As Jake opened his eyes again he felt a splitting headache and clutched his head before he suddenly smelled a soothing fragrance and looked up

"Is this... Tea?"

A cup of tea stood in front of him, the cup had some cute flowers painted on its side, then he heard Jacklin"s voice 

"Drink, it will help with the headache"


Jake put his lips to the cup and sipped some tea and felt his headache slowly disappear as he slowly slipped the tea while Jakclin shuffled her chair closer to Jake"s side of the table with an excited look on her face while she asked

"So what did you see?"


Jake explained what he had seen to Jacklin that gradually lost her excitement and looked disappointed before she spoke

"What so just the usual... Oh well, you should be able to use some spells now, judging from what you said you should be able to use basic ball magic, like this..."

Jacklin pointed up towards the ceiling and a ball of lightning apparead over her finger for a few seconds before it disappeared, Jake was about the same when he was stopped by Jacklin

"Wait hold it! No way you"re trying to use a spell for the first time in my room..! Let"s go to the practice range"

Jake gave a nod and followed Jacklin to the practice range which was located next to the practice field, when they stepped out of the castle Jake discovered that it was already dark and the night had come, apparently he  had been out of it for longer than he expected when he was learning from the grimoire

"Okay, now when you use the spells be sure to tune them down as much as possible... Just... Take it easy okay?"

Jacklin walked over behind some sandbags and only popped out her head while she was wearing safety goggles, suddenly Jake didn"t feel very good about using the spells and asked her

"What are the changes it goes wrong?"

Jacklin gave a nervous laugh and ducked her head a little more down, which in of itself was all the answer Jack needed

"Well... No danger, no progess"

Jake closed his eyes and held out his hand while he decided to start with the water spell and when he opened his eyes after a few seconds a water ball had formed on top of his hand

"Good now you need to activate the second part of the spell structure and fire the water ball at the targets!"

Hearing Jacklin"s advice Jake focused on firing the spell for a second until suddenly it fired off into the target, or at least it should have but didn"t it hit the ground half a meter from the target and dug a rather deep hole in the ground from the speed of the water ball had as it impacted

"This is kinda lethal... Well it is meant for combat after all..."

Jake focused and fired off another spell when he suddenly felt something within him overflow just like it had when he was practicing [Swordsmans.h.i.+p] earlier and got excited and yelled to Jacklin

"Jacklin I just leveled up!"

"Already..!? Well the king did say that you would level up fast..."

Jake gave a smile and continued practicing, a few hours later he had leveled up [Water magic], [Fire magic] and [Lightning magic] to level 3, 3 and 2 respectively. As for the reason he didn"t level up [Lightning magic] to level 3 was that he simply had run out of time and it was late, Jacklin even fell asleep(although she wouldn"t admit it) while he was practicing, Jake said goodnight to Jacklin and headed back to his room and soon fell asleep...

The next morning Jake woke up feeling oddly motivated to learn again today, this continued for about a week, after a week had pa.s.sed it was decided by the king that the hero should be shown off to the soldiers that were going to the front to boost morale, Jake was currently getting dressed in a set of mithril armor carved with magic formations that served as enchantments if he imputed mana

"Will this really be alright..?"

Although Gunnar and Jacklin had a.s.sured that it would be alright Jake was still feeling a little nervous but soon steeled himself

"This is the first test... And it"s a test I have to pa.s.s!"

Soon Jake was dressed in the armor and stepped out onto the practice field the edges of the fields was lined with soldiers that were ready to see the show and when Jake stepped out he was instantly the focus of attention of the entire field but before he had a chance to get nervous the king spoke

"Behold the hero, sir Jake!"


the soldiers let out a deafening cheer which shock Jake to the core, Jake drew his mithril sword and pointed it towards the sky which caused the crowd to let out another cheer, then he pointed it towards a dummy and activated his new skill [Instant movement] and momentarily disappeared from view before he reappeared behind the dummy as the head of the dummy flew into the air


 "Next is magic..."

Jake then pointed his sword towards a cl.u.s.ter of dummies and gradually the air around him was filled with b.a.l.l.s of fire, water and lightning that then flew off towards their targets decimating all the dummies before he sheathed his sword and raised his fist and yelled

"I will be joining you on the battlefield soon, so just hold on against the demon king and the beast empress, we will soon push them back, humanity will prevail!"


 to say the least the troops were ecstatic, but a single person was not so impressed with the show and soon a voice spread over the training field

"A f.u.c.king race war... cla.s.sic"

Jake and the rest of the people present on the training field looked up and saw a person floating, nay flying in the sky.

He looked like a youth with a big backpack on his back along with two broadswords, one of them warped in cloth, the other made of bone. In his hands was a beautiful maiden with two fluffy ears on top of her head that looked on the show below with childlike curiosity, soon a soldier yelled

"It"s a beastwoman!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Protect the king!"

the soldiers scrambled into action, meanwhile Mars just watched them move around with a slight from on his face, he had just finished the 7 day flight and was in a bad mood, if not for 78 wish of seeing the "pretty castle" up close he wouldn"t even be here, bu8t now he had seen something he could not ignore and slowly lowered his alt.i.tude until he touched down on the middle of the training field and pulled the bone broadsword off his back and handed it to 78

"Protect yourself"

"Okay Mars"

Then he took a step forward and spoke

"Who is your king? Under whose orders do you violate the natural order of Alfan!?"

As Mars spoke out the practice field got quiet for a moment before one of the soldiers yelled

"He has betrayed humanity, kill him!"

"I shall test his mettle!"

"I"ll a.s.sist you Gunnar!"

A man with a magnificent muchase and a woman with blonde hair and yellow eyes walked forwards from the crowd, the man held a sword in his hands and  the woman had sparks going between her hands, both glared at Mars with anger, Mars gave a sigh and began slowly unwarping the cloth on his boardsword, unfortunately his opponent didn"t give him time to do so as the man rushed and him and swung out towards him, Mars easily blocked the first swing with the bottom of his boardsword before he spoke

"Do you want to get die mortal? Because that can be aranged"

The man quickly pulled back and a lightning bolt struck Mars instantly making him feel slightly numb before he looked over at the woman wearing a robe and spoke

"You"re annoying, would you stop that?"


"Well at least I asked nicely..."

Mars continued unwarping the boardsword while blocking blows from the man while he dodged the lightning bolts from the woman until finely the blade was fully unwrapped and a dull reddish-brown blade shone in the air, Mars used the body of the broadsword to block a ball of lightning before he slashed out at the man that hurriedly blocked but was sent him flying backwards by the force than Mars leisurely turned his back to the enemy and spoke to 78 that was engaged with a dozen soldiers

"Don"t kill them"


78 stayed her blade and instead of killing the soldiers she just knocked them away, then Mars turned back to the fight with the two people when suddenly he felt something on his back and quickly dodged out of the way with [Instant movement] as Jake appeared and stabbed out where he had just been standing

"...Don"t you know that"s it"s cowardly to go for the back?"

Jake pulled back his mithril sword and looked at Mars

"You"re the one that betrayed humanity!"

Mars gave a sigh as suddenly the temperature dropped around him and spoke

"Who says I am human in the first place?"

Jake gave a shrug before he responded

"Well you sure look human, you betrayer"

Mars gave a wide smile as the temperature dropped even more before horns gradually grew out of his forehead while his eyes turned crimson

"I really hate being called human..."

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