The half dragon man gave a sneer for a split second before he went back to what he a.s.sumed was a gentleman like face as he spoke

"How long are you going to wait on a man that abandoned you Varvei?"

Varvei swung her tail from side to side in response before she repeated

"Leave now, I want nothing to do with you!"

The half dragon man gave a sigh as his patience was running dry before he took a steep forwards, at that moment Chloe showed up with her sword, she didn"t waste words she just slashed at him the half dragon man narrowly avoided the slash and glared at Chloe before he gave a sneer and turned around and left

"Thanks Chloe"

"It"s nothing, I hate his slimy kind too... Besides he knows that I am daughter of the village head so he won"t touch me"

"I wish the same was true for me... I still need more training"

Varvei gave a sigh and undid her transformation before she walked out of the living room while giving a yawn

"Night Chloe"

"Yeah, good night Varvei"

Mars gradually awoke before he suddenly jumped out of bed and began packing quickly while 78 and Victoria slept, they however was quickly woken up by Mars that was packing his stuff. 78 considered complaining but when she saw the dark circles under Mars" eyes she stopped herself as she felt a pang of pain in her chest she didn"t like seeing Mars like this therefore she gave a nod and began helping him pack

"If I just support him along the way every thing will be fine"

Mars appreciated 78"s help with packing but didn"t think about why she had decided to help him instead of lazing in bed as usual, after the luggage was packed Mars, 78 and Victoria(who hid in Mars" shadow) walked downstairs and got some food in them (Mars sneaked some meat down into his shadow for Victoria) after that they left and continued flying east...

"I need a break..."

After flying for four days Mars was once again worn down and slow decened while he looked for a town but all he saw was forest as far as his eyes saw

"Well guess we are sleeping outside tonight..."

Mars descended and touched down in the forest before he set up his tent with help from 78 while Victoria cheeked the perimeter of the camp for dangerous wildlife and soon returned dragging some sort of deer by the neck with a "praise me" look in her eyes, Mars gave a wry smile and patted her on the head before he began harvesting the deer carcase and cooked it over a fire but the smell of the cooked deer seems to attract something as the brushes shook near the camp and a... evlen child appeared, Mars looked over and asked the child

"...Hey kid, are you hungry?"

The child gave a nod and walked closer, Mars inspected the child he or she wore some expensive looking clothes that looked worn down and was cut in verious places giving the child an overall hagged look as he/she walked over and sat down by the fire and began eating without being weary of Mars, 78 and Victoria at all

"What"s your name kid?"

the elven child tilted his/her head and answered


"Oh, so you were a girl... Marie, where are your parents?"

"At home?"

"...And where is that?"

"...In the center of the forest"

"I see... And why are you out here Marie?"

Marie swallowed the meat she was chewing on and answered

"Because bad men took me from the village"

Mars gave a sigh, that meant that the yelling he had heard in the distance to "Find the brat quickly" was going to be trouble and so he stood up from his seat and spoke to 78 and Victoria

"I"ll be right back"

Mars walked off into the underbrush and soon disappeared from the view of 78 that gave a sigh before she looked over at Marie that still sat and ate like a small animal taking small bits of the deer meat she was eating and gave yet another sigh, then she stood up and walked over next to Marie before she slowly began to pat the child on the head as she spoke

"It"s alright now, Mars will get you home again"

Marie gave a small nod as small crystal like tears slowly seeped out of her eyes, but only for a moment before she quickly wiped them away before she gave a nod, soon Mars returned and gave a yawn before he sat down by the fire and stared into the flames for a bit before he spoke

"I"ll take you home tomorrow Marie so sleep with us tonight so you"re well rested to see your parents tomorrow"


Night quickly pa.s.sed and Mars awoke well rested this time as he didn"t see any nightmares in fact he didn"t see any dreams at all which was rare for him, looking over to the side he saw 78 still sleeping while tightly hugging his arm as usual but he also felt a light weight on his stomach which made him raise his head a bit to look and found Maire that was laying on his stomach and chest sleeping, Mars laid his head back down and gave a sigh as wondered how the twins were holding up with him being gone and all

"Oh well, in any case they don"t have to wait all that long now..."

Mars" mumbling seemed to wake up 78 that looked at his face and gave a happy smile before she squeezed his arm tighter and nuzzled her head against his shoulder

"Good morning 78"

"Umm! Morning Mars"

Marie also awoke and quickly crawled off Mars before she also greeted Mars

"Good morning Mars"

"Yeah good morning Maire"

Mars was the first out of the tent and greeted Victoria that lay by the still going fire

"Morning Victoria"

Victoria lifted her head and looked at Mars before she began purring and walked over to him as her horns flashed

"Morning... Mars"

Mars gave a Victoria some well deserved head pats before the other two also crawled out of the tent, then Mars and 78 began packing their stuff, when they were done Mars turned to Marie that sat and patted Victoria, feeling her soft fur and spoke

"Marie, do you know the way home?"

Marie gave a small nod and pointed in a direction, Mars gave a smile and picked up his backpack, then he put out the fire before he also picked up Marie and placed her on his shoulders

"Then let"s go"

78 gave a smile and walked over and latched onto Mars" arm before they left their campsite and ventured into the forest while being guided by Maire...

"Get them!"

A sword pa.s.sed right over her head as she dodged by kneeling down before she stabbed forwards with one of her swords, stabbing the man in the chest, impaling his heart with the tip of her sword before she quickly pulled her sword back, blood sprayed out dyeing the already dark red leather armor a shade lighter of red before she kicked off the ground and closed the distance to her next target that looked at her with horror and screamed

"It"s b.l.o.o.d.y Mary!"


Her target turned and tried to run away, but that didn"t stop her, now that one of them had called out her name they all had to die. Mary turned into a blur as she decapitated the first target before she rapidly closed the distance on the next, before the head of the first target had hit the ground one of her swords was already buried in the back of her second target

"Two left... But one of them is too far away for me to catch up... In that case, here!"

She turned and ran halfway up a tree before she kicked off the tree and backfliped while she threw her sword that swiftly flew through the air before it landed in the back of the one the furthest away before she rapidly closed the distance to the one that were slightly closer and tackled him to the ground before she began stabbing him in the back, taking her time and making sure he didn"t die from just on stab, as the man screamed out for mercy a small smile formed on Mary"s face before it was quickly wiped away by a swing that decapitated the man she was torturing

"Keep it at killing them Mary, we have no need for their pain"

Mary looked up and saw her captain, the captain of the patrol squad she currently was in and gave a snort before she wiped some of the warm blood splatter off her face and spoke in a slightly cold tone

"Yes captain"

The elf captain gave a sigh before he gave her a hand and helped her onto her feet, then she walked over and retrieved her sword from the other corpse as she looked at the dripping blood she had a thought as a happy smile showed on her face

"I hope Mars will praise me when he returns..."

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