spears and followed Chloe down the stairs off the roof, soon the three of them arrived at the dinner table and took their seats before all five began eating in silence while they sneaked peeks at the chair at the end of the table, Mars" chair...

After a very quiet breakfast, Chloe walked back to her room and got dressed in a formal suit before she made her way out of Mars" building, walking on the streets of Green river Chloe made her way towards the giant tree on the bridge in the middle of the city, after greeting the receptionist she made her way upstairs towards her office, Chloe was currently being trained as so she could take over for her father the current day to day leader of the village

"Let"s do my best today too..."

Chloe got  to work handling paperwork that was mostly about the expenditure of the village, thus she had a very good idea what the village was currently doing

"War huh... Well with the things Mars made it"s clear that the elders are eager to try them out..."

speaking of Mars a new leader of military technological development had already been chosen, as well as a new marshal of course this wasn"t the same person, only Mars had the capabilities of being both at once. The current head of military technological development was fighting a legal battle with Chloe over the rights to Mars" workshop which had already been going on for a few months, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d was treating Mars as a dead man and his workshop as "property belonging to all of Green river"

"s.h.i.+t... Just thinking about makes me sick..."

Another thing that made Chloe sick was the elders, they were as usual doing nothing about the blatant greed the head of military technological development showed for Mars" toys, it was as if they had forgotten that Mars existed in the first place.

There were even some movements to size Mars" building and award it to someone else, this of course was something that would never happen as the elders would basically have to officially declare Mars for dead, something which they wouldn"t do based on the fact it might backfire if Mars suddenly showed up some years from now, their att.i.tude left meany unhappy about Mars and the girls (since they could not complain about the elders they would complain about the girls instead)


Chloe looked up from her desk and saw her father had walked into her office and gave a slight frown as she looked down on her paperwork again and asked while she worked

"What is it dad?"

Chloe"s dad, the current leader of the day to day stuff in Green river sat down on a couch inside Chloe"s office and waited for a bit before he asked

"Have you given that some thought?"

Chloe stopped working and looked up at her dad with anger clear in her eyes before she yelled


Chloe"s dad gave a sigh before he walked over and laid a folder on her desk before he walked out of her office, Chloe looked down at the folder that was t.i.tled "marriage candidates" with clear disdain before she picked it up and set it alight with some fire magic and threw it in the bin before she muttered

"...Please come home soon Mars"

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