"All of them!?"

"Yes and if the words from the archangel that bestowed us the summoning spell is to be believed it"s not just double or triple... It"s much more, and that"s just the first [Hero] job..."

The king let out a sigh of admiration meanwhile Jake didn"t quite get how much of a cheat he had received, but he did get one important thing, and that was that his job was a growth type job and what he needs most right now was two things, time and proper teachers

"...Can you do me a favor Aguesteus?"

"I"ll try, if it"s not too unreasonable"

"Can you find some teachers for me, I need to get to work at once"

A light lit up in the kings eyes before he spoke

"...While I admire your spirit it"s already late, I"ll show you to your quarters... It will not be too late to start tomorrow"

Jake gave a nod

"I understand"

Jake was showen to his new room(which was twice as big as the one in his old world) personally by the king and soon he laid under the coweres with a dumb smile on his face as he slowly fell asleep...

The next morning, Jake was woken up by a maid which made him realize that he really was in another world and that what he experienced yesterday was indeed not a dream, after refusing the maids help to get dressed and politely insisting that she leaved the room so he could get dressed Jake wore the clothes that were provided to him by the king.

The clothes were what Jake would call medieval training clothes, a gray loose fitting pair of pants and a grey loose fitting s.h.i.+rt

"...Okay let"s do this"

Jake being led by a maid walked through the castle while feeling a little nervous

"What if I don"t meet their expectations..."

Jake quickly shook his head

"The king said that the [Hero] job boosts the likelihood of receiving and learning skills by quite a bit... I should be fine... I hope"

Soon Jake arrived at a courtyard where a group of knights were practicing, nearby stood the king, now dressed in a lot more "king" like clothes than the grey robe he wore yesterday and chatted with a knight that had a magnificent mustache. Jake walked over and quickly greeted the king

"Good morning"

"Oh, Jake you"re here... This is the one that will be training you in the way of the sword, he is the head knight instructor and is named Gunnar"

Jaklin, the knight instructure looked over Jake once and gave a nod before he laughed loudly and spoke while he patted the king on the shoulder

"I can work with this, don"t worry Aguestes I"ll make a decent swordsman out of him yet!"

"I leave it in your capable hands Gunnar, you will have to excuse me Jake I have work to do"

After saying dose words the king turned and left the training field leaving Jake alone with Gunnar, Gunnar walked up to Jake with a big bear like smile on his face before he reached out his right hand to Jake

"I know the king just introduced us but let"s do this properly, my name is Gunnar I lead the daily training of the carstle"s knights"

Jake shook hands with Gunnar while he introduced himself

"I am Jake, I"ll be in your care"

Gunnar laughed once again before he gestured for Jake to walk with him while he asked

"So Jake, have you ever held a sword or practised any kind of martial arts?"

Jake shook his head

"No I am entirely new to this... I hope you don"t mind"

"Don"t worry about it, sometimes it"s actually good to have a blank slate to work with... Let"s start with the basics, finding out what kind of sword suits you the best, this will not only help you find your favorite weapon it will also give you some experience with different swords which will help if you have to pick up a different sword on the battlefield"

Jake kept an open mind and gave a nod at Gunnar"s explanation

"I see. that does sound logical"

"Let"s start with this sword..."

Gunnar picked up a wooden sword and handed it to Jake, the wooden sword was a basic two bladed model which was the kind the knights were using to train with currently, Jake received the wooden sword and put both hands on the handle

"That looks good, now try swinging it and tell me if it"s too light or heavy"


Jake raised the sword up over his head and swung it down, while he did he felt something within him overflow and suddenly the wooden sword"s handle felt a lot more familiar, Jake had a look of shock on his face but quickly swung the sword again, this time his movements were a lot more smooth and stable. Gunnar that were watching let out a gasp before his eyes began s.h.i.+ning as he laughed once more and spoke in a loud voice

"Good, very good Jake!"

"Is this..?"

"Yes you have acquired the [Swordsmans.h.i.+p] skill!"

Jake got excited and so did Gunnar and after trying out some different kinds of swords and some light sparing Jake was already level 3 in [Swordsmans.h.i.+p], alas the time Jake had to practice with Gunnar for the day pa.s.sed and it was time for his magic training, after a quick shower Jake wore a new set of grey training clothes and followed another maid towards the esaten most tower of the castle were his magic teacher waited for him.

As he neared he got more and more excited after all Swordsmans.h.i.+p was someting he had in his old world bu this was magic, real f.u.c.king MAGIC! to say the least Jake was very excited to meet his new teacher which he accepted to be a bearded old man wearing a grey robe, but when he arrived at the easternmost tower he was surprised at the looks of his magic teacher

"My is this the one... He certainly doesn"t look like someone from a different world..."

Leaning in and staring at his face was a young, pretty woman with long blonde hair and yellow eyes wearing a robe which poorly concealed her deadly "a.s.sets"  from view, Jake froze up as the woman inspected him with cat like curiosity while she circled around him a few times before Jake managed to wake up from his daze

"Umm... My name is Jake, you are..?"

"My name is Jacklin, I am a lightning mage like his majesty and will be teaching you magic, but first let"s have a look at your attunements, basically what kind of magic you can use"

Jacklin grabbed Jake by hand and half dragged him into the slightly dim room and over to a rather big  slightly opaque crystal that stood in one of the six connores of the room, Jacklin rather forcefully put Jake"s hand onto the crystal that soon lit up with three collores, red, blue and yellow

"Oh... a triple"

"Umm... What does that mean?"

"It means you have three kinds of magic you can use, normal people only have one kind, rare people have two and almost none have three, as for four that has never been seen before so I kind of hoped you would have four... But never mind that"

Jacklin seemed a little disappointed and just as Jake was about to try and cheer her up she suddenly changed gears and dragged him to another corner of the room and sat him down at a table before she walked over to the other side and also sat down and began speaking

"Now the three kinds of magic you can use is fire, water, and lightning. Lightning I know since I am a lightning mage so I can teach you some of my spells but for the rest you will have to use grimoires"

"...Grimoires? Like magic books?"

"Yes they teach spells, wait a moment I think I have some laying around..."

Jacklin stood up from her chair and went digging though the room for a few minutes before she put some ordinary looking books on the table and picked one of them out

"Okay, let"s start with this one"

She then slid the book across the table to Jake that picked it up from the table and opened it and found it blank and was about to ask Jacklin about it but when he looked across the table he found she had a fox like grin on her face and suddenly he felt very tired and closed his eyes as his head slammed into the table as he had leaned over forwards...

Next Jake found himself inside a pure balck s.p.a.ce, he looked around but only found pure darkness, after sometime a flame lit up in the distance and soon it closed the distance and floated around him a few times before it flew off into the distance again, next it was a ball of water that shone in a blue light that also circled around him a few times before it flew off, next a bolt of ball lightning floated up to him and around him a few times before it also disappeared.

Then finely the ball of fire, water and lightning all appeared at the same time and suddenly flew into him and was absorbed by him, Jake felt the elemental energies crash against each other before they eventually balanced out, then he blacked out once again...

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