Jake narrowed his eyes slightly and flicked his sword as nemours b.a.l.l.s of lightning formed around him and suddenly was sent flying at Mars

"Come on, is that all you got mortal?"

Mars"s boardsword turned into a blur as countless sword lights were sent out and cut the lightning b.a.l.l.s into pieces before they reached Mars then Mars disappeared from view and an instant later he reappeared over Jake and swung down his sword on Jake that blocked with his sword


Jake sunk half a meter into the ground and before he was able to react Mars kicked him in the chest and sent him flying before Mars roared

"Don"t test my patience mortals, bring out your king!"

In response the man with the awesome mustache charged at Mars again and swung his sword at him

"Too slow"


With a bang the man was once again sent flying, Mars walked over towards Jake and picked him up from the ground grasping his shoulder before he once again asked him

"Where is your king?"

In response to his question a lightning bolt him Mars in the side making him numb before Jake shock himself free and slashed at Mars with his sword, Mars blocked and punched Jake in the stomach making him kneel over before he put the broadsword to his neck and challenged mana through the balde making the rust and dried blood fall off the blade as it regained its dull but deadly s.h.i.+ne and he raised his head and looked at the crowds before he yelled

"Come out or this mortal will become rust on my sword!"

the woman stopped attacking when she saw that Mars had Jake in a death hold, the soldiers that 78 was playing with also stopped coming at her which made her give a humph before she put the bone broadsword onto her shoulder and walked over and stood next to Mars

"Don"t make me count down, come out!"

Mars looked around and soon an older dignified man stepped out from behind the crowds, Mars gave a smile as the king spoke up

"What do you want, half dragon?"

"I want to know who started this pathetic race war, then I"ll go tell to Information and make her handle the rest, I ain"t got no time to be meddling in this kind of mortal affairs"

Something flashed in the king"s eyes before he spoke

"You keep calling us "mortal" as if you stand above us, why is that?"

Mars shrugged

"Because from where I stand you"re simple mortals, insignificant ants ready for me to crush when my patience runs out"

of course Mars would not say that as it would likely make the mortals try and prove him wrong which would be annoying to say the least, the king gave a nod and spoke out loud

"Very well let"s talk, but first releash Jake"

Mars narrowed his eyes slightly before he picked up Jake by the neck and then proceed to throw him to the side before he followed after the king along with 78, as mars left the training field along with the king Gunnar and Jacklin ran over to Jake and quickly turned him over and saw that he was conscious simply staring into the sky, his mithril armor was dentet where Mars had punched him, Gunnar patted him on the shoulder

"It"s good that you are alive Jake"

Jacklin wiped her tears before she also gave a nod

"...Help me up, I am fine"


Gunnar helped Jake up, then Jake proceeded to walk into the castle alone, Jacklin was about to follow after him when Gunnar stopped her

"Let him deal with alone for now, this is also training in of itself"

Jacklin gave a nod and looked after Jake with slight concern... Jake soon made his way to his room and closed the door behind him before he suddenly fell to his knees and began shaking before he touched his neck with trembling hands where the oh so cold blade had been placed a few minutes ago


The shaking got worse as he began crying the scene of the broadsword being placed on his neck played over and over in his mind as the trembling got worse, he had nearly died.

For the first time he had had a brush with death and it terrified him.

He kept shaking as the tears streamed down his face, suddenly he wanted very much to return to his former world, but only for a moment before a light shone in his eyes

"No I don"t want to go back to that!"

no parents, no friends and certainly no lover, here he had friends, people that needed him

"I... Am still alive..."

the trembling gradually stopped before he wiped his tears and repeated

"I am still alive..."

While Jake charether was growing stronger Mars sat in a room with the king and 78 at his side that was having a glare match with one of the maids that stood behind the king, Mars sipped tea while his broadsword stood just within his range soon he put down the cup and spoke

"Who started this pathetic race war?"

The king remained silent, this caused Mars to give a sigh before he stood up from the couch along with 78 and commanded

"Show me to the nearest avatar"

The king gave a nod and also stood up and gestured for Mars to follow him

"78 stay here"


"no buts, stay"


78 sat down on the couch again after letting out a unlady like sound while Mars followed after the king out of the room and though the castle until they reached the chapel where Mars walked past the king and touched the crystal ball that lit up when he touched it and soon a robotic voice sounded out inside the chapel


the king"s eyes widened but Mars ignored him and spoke





Soon a formless pressure descended into the avatar that laid on the altar, after a few seconds Mars detected something was wrong and activated [Half-awaken] as the avatar opened its orange eyes and looked straight at Mars

[Oh... You must be energy]

the avatar floated off the altar and looked around and soon spotted the king and seemed to get angry and yelled


A formless pressure slammed into the king and forced him to his knees before the avatar gave a satisfied nod and turned back to Mars before it spoke again

[First you will have to pay for what you did to Yrimir... Do you have any idea how long it took for me to raise him as perfect living G.o.d?]

Mars scoffed at the avatar before he spoke in a disdainful tone

"If that"s what you call perfect then you and me have some talking to do"

Mars felt pressure from the archangel, but not as much as he did from the s.h.i.+tbag administrator, this was to a point that he felt he was able to fight it, thus he was not polite with his words


The avatar waved its hand and a sword light shot out at Mars that was ready for it, he activated [Instant movement] and waved his adamant.i.te broadsword and sent out a sword light of his own that hit and overpowered the avatar"s sword light and hit the avatar, this of course p.i.s.sed off the archangel that was controlling the avatar even more


"Oh you like that? I have more where that came from!"

Mars"s boardsword turned into a blur as he sent out a constant stream of sword lights, the avatar was quickly overpowered and pushed back while getting more and more angry


Mars" smile disappeared as he disappeared from view and reappeared in the air in front of the avatar and grabbed its neck

"If you do that I will find you and make you regret that you chose to become immortal"

Once he was done speaking Mars discharged the stored energy units he had in his hand and smashed the avatar to pieces as the formless pressure quickly escaped from the room, after a few seconds of silence a robotic voice spoke out in the room


Mars gave a sigh and slowly floated down and landed on the ground again before he looked over at the king and asked

"How long are you going to kneel for mortal?"

The king that looked like his soul had left his body woke up from his daze when Mars called out to him and quickly got onto his feet and looked over at Mars

"You are... a living G.o.d?"

"Well duh, what did you think I was?"

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