Four months pa.s.sed rather quickly for Mars, he thought, ate, madeitated and sometimes he would sleep. Now he was standing on the platform waiting for the train that would take them to the end of the continent, 78 was standing next to him, she was unusually quiet, most likely she was sad that she would not see her friends from the academy again.

There had been a grand goodbye party the day before, all the teachers and most of the students he had educated in the way of the sword had attended and Mars had a smile on his face the entire night, but alas now it was time for him to leave, he said his final goodbyes at the gates of the academy.

Mars, dense as he had offered her to stay at the academy while he left with a vague promise to come get her in the future, this got him beat up quite badly by a crying 78, thus he had to promise never to leave her behind again.

The train eventually arrived and so for the next long while all they had to entertain themselves were the rhythmic sound of the train tracks as the train pa.s.sed over it, Mars wanted to use this time to meditate but had to entertain 78 most of the day, thus he could only meditate at night.

Thus two more months pa.s.sed, it has now been a little more than a year since Mars was thrown into the jungle by the administrator, as he realized a year had pa.s.sed he felt his hatred towards the administrator grow by a sizeable degree but soon rained in his killing intent as the two of them stepped out of the train and as Mars stretched he looked around, this was the far eastern end of Heden, he had arrived at the western end when he arrived from the jungle.

"Hey Mars where are we going now?"

"Towards the sea... We need to fly quite some way until we reach the next continent according to Info it should take us about a week..."

"Okay, then let"s get going Mars"


Mars and 78 walked out of the town centre and made their way towards the sea, the continent they were heading towards was not known by the citizens of this continent and thus there was no trade between them and no trade meant no s.h.i.+ps going between them, so Mars could only fly them there.

Soon the two of them arrived at the beach, the wide ocean spread out in front of them, 78 marvelled at the sight and hugged Mars" arm, Mars looked at the compa.s.s in his hand and confirmed the direction they had received from Info before he picked up 78 in his arms, he had spent the last day of the train ride sleeping so he would be able to fly for a week straight and now he was ready to go and so amongst the other beachgoers Mars lifted off and quickly disappeared into the horizon...

A flas.h.i.+ng light suddenly appeared and swallowed up Jake.

Jake was a usual mob A high schooler, he was not very outdoorsy and spent most of his days playing games and reading novels on the net and the next thing he knew was that he appeared in a grand hall standing inside a circle of candles surrounded by a group of robed men and women that all looked at him

"No way..."

Jake immediately realized what situation he was in, from the countless novels and manga he had read he knew that the next words spoken by the robed characters would determine his fate, he felt the seconds stretch before finally one of the robed figures spoke

"O hero!"

The other robed figures bowed down before they repatriated

"""""O hero!"""""

A smile crept onto Jake"s face before he quickly hid it away and tried to remain calm as he spoke

"... Can someone explain the current situation to me?"

Some of the robed figures let out gasps of admiration for the hero"s solid mind, most of them would have a.s.sumed that the hero would break down in fear or deny reality, the one that had spoken first spoke again

"I can explain the situation, but let"s move location first"

"... Very well"

Jake gave a calm nod and followed after the robed figure out of the room and out onto a grand hallway with luxurious paintings and pieces of art, Jake glanced around as he tried to contain his excitement

"Holy s.h.i.+t, it actually happened! I have been summoned to another world!"

Trying his best to contain his excitement Jake followed after the robed man that turned left into a room, Jake followed after and saw the room were two couches facing each other, the robed man sat down on the couch and pulled down his hood and revealed his aged looks

"Please sit hero"

Jake gave a nod and sat down and before the aged man had a chance to say anything he spoke

"Correct me if I"m wrong but... There should be a demon king invading the human lands right?"

The aged man looked surprised for a moment before he gave a nod

"It is as you say hero, the demon king certainly is invading the human lands along with the beast empress, but how did you know sir hero?"

Jake waved his hand in front of his face

"My name is Jake please call me that.... As for how I knew the world where I come from there are stories about everything, I just happened to have read a story about a person being summoned to fight a demon king and I just took a wild guess"

"I see... A story huh..."

Something flashed in the eyes of the aged man before he spoke in a strong tone

"But this is the reality for us"

Jake gave a nod

"I know and since you summoned me it"s the reality for me too, don"t worry, I know that"

"Then will you aid us?"

Jake thought back to his old world, no parents, no friends and certainly no lover before he gave a nod and spoke

"Since you have need of me I"ll gladly a.s.sist"

The aged man let out a sigh of relief before began explaining the current situation to Jake

"My name is Aguestus Vladimir, I am the current king of the kingdom of Vladimir, currently our kingdom is under attack from two fronts by both the demons and the beastmen. The current situation seemed hopeless but then a miracle happened, we were granted a summoning spell by the archangels of Alfan that brought you here"

"I see... I would like to ask a rather serious question, is that okay?"

"Sure ask away sir Jake"

"What exactly is the advantage of summoning a hero? after all I am but one person, how could I turn the tide against the demon king and beast empress?"

The king gave a smile and stood up

"For that we will have to change location to the chapel, please follow me sir Jake"

Jake gave a nod and followed after the king towards the chapel, as they walked through the hallways Jake sneaked looks at the maids that walked around the castle and bowed down to the king as he walked past, soon the two of them arrived at the chapel and walked into the prayer room that was for royalties use. Inside the prayer room Jake looked around with curiosity and walked up to the altar and was about to touch the avatar when the king grabbed his hand

"I would not advise touching the avatar sir Jake, it is known as one of the most painful ways to die"

"... Thank you"

Jake pulled back his hand and looked at the avatar with his eyes instead of with his hands for sometime before he turned away from the altar and walked over towards the crystal ball in the middle of the room and asked

"Is it safe to touch this crystal ball?"

"Yes it is, that"s what we"re here for after all, please put your hand on the crystal ball sir Jake"

Jake gave a nod and put the palm of his hand onto the crystal ball that soon lit up before words appeared in the air right in front of his face

Current Job: [Hero]

Job level: 1/10

Job history: none

Jake looked at the words with slight confusion and turned to the king that calmly spoke

"That"s the reason why we summoned you sir Jake, because your job is that of a Hero"

"... I don"t quite understand, can you explain jobs in a little greater detail?"

"Sure, let me show you my jobs first"

Jake took his hand off the crystal ball and the king put his hand on the crystal ball that then lit up and showed a new set of words

Current Job: [Wise king]

Job level: 6/10

Job history: [Prince], [Crown prince], [New king], [Experienced king]

"Each job you have, both as your current job and those in your job history bring you benefits, for example, my [Crown prince] job gave me a boost in learning the skills [Swordsmans.h.i.+p], [Thunder magic] and [Ruleing]..."

"I see... Then what skills are given boosts with my [Hero] job?"

The king gave a smile and spoke

"All of them"

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